
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
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One morning, a major event happened in Ludong Village, Jingshan County, that is, Zhang Zaiyu, who had been dead for a long time, came back. Her husband She Xianglin is in prison for killing his wife.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu used to be a loving couple, but She Xianglin couldn't bear the loneliness and "stole food" outside, and the husband and wife quarreled every day because of this incident. One night, after Zhang Zaiyu and her husband quarreled, she pushed the door and went out, never to return.

Later, Zhang Zaiyu disappeared, and a female corpse suddenly appeared in the village, and She Xianglin was accused of killing his wife and sentenced to 15 years.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

Unexpectedly, the dead "wife" suddenly appeared, what the hell is going on?

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

Who is the female corpse

In the spring of 1994, the morning in Ludong Village, Jingshan County, was cool and swishing.

On April 11, just after dawn, Uncle Li took his grandson and walked on the way to school. Suddenly, he saw something floating in the pond, and the closer he got, the faster his heart beat that there was a female corpse floating on the water. Uncle Li almost didn't scare his soul, so he ran to the village and called the police.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The police arrived and immediately fished up the body. After a forensic examination, the doctor came to a preliminary conclusion: the deceased was a woman about 30 years old, 155 tall, who had given birth to a baby and was born by caesarean section. What was even more shocking was that the deceased's skull was sunken, obviously hit hard with a blunt object.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The police immediately launched a comprehensive investigation, but who the deceased was became a big problem in solving the case. The corpse had been soaked in water for too long, and it was so rotten that it was unrecognizable. The police can only guess with that limited information: age, height, and traces of childbirth, which match Zhang Zaiyu, who disappeared three months ago.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

On January 20, 1994, Zhang Zaiyu suddenly ran away from home. Her husband She Xianglin hurriedly called the police, saying that his daughter-in-law had a problem with her head and didn't even bring a bag when she ran. The people in the village spontaneously organized themselves to look for people, and notices were posted in a radius of dozens of miles, but they didn't even find a single figure. Who would have thought that the appearance of a female corpse would stir up this matter again.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The police notified Zhang Zaiyu's mother to identify the person, but she couldn't see who it was on the corpse's face, and when she saw the scar on her stomach, she was distressed and determined that this was her daughter.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

As soon as the people in the village heard the news, they were furious, and the whole village signed a letter, accusing She Xianglin of moral corruption and killing his wife. What's going on here?

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

Marital cracks

She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu's marriage, like many ordinary couples, was full of ordinary sweetness at the beginning. After the birth of her daughter, she added a little happiness to this small family. When the people in the village talk about this family, they all feel very happy.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

On the surface, life is peaceful, but in fact, it is not peaceful. She Xianglin was transferred to the Gaoguan Reservoir Police Station, far away from home, because of his work, and he went home sparsely. This long time of living alone made him feel lonely and unbearable, and he ended up getting involved with a lady surnamed Chen. In such a small county, what kind of news doesn't spread quickly?

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

She Xianglin said yes, but in fact he still secretly had a relationship with the woman, Zhang Zaiyu was very sensitive, and he saw through all this at a glance. Zhang Zaiyu didn't want to divorce, so he let She Xianglin and the woman separate. She Xianglin promised well, but behind his back, he still secretly contacted the woman.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

After a long time, She Xianglin became less and less concerned about the affairs of his family, did not pay his salary, and even withdrew all the family's savings. Zhang Zaiyu supported the whole family alone, and the couple began to quarrel frequently, and the sound of quarrels at night was particularly harsh in the village, as well as the sound of throwing things.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

Zhang Zaiyu's mental condition is very poor, he is often in a daze, and he can't speak clearly. She used to love cleanliness, she became sloppy, and her smile was long gone. She often talks to herself, and sometimes she doesn't even recognize the people around her. Once, she was completely out of control, and even grabbed her daughter's neck and yelled, which frightened the people next to her.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The rift in the family is getting deeper and deeper, and She Xianglin is going home less and less. He was happy outside, but Zhang Zaiyu was suffering alone at home, and his spirit was almost broken. Her emotions are like a flame that explodes at a moment. One night in January of that year, she ran away from home after a big argument with She Xianglin, and this time she never returned.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

Crime and Verdict

All indications show that She Xianglin is the most suspicious.

She Xianglin was summoned by the police, and during repeated interrogations, he began to bite and deny his guilt. However, after a long time, he couldn't withstand the pressure of the police and more and more chains of evidence, and finally at a certain moment of collapse, he confessed.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

According to his confession, that night he took Zhang Jae-yu to the pond while she was asleep, hit her on the head with a stone, and then put her in a snakeskin bag with the stone and threw her into the pond.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

On October 25, 1994, the former Jingzhou District Intermediate People's Court sentenced She Xianglin to death for intentional homicide. But things are not so simple, the provincial high court remanded for a new trial, and finally sentenced She Xianglin to 15 years in prison and deprived of political rights for 5 years.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

She Xianglin's mother's rush road

On the day She Xianglin was sentenced, Yang Wuxiang's world was like collapsing. The son became a murderer, and despite the black history of the affair, she still killed She Xianglin and didn't believe that She Xianglin would be a murderer. She knows that the only thing that can overturn her son's case is to find Zhang Zaiyu, as long as she is not dead, her son can come out.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

With long-term travel and great psychological pressure, Yang Wuxiang's physical condition is getting worse day by day. She often felt dizzy, and when she thought of her son in prison, she held on, gritting her teeth, and insisting. In the face of those cold eyes and rejections, her spirit slowly collapsed.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

In one petition, she was imprisoned for several months for "disturbing public order." After being released from prison, Yang Wuxiang's health became worse and worse, and her psychology could not bear it. In the end, Yang Wuxiang died in regret, and She Xianglin's elder brother She Suolin continued to redress his brother's grievances.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The "dead" wife was resurrected

On March 28, 2005, Zhang Zaiyu, who had disappeared for 11 years, suddenly appeared at the door of his parents' house. Everyone thought she was dead, but she was standing there alive, as outrageous as a dream in broad daylight.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

It turned out that Zhang Zaiyu's mental condition was indeed a little collapsed that night. She ran away from home in anger and confusion, and she didn't know where to go, so she went around. She could remember something, forget it, and many times she didn't know where she was or who she was.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

In the end, Zhang Zaiyu wandered to Chenji Village in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, and happened to be taken in by an elderly couple. They also asked a doctor to treat her. She later married the couple's son and gave birth to a lovely son. Little by little, her memory returned. Zhang Zaiyu decided to go back to Jingshan County to have a look, and this time she brought back her own story and She Xianglin's innocence.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared


As soon as Zhang Zaiyu appeared, it proved that She Xianglin did not kill anyone at all, and this wronged man finally ushered in the hope of rehabilitation.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

The She family quickly hired a lawyer to overturn the case for She Xianglin. They went around collecting evidence to prove that Jang Jae-ok ran away from home because of mental problems and was not killed. The Jingmen Intermediate People's Court immediately revoked the previous verdict and allowed the Jingshan County Court to retry the case.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

In the end, She Xianglin was acquitted in court, and he was still a young man when he was imprisoned, and he became a middle-aged man after he was released from prison.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared

After being released from prison, She Xianglin got compensation, but he didn't spend it himself, and used it all to compensate his family. He sent his daughter to Yichang to study, hoping that she would have a better future; built a new house for my father, who has difficulty moving, so that the elderly can enjoy their old age comfortably. He himself chose a simple life, which is a reparation for the past and a pursuit of inner peace.

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared
The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared


She Xianglin's unjust case seems to have a lot of coincidences, his own cheating in marriage gave the villagers a dishonest impression, thinking that he would kill his wife, and he spent 11 years to "pay" for his cheating, which is really a big price.

Information sources:

She Xianglin was acquitted and released in the retrial of the "wife killing" case in Beijing Mountain, Hubei (Photos)

The man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, the old mother was angry to death, and 11 years later, a mysterious woman suddenly appeared