
The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

author:Chatter games

The movie theaters in the summer are really lively, and the two-dimensional blockbusters are one after another, small volleyball, blue locks, and ...... It's really dazzling. The most anticipated is of course the new movie "One Piece"! This story has long since become a dream of youth - a great dream to become the king of the pirates!

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

When I was a child, I was the kind of kid who didn't like to be bound and pursued the ultimate freedom. Whether it's the mysterious legend of One Piece or the thrilling journey of Captain Jack, I am fascinated. In the dead of night, I always fantasize about being a pirate galloping on the seas, fighting side by side with my companions, capturing ships and seas, enjoying the sea breeze and freedom.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

In my fantasies, adventure is always accompanied by battle. Conquering new territories is not only a test of courage, but also a symbol of wisdom. The process of earning respect and status through fighting is fascinating. Even, my brain hole opened up to the universe, became an interstellar pirate, captured the Battlefortress, astrology was king, collected "tolls", and constantly expanded my sphere of influence.

Speaking of which, I suddenly realized that my dream seemed to have come true.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

One piece?不!我的目标是星辰大海!

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

In the upcoming solo Occupy version of Endless Lagrange, I got a hard taste of what it's like to be an interstellar pirate.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

Resource Points, Liaison Stations, NPCs, Strongholds...... These various buildings are scattered on the interstellar map like stars. Today, these buildings are no longer just in-game decorations, they can be docked, controlled, and occupied by individual players, making them a key part of the interstellar adventure.

Once successfully controlled, this resource point will become your private territory, where you can mine resources, provide a steady stream of material support for your interstellar supremacy, and also get powerful buff blessings to unlock higher-level disposal functions to make your interstellar adventure smoother.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

If you want to become the overlord of the interstellar universe, you naturally need powerful ships as support. Luffy changed from Golden Melly to Miles of Sunshine, and the change of ships witnessed his adventure. The abilities of the ships in our Lag universe will also be upgraded as the game progresses.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

Legendary ships such as Yunhai, X8, and M470 have become the right-hand men of interstellar pirates in exploring the universe with their powerful control capabilities.

If you tend to be lewd and steady, then the sea of clouds will be the best choice for you. Its ability to remain stable for long periods of combat puts you in an invincible position on your pirate journey.

And if you're eager to push the boundaries of what your limits are, then the M470's Burst Mode may be more suitable for you. Known for its agility and efficiency, this ship will help you navigate through interstellar space quickly and deal with unexpected situations, making your interstellar pirate journey exciting and challenging.

What's even more exciting is that these legendary ships can also evolve into super versions – their performance will be further enhanced by using technology stats to enhance them. You can build a one-of-a-kind super ship according to your needs and preferences to make your interstellar pirate journey more colorful and shocking.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

None of these? Never mind! The mighty X8 ships will spread the light of love on the earth and help everyone become the true king of the stars!

The reason why the story of "One Piece" is so charming is that the tacit understanding and unity of the Straw Hats are also important reasons. That was the first time we understood what it means to be a partner. And as you take control of the job in Endless Lagrange, you'll experience a combat mode like never before. Some of the landing ships will snap to the surface of the building for operations, while others will provide a success rate bonus on the perimeter. At the same time, you also need your fleet to fire at all levels to make it easier to control operations. You'll also have a strong team of your own!

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

In the journey of the interstellar pirates, occupying the building is not only a symbol of strength, but also a key step to gradually expand its power and achieve hegemony.

After capturing the building, it will not only have a buff effect and control the mining area, but also a steady stream of resources will become a strong backing for our development; The capture of the pirate outpost and the abundant supplies obtained during its dismantling were a great encouragement to our adventures. Controlling a building also gives you bonuses from a weakened version of the building, making our interstellar journey more strategic.

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

Face fruit? Oak fruit? The routes are different, but in the end they can all be strong. In the new version of Endless Lagrange, whether you are a lone wolf, a PVE player, or a PVP player, you will have a chance to fulfill your own legendary story. Lone wolf players can deeply experience the fun of Capture mode; PVE players will have a wealth of interactive content in the environment; PVP players, on the other hand, can cooperate or compete with other players to push the intrigue and excitement of the game to new heights!

Explore the different poses of becoming an intergalactic pirate king!

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!

Turn the universe into your nautical chart. Blindfold and hat, travel freely between the seas of stars, capture Battlefortress, and become a true free interstellar pirate! Let's go!

The ultimate dream is activated - I am the man who wants to be the king of the pirates!