
Can't sleep at night with insomnia, 6 major sleep knowledge will take you to have an in-depth understanding and say goodbye to insomnia!

author:Eat and exercise to maintain health and health

1. The importance of sleep

1. Sleep is the need of life: for everyone, sleep is an indispensable need for life, and like exercise and diet, it is a nutritional element to ensure the growth and development of the body.

2. Nutrients for human growth: Without adequate sleep, the body's energy accumulation, brain rest, brain function protection, and body immunity will be harmed.

3. Prevention of major diseases: Studies have found that the incidence of sleep deprivation and cancer is on a linear upward trend.

4. The foundation of health: Good sleep habits help maintain the natural rhythm of the human body and ensure the efficient conduct of activities the next day.

Can't sleep at night with insomnia, 6 major sleep knowledge will take you to have an in-depth understanding and say goodbye to insomnia!

Second, the stages of sleep

Sleep cycles back and forth between light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. Among them, light sleep accounts for 60%, deep sleep accounts for 20%, REM sleep accounts for 10-30%, and the longer the proportion of deep sleep, the higher the sleep quality.

3. 9 tips to improve sleep quality

1. Soak your feet before going to bed: Soaking your feet within 15 minutes will help your whole body relax.

2. Listen to soothing music: It helps lower heart rate and reduce anxiety.

3. Don't eat supper: avoid the burden of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the number of nights.

4. Don't exercise vigorously before going to bed: avoid body excitement and affect falling asleep.

5. Don't look at electronic devices half an hour before going to bed: reduce the inhibition of melatonin secretion by blue light.

Can't sleep at night with insomnia, 6 major sleep knowledge will take you to have an in-depth understanding and say goodbye to insomnia!

6. Brush your teeth before going to bed: reduce foreign bodies in the mouth and prevent oral diseases.

7. Keep the bedroom temperature appropriate: dry and ventilated, keep the indoor temperature and humidity moderate.

8. Dim environment: increase sleepiness and promote rapid sleep.

9. Choose comfortable bedding: reduce the number of turnovers and improve sleep quality.

4. Conditioning methods for sleep disorders

1. Cognitive and behavioral conditioning: change bad sleep habits and thinking patterns.

2. Drug conditioning: For severe sleep disorders, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Can't sleep at night with insomnia, 6 major sleep knowledge will take you to have an in-depth understanding and say goodbye to insomnia!

3. Lifestyle adjustment: maintain a regular work and rest time, avoid using electronic devices before going to bed, and create a comfortable sleeping environment.

4. Physical and instrumental aids: such as ventilators, which are used for specific sleep disorders.

5. Prevention of sleep disorders

1. Maintain a regular schedule: Even on weekends or holidays.

2. Relax before going to bed: take deep breathing, meditation and other relaxation activities.

3. Dietary adjustment: A reasonable diet can help improve sleep quality.

Can't sleep at night with insomnia, 6 major sleep knowledge will take you to have an in-depth understanding and say goodbye to insomnia!

6. Other precautions for sleep

1. Taking a bath helps you sleep: take a hot bath before going to bed, and the drowsiness is strongest when the body temperature drops to the lowest.

2. Restricting sleep can regulate insomnia: help adjust sleep patterns by limiting the activity time in the bedroom.

3. Napping can improve energy: but you need to pay attention to the time and frequency to avoid affecting the quality of sleep at night.

4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed: they can both affect sleep quality.

5. Use blue light to adjust sleep and wake state: such as avoiding blue light exposure before going to bed, and irradiating blue light in the morning to improve mental state. #长文创作激励计划#