
The best way to maintain health is actually an anti-human thing? It's good for the body, and it's not comfortable to do

author:Eat and exercise to maintain health and health

In today's society, health has become an indispensable part of people's lives. However, many people have a misunderstanding of health preservation, believing that health preservation is the pursuit of comfort and enjoyment.

In fact, the real way of health is often contrary to what people usually understand as "comfort", and it requires us to do something that seems anti-human and uncomfortable.

Dong Yuhui once said: "Everything that is beneficial to you is anti-human." "It's the same with health, if you choose to indulge yourself, the things that make you cool will hurt you one day.

Things that are really good for the body are not comfortable to do, and only by doing it against human nature can you surpass your peers and always maintain a full state of vitality.

The best way to maintain health is actually an anti-human thing? It's good for the body, and it's not comfortable to do

First of all, we need to understand that physical comfort does not always go hand in hand with well-being. Many times, in pursuit of short-term comfort, we may make some choices that are not good for our health.

For example, sitting in front of the computer for a long time to work, although it seems comfortable, in the long run, it will lead to problems such as cervical spine and lumbar spine.

For another example, excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods, although satisfying the appetite, can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and other health problems in the long run.

If you want to prolong your life, you need to overcome the weaknesses of human nature and fight against your body's instincts.

The best way to maintain health is actually an anti-human thing? It's good for the body, and it's not comfortable to do

True wellness requires us to overcome these temporary feelings of comfort and do something that is good for the body, but may not be so comfortable.

For example, if you insist on exercising a moderate amount every day, although you may feel tired and uncomfortable during exercise, your body will become healthier and more energetic if you stick to it for a long time.

Another example is to adjust your eating habits and eat more healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, although they may not be as delicious as fried chicken and hamburgers, but in the long run, the body will be better nourished and nourished.

The more you don't want to move, the more you have to force yourself to exercise, the more you want to stay up late, the more you have to force yourself to go to bed early, develop good living habits, and under the compound interest of time, you will definitely harvest a full and healthy self.

The best way to maintain health is actually an anti-human thing? It's good for the body, and it's not comfortable to do

The best way to maintain health is to do these seemingly uncomfortable things against human nature. Because only by constantly challenging and breaking through our comfort zone can we get a better workout for our bodies.

At the same time, this anti-human way of health preservation can also allow us to have a deeper understanding of our body and needs, so as to carry out health and health care more accurately.

Of course, this does not mean that we should completely abandon comfort, and we should also pay attention to the quality and comfort of life while pursuing health.

However, we should make it clear that comfort should be based on health, and only under the premise of good health can we truly feel the beauty and comfort of life.

The best way to maintain health is actually an anti-human thing? It's good for the body, and it's not comfortable to do

Write at the end

In conclusion, wellness is not always about comfort and enjoyment. Many times, we need to be anti-human to do something that is good for the body but may not be so comfortable.

Only in this way can we truly let our bodies get better exercise and growth, so as to have a healthier and more energetic life.

Finally, I would like to say that health preservation is not an overnight thing, it requires our long-term perseverance and hard work, so that we can make our bodies healthier and more energetic.

At the same time, we must also understand that everyone's physical condition and needs are different, so the health regimen should also vary from person to person, and only by finding a regimen that suits us and sticking to it for a long time can we truly enjoy the benefits of health.


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