
More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

author:Fishing alone in the cold river and snow
More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

Text: Fishing alone in the cold river and snow

Edit: Fishing alone in the cold river snow

Why are more and more people now interested in fishing? Is it to escape the stresses of real life, or to experience the thrill of the moment when you are a fish? Is it to find that peace in the depths of the inner world, or to get away from the noise of the world of fame and fortune?

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

Passerby A:

I like fishing because there are many people in the family, although the four-room flat of 189 square meters is not small, but there are four generations of our family, every day because of trivial things quarrels, tired of life at home, at first it was a walk along the river, walking and walking, seeing many people fishing, slowly smoked out of interest, so began to fish.

Since fishing, I don't stay at home in my spare time, I have been going to the river to fish, although I am a novice, but occasionally I can catch big fish, take home and fry into fish pieces, so that the family can taste the river fresh, except for my fishing skin tanned by the family ridicule, there is no other dispute.

If I want to say that the purpose of my fishing is actually that the old lady above me and my lover are all retired, and the two of them see me at home, and always like to find fault with me, and give me a lot of housework, even if it should be done by young people, let me do it alone, and they will not see me idle. In fact, they were also afraid that I would be at home all day, and they would hold back something, and they also encouraged me to let me go out and participate in sports, but I like to be alone, fishing, but there are many people, or I can be alone, which is most suitable for a retired old man like me.

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

Passerby C:

Colleagues are fishing, I am an exception, because the unit is only me a young man, the unit dinner always eats stir-fried vegetables, once our department eats, it is my turn to treat, I arrange for everyone to eat Haidilao, there are eight people in the department, only two female colleagues came, it seems that I am the most unsociable person in the department. A female colleague taught me earnestly that I must enter their circle, and that you are a young man and have a good relationship with them.

I also began to explore learning to fish, and as a result, I learned to learn, and fell in love with Lua, and my colleagues in the department like to go to the black pit to fish for crucian carp, I love to play in the river, I play mine, they play theirs, and call me to go fishing with them? I'm sorry, the master is still not waiting, just play well by yourself, lie flat.

At the beginning, I learned Taiwan fishing, and it was too difficult to squeeze the subway with a fishing box on my back after work in the afternoon, and I didn't have a car, and I didn't plan to buy a car. I watched others teach Taiwan fishing on the Internet, and it turned out that I brushed Lua, just carry a rod on my back, and I don't want to catch a fish, just release it, which is convenient and fun.

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard


Speaking of fishing, I don't know when I started to say it, maize noodles can also be fished with some sesame oil, and crickets can also be fished with hooks, earlier, there was a lack of materials, but at that time there were many fish.

Whoever dares to fish with white bread is the food of the encounter, and it is a happy thing to hear it, I dare. At that time, my family exchanged white flour for flour, and before I went out, I was given a small piece of white flour bun, which I put in my mouth and chewed, and when I walked to a place where no one else could see, I quickly spit it out and put it in my pocket.

Why use it? Fishing!

Rub it with your hands, drop a broken bun and quickly put it in your mouth to eat, and if it's too dry, take a bite and smear it.

Knead the bun into a bait-like shape, and then rub it on the hook held by the needle, which becomes, the most classic is that everyone says that the float is unique to Taiwan's fishing method, you ask the older generation of anglers, did there be Taiwan fishing at that time when the hollow drift of the split body was split? It can only be said that it is not delicate and sensitive, but when fishing in the river, many people deliberately adjust it.

When it comes to why I like fishing, this is innate, as long as I stand by the water when I was a child, I wanted to do things. In the past, chasing rabbits and catching pheasants was a recreational activity after harvesting wheat, and when the maize was harvested, the badgers came down, there were cat badgers, dog badgers, and pig badgers, all of which would bite people, and ordinary people did not touch them. But there are always people caught in ten miles and eight villages, who are burned, they will go to the house of the person who caught the badger to ask for some badger oil, and people are also generous, they don't like to hide it, and whoever asks for it will give it. The badger's oil works very well in treating burns, and now all badgers have become protected animals, you say, for a long time, so many badgers didn't know how to protect, and now they don't have it, and they start to protect.

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

Passerby Geng

If you want to say why you like fishing, in fact, you are not afraid of jokes, the first fishing, is because of poverty, when I went to high school, I was the pride of the village, because my family was poor, the poorer, the more I was supplied with reading, at that time I did a diversion, a large part of the children finished junior high school is very good, in a secondary school, than the current undergraduate are cattle, come back to arrange work, you can speak again, receive the appreciation of the leader, and improve quickly. At that time, I was the second high school student in the village, and with the aura of a poor person, I was forced to put on our family by the most popular phrase at that time, that is, the children of poor families are in charge of the family early.

The life of high school is relatively boring, every time I go to school, the bread I bring is not enough to eat, but fortunately, my tablemate brings dry food to school every day to eat, he is from the county, and the children in the county will play together on weekends, and I am reading at school, and if I go out, I can't get a penny.

Strangely enough, that tablemate of mine came to school in the evening, brought me a chicken claw, not one, but only one chicken toe, and threw me a rectangular set of fishing lines, and asked me if I could fish?

I firmly said yes, but mine will be earthy, and it doesn't match today's traditional fishing, wild way, evil skill, but I'm afraid that he will feel that I won't take away the fishing line again.

He said, we went fishing in the afternoon, the line was wound and knotted, if you can untie it, you can play if you want to play on the weekend, and if you can't untie it, throw it away.

After he left, I chewed and swallowed the chicken feet and bones, and I had never eaten such pure chicken feet, and then began to wiring unhurriedly, poverty forged my patience, and it was done in a short time.

In the years that followed, it was still hard, but there was an angler by the river on Sunday, and I have never seen that line set, similar to traditional fishing, its lead sinker is a round lock on the line, which cannot be adjusted up and down, the hook is a single hook, tied to the main line, and the float is like a straw, with color on it, and it is hollow inside.

After I went to work, I made money, as if I was retaliating against the past, I went deep into fishing, showing my dissatisfaction with the past with a wanton attitude, buying fishing gear is the only thing I don't consider cost-effective, as long as it is within the range of my ability, I only choose the most expensive.

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard


I like fishing since I was a child, I make my own bamboo rod and fishing rod, there are not so many tutorials now, I study and think on my own, and quickly memorize according to the occasional fishing dynamics on TV.

Also according to the encyclopedia of life on the tutorial self-made bait, set foot on the road of fishing found that people must have hobbies, this is a lie, a person with a hobby, never delay hobbies, I not only love fishing, but also like to play cards, drink, smoke, nothing like quitting.

What a good era now, fishing to the fishing tackle shop will be complete after a while, which is like the original supply and marketing cooperatives, lack of materials, but also fishing rods? Don't slap it.

But now I don't like fishing so much, when I have time, I will fish if I fish, and if I don't have time, if I don't fish, I won't fish.

Because fishing now, there is no desire to explore in the past, and there are more fishing, and many people boast that they are more bullish, and they are still very blind when they go to unfamiliar reservoirs. What is this master, that master, come to the wild river to fish, they can't catch seventy or eighty old men.

Why can't I catch it? A lot of people don't believe it. There is such a river, an old man who often fishes here, he has been fishing here all his life, where is it deep, where is it shallow, where there are many fish in which year and which position, which section has been ......electrocuted recently, and the old man is like a treasure, any outsider to provoke? No matter what level of master he is, in the pool the cow is the cow, in the river, the five fingers are one.

More and more people are enjoying fishing, and they are telling why, and this is the most appropriate answer I've ever heard

Fishing friends, what do you like fishing?