
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)

author:Global Industry Reporting Circle

Report Producer: Xidian Radio Research Institute &LRINF

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is an infrastructure that follows the theory and technology of public key cryptography to provide a universal security service platform for e-commerce and other businesses. In a PKI system, the CA issues a digital certificate, binds the user's identity information, and public key. When using PKI, the PKI Relying Party stores the self-signed certificate of the root CA it trusts in advance in order to verify the authenticity and validity of the certificate issued by the CA, and can trustfully obtain the public key of the user with whom it communicates, which can be used for various security services.

X.509 is the format standard for public key certificates. X.509 certificates are used in many network protocols, including TLS/SSL, and it is also used in many non-online applications, such as electronic signature services. An X.509 certificate contains a public key, identity information (such as a network hostname, organization name or individual name, etc.), and signature information (which can be signed by a certificate authority CA or self-signed).

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Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration White Paper (2024)

The report is 103 pages long

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