
had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

author:Nongnong Cultural Society
had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain
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had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

In the hospital ward, 49-year-old Li Yuanyuan lay quietly, her eyes full of mixed emotions. Her hand caressed her bulging abdomen, feeling the life beating inside.

However, this joy was interrupted by a brutal diagnosis - advanced cervical cancer.

The doctor's words were like cold blades: "Ms. Li, you must receive immediate treatment, otherwise..."

She understood what that meant. Continuing the pregnancy would result in the loss of the opportunity for treatment, and opting for treatment would mean losing the hard-won child.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

The family anxiously persuaded her, but Li Yuanyuan's gaze was unusually firm. , an actor who once won the title of "Queen", is facing the most important choice in his life at the moment.

In the end, she chose her children, the continuation of her life, and the end of her life.

In 1961, Li Yuanyuan was born in Jinan, Shandong Province, in a family steeped in artistic atmosphere. When she was young, she often followed her mother, who worked in the theater, and although she was still young, she was already fascinated by the performances on stage.

Those infectious performances planted the seeds of art in her young heart.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

As she grew older, Li Yuanyuan's love for acting grew stronger. At school, she and like-minded classmates formed an "art hobby group". This seemingly children's game organization has demonstrated an extraordinary level of professionalism.

Li Yuanyuan's parents were keenly aware of their daughter's talent and began to consciously cultivate her acting skills.

At the age of 16, Li Yuanyuan was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent results. Despite being the youngest student in her class, she showed maturity and composure far beyond her peers.

During her time at the university, she was widely acclaimed for her performances such as The Merchant of Venice and One Servant and Two Masters, and her performances were considered nuanced and infectious.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

After graduation, Li Yuanyuan's talent was recognized by the school and she was retained to teach. But she was not satisfied with this, in addition to teaching, she actively participated in various drama performances and constantly honed her acting skills.

From the drama stage to the TV screen, Li Yuanyuan's acting career is like a rising star. Her unique performance style and charming gestures have won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

This talent eventually won her numerous honors, the most dazzling of which is the crown of "Emperor and Queen" jointly won with Chen Daoming.

However, just when Li Yuanyuan's acting career was at its peak, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. This turning point not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also allowed her to write a moving legend outside of her acting career.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

Li Yuanyuan's story is not only the trajectory of an actor's growth, but also an inspirational legend about pursuing dreams and sticking to beliefs. Her life experience shows an artist's dedication to performance and the courage to constantly break through on the stage of life.

In 1983, Shanghai hosted a grand "Shakespeare Festival". 22-year-old Li Yuanyuan, with her outstanding performance in the field of drama, was invited to participate in this cultural feast.

She stepped onto the stage with great anticipation, but she didn't know that fate was arranging an encounter for her here that transcended her ages.

Jiao Huang, known as the "North and South Jiao", met Li Yuanyuan in this art festival. When they first met, the relationship between the two was just a simple teacher-student relationship.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

Li Yuanyuan is full of respect for this highly respected predecessor and often asks him for acting skills. Jiao Huang was impressed by the young actor's talent and enthusiasm and generously mentored him.

However, with four months of intensive rehearsals, the relationship between the two quietly underwent subtle changes. On stage, they play the role of falling in love; Off the stage, they gradually discover that they are the ones who can connect with each other.

Although there is an age difference of nearly 30 years between the two, in the face of love, this number seems to lose its meaning.

Li Yuanyuan was attracted by Jiao Huang's talent and charm, and Jiao Huang was moved by Li Yuanyuan's youthful vitality and love for art. In between rehearsals, they often have long conversations, sharing insights on art and exploring the philosophy of life.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

This relationship gave Li Yuanyuan unprecedented spiritual nourishment, and also made Jiao Huang feel the beauty of love again.

However, the real world is not a fairy tale. When their relationship was exposed, public opinion was in an uproar. Many people can't accept this love that spans ages, and Li Yuanyuan's parents are even more resolutely opposed, thinking that it is against common sense.

In the face of immense pressure, the two struggle hard to prove that love can transcend the boundaries of age.

But in the end, they chose to break up. This decision is painful for both men, but it also shows their respect for each other and their compromise with reality.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

Although this relationship was short-lived, it left a deep imprint on Li Yuanyuan's heart. Years later, when she recalls the experience, her eyes still gleam with complexity.

"It was a beautiful and painful memory," she said. Mr. Jiao Huang has given me a lot of inspiration and guidance, not only in acting, but also in his attitude towards life.

Even though we didn't end up together, that experience made me grow a lot.

This age-spanning relationship, although it did not come to fruition, became an important turning point in Li Yuanyuan's life. It made her more determined to devote herself to her acting career, and it also gave her a deeper understanding of love.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

In the days that followed, whether on stage or in life, this experience became the nourishment that nourished her acting skills and life experience.

The story of Li Yuanyuan and Jiao Huang is not only an embarrassing forbidden love, but also a life fable about growth, choice and courage. It teaches us that love can transcend age, but sometimes it also needs to bow to reality.

However, even a brief encounter can leave an eternal mark on our lives.

After breaking up with Jiao Huang, Li Yuanyuan devoted all her energy to her career, as if she wanted to fill the emptiness in her heart with work. However, fate is always full of surprises.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

At a college reunion, she reunited with Liu Guoqing, who had silently admired her.

Liu Guoqing, the talented screenwriter, finally mustered up the courage to confess to Li Yuanyuan. His sincerity touched Li Yuanyuan, who was at an emotional trough. She saw stability and steadfastness in Liu Guoqing, which she has always longed for in the turbulent entertainment industry.

With the support of their families, the two soon entered the palace of marriage.

However, life after marriage is not as sweet as imagined. Although both men shared a love for theatre, there were huge differences in their creative philosophy. As an actor, Li Yuanyuan often makes suggestions on the script, but these suggestions often touch Liu Guoqing's self-esteem as a writer.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

As time went on, the quarrels became more frequent, and the relationship between the two gradually cooled.

The failure of this marriage made Li Yuanyuan lose confidence in love for a while. She once again buried herself in her work and achieved greater success in her acting career. However, fate always seems to surprise her when she least expects it.

At an investment meeting, Li Yuanyuan met Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng's gentleness and thoughtfulness and meticulous care rekindled Li Yuanyuan's hope for love.

He understands Li Yuanyuan's career and supports her dreams, which is exactly the ideal partner Li Yuanyuan has been looking for. After a period of time together, the two decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

This time, Li Yuanyuan finally found the happiness she dreamed of. Yang Cheng took good care of her, making her feel an unprecedented sense of security and happiness. Their married life is harmonious and happy, and the only regret is that the two have not been able to conceive a child of their own for many years.

Li Yuanyuan and Yang Cheng tried various methods, but they never succeeded. As she grew older, Li Yuanyuan gradually let go of this wish and focused on enjoying the existing happy life.

The unexpected news left the couple ecstatic. They begin to prepare for the new life that is about to come, looking forward to a better life in the future. However, they didn't know that this hard-won child would become the last and most important choice in Li Yuanyuan's life.

Li Yuanyuan's marriage experience, from failure to consummation, shows her growth and persistence in love. Her story teaches us that true love needs to be managed with heart, and it is also necessary to find the person who truly understands and supports you.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

Before the joy of pregnancy completely dissipated, a thunderbolt of news came to Li Yuanyuan and Yang Cheng's lives: Li Yuanyuan was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer.

The doctors' expressions were solemn, and they told the couple that treatment must be started immediately, otherwise Li Yuanyuan's life would be endangered. However, this meant that she had to give up the fetus in her womb.

Faced with this cruel choice, Li Yuanyuan fell into a deep struggle. Her husband, Yang Cheng, tried hard to persuade her to save her life, believing that they would have a chance to have another child in the future.

Her family and friends also advised her to prioritize her health. However, Li Yuanyuan's eyes flashed with determination.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

"Even if I want to die, I can't give up this child." Li Yuanyuan's voice was weak, but full of determination. She knew that this might be the only chance in her life to experience the role of a mother.

For an actor, she has played countless roles, but the role of mother, she has never really experienced.

In the following months, Li Yuanyuan's body weakened every day, but her spirit seemed to glow with unprecedented brilliance. She carefully protects the life in her womb and cherishes every day as if it were the last day of her life.

She began to keep a diary of her feelings and hopes for the future, hoping that one day her children would be able to read the words and learn about their mother's love.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

"My son," she whispered, "Mommy loves you and will always love you. These were her last words to the world.

Soon after, Li Yuanyuan left this world forever. She exchanged her life for the birth of another life. This decision is not only a mother's love for her child, but also a person's greatest respect and praise for life.

Li Yuanyuan's choice makes us rethink the meaning of life. She used her actions to interpret the greatness of maternal love, and also showed the tenacity and beauty of life.

Her story will always be told.

had a 30-year-old age difference with Jiao Huang, who played Kangxi, but he died in vain

Li Yuanyuan's departure left a deep pain for everyone who knew her. Her husband Yang Cheng made a vow in grief and decided not to marry again in this life, and gave all his love to this hard-won child.

More than 20 years have passed, and the baby has grown into an adult. Nurtured by his father, the young man inherited his mother's talent and his father's perseverance.

Although he had never met his mother, he deeply felt the greatness and selflessness of his mother through his father's narration and the video materials he left behind.

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