
In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

author:Sister Shangjin talks about the world
In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money
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In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

In 2019, an ordinary family was caught in a shocking dispute. Aunt Yang, a seemingly amiable old lady, suddenly barged into the public security bureau and claimed that she was destitute with a panicked expression.

However, the truth is very different - a compensation of up to 1.33 million yuan seems to have evaporated out of thin air.

What's even more heartbreaking is that just when the whereabouts of this huge amount of money are a mystery, Aunt Yang's granddaughter is in a race against death and urgently needs a considerable amount of surgery fees. What kind of secret is hidden behind this family turmoil? Why would a grandmother turn a blind eye to her granddaughter? How did an originally harmonious family come to such a point of cannibalism? As the events unfold, a complex story of family, money, and humanity gradually emerges.

At the heart of this family dispute is the marriage between Li Jian and Zhou Yan that has come to an end. Once upon a time, they were also an enviable couple, but fate ruthlessly rewrote their story.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

The turning point began when Zhou Yan went to work in Guangdong. The originally gentle and considerate wife suddenly changed her temperament and insisted on divorcing Li Jian. This decision was like a bolt from the blue, and it caught Li Jian off guard.

He was puzzled, and his heart was full of confusion and pain. After trying to redeem it to no avail, Li Jian could only accept this cruel reality with a stomach full of questions.

However, the real storm only broke out after the divorce. Aunt Yang, as Zhou Yan's mother, is also difficult to accept this sudden divorce. With full of doubts, she decided to go to Li Jian's residence to find out for herself.

As fate would have it, Aunt Yang's visit happened to come across a scene that shocked her: Li Jian was in the same room with a young woman. This scene stirred up a huge wave in Aunt Yang's heart, and she immediately decided that Li Jian had betrayed her daughter, which led to the breakdown of the marriage.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

Faced with his mother-in-law's questioning, Li Jian tried his best to defend himself. He explained that the young woman was just a mutual friend of him and Zhou Yan, and that the trip was purely goodwill to calm their emotions because of the unexpected incident.

However, this explanation sounded like a clumsy excuse to Aunt Yang, which made her more convinced of her guess.

Misunderstandings are like a wall that separates once close family members at both ends. Aunt Yang's heart was full of disappointment and anger towards her son-in-law, while Li Jian felt deeply helpless and aggrieved.

Not only did he lose his wife, but now even his mother-in-law's trust is gone.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

This misunderstanding was like a time bomb, which not only destroyed a family, but also became the fuse of a series of tragedies in the days to come. It deeply affects every decision of Aunt Yang, and also casts a lingering shadow on Li Jian's life.

In this marital tragedy where there are no winners, everyone is a victim. However, it is these unsubstantiated suspicions and deep-seated misunderstandings that set the stage for an even bigger storm to come.

Over time, a compensation of up to 1.33 million yuan gradually became the focus of this shattered family. In the eyes of outsiders, this considerable amount of money should be used to take care of the two young daughters left by Zhou Yan.

However, the direction of reality is far more tortuous and complex than imagined.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

After a rigorous trial by the court, the whereabouts of the compensation money were finally revealed: Aunt Yang used 800,000 yuan to buy a luxury house for her son, and the remaining 300,000 yuan was transferred to her son's private account.

This decision not only shows Aunt Yang's preference for her own son, but also exposes her indifference to her granddaughters.

Aunt Yang's behavior immediately sparked a fierce controversy. Her heart is full of contradictions: on the one hand, she is devastated by the loss of her daughter; On the other hand, she couldn't completely let go of her resentment towards Li Jian.

Driven by this complex emotion, she chose to give most of the compensation to her son, as if it was a silent revenge on Li Jian for "betraying" her daughter.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

However, fate always likes to joke. Just when Aunt Yang thought she had made the wisest arrangement, an unexpected news broke her wishful thinking: the 300,000 yuan deposited into her son's account had been frozen in accordance with the law.

This sudden change was like a bolt from the blue, which put Aunt Yang in a dilemma.

At the same time, a more pressing problem is in front of everyone: Li Jian's eldest daughter, who is also the granddaughter of Aunt Yang, is suddenly critically ill and urgently needs a considerable amount of surgery fees.

Faced with threats to life, the scales of money and family began to swing violently.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

Aunt Yang is caught in an unprecedented contradiction. There seemed to be two voices in her heart that were in a fierce confrontation: one urged her to lend a hand, after all, it was her granddaughter; Another voice kept reminding her of Li Jian's "betrayal" and persuading her to stick to her own opinions.

This decision is not only about the life of a child, but also a major test for the entire family relationship.

In this contest of family affection and interests, everyone is faced with a difficult choice. For the sake of his daughter's life, Li Jian had to put down his self-esteem and ask for help from his mother-in-law, who had misunderstood him.

Aunt Yang is torn between money, family affection and personal affection.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

This compensation, which was supposed to bring solace, became the fuse that tore the family apart. It exposes the greed and selfishness in human nature, and also tests everyone's conscience and bottom line.

In the face of the temptation of money, the former family relationship seems so fragile.

However, just as the family was on the verge of collapse, a glimmer of hope crept in. Maybe it was the touch of conscience, or maybe it was seeing the situation of her granddaughter in danger, Aunt Yang's attitude began to change subtly.

As the dispute over compensation intensifies, a more pressing crisis looms. Li Jian's eldest daughter, who is also Aunt Yang's granddaughter, suddenly fell seriously ill and urgently needed a considerable amount of surgery fees.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

This sudden change has added a layer of haze to the already complicated situation.

Li Jian faced his daughter's precarious situation, and his heart was as painful as being cut by a knife. His eyes were full of despair and helplessness, and his once-strong face was now covered with folds of sadness.

He fell to his knees in the hospital hallway, tears streaming down his face, agonizing over his powerlessness. At that moment, he seemed to feel a deeper despair than the loss of his wife.

When he was desperate, Li Jian thought of the compensation in Aunt Yang's hand. Although his heart was full of dissatisfaction and resentment towards his mother-in-law, for the sake of his daughter's life, he still put down his self-esteem, dragged his tired body to Aunt Yang, and begged her to help in a choked voice.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

However, Aunt Yang's reaction made Li Jian fall into an ice cave. Faced with the crisis of her granddaughter's life, Aunt Yang showed incredible indifference. She frowned, with obvious impatience in her tone, claiming that she had no extra money.

This scene completely crushed Li Jian, and he couldn't understand why the family affection that blood was thicker than water was so fragile in the face of money.

Li Jian's emotions completely collapsed at that moment. His anger, disappointment, and despair intertwined, and a heart-rending cry erupted in the corridors of the hospital.

There were so many mixed emotions in that voice: worry about her daughter's life, anger at her mother-in-law's indifference, self-blame for her powerlessness.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

Just as the family was on the verge of collapse, an unexpected turn of events occurred. Perhaps moved by Li Jian's sincerity, or perhaps conscience finally triumphed over prejudice, Aunt Yang's attitude began to soften.

A hint of mixed emotion flashed in her eyes, as if she had experienced a fierce struggle inside.

In the end, Aunt Yang made a decision that surprised everyone: she agreed to pay 150,000 yuan for her granddaughter's surgery. This decision was like a glimmer of hope for this desperate family.

When Li Jian heard this, it was as if the drowning man had grasped a life-saving straw. A glint of hope reignited in his eyes, and his gratitude to his mother-in-law was palpable. The money could not only save his daughter's life, but it would also be the first step in repairing the shattered family.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

In this ultimate test of life and affection, everyone faces difficult choices. And Aunt Yang's decision seems to indicate that the family may usher in a turnaround.

After intense conflict and deep reflection, the traumatized family finally ushered in a turning point. Aunt Yang's concession became the key to resolving the conflict.

She not only agreed to pay 150,000 yuan for the operation, but also unexpectedly provided 150,000 yuan for each of her two granddaughters. This decision was like a shot in the arm, breathing new life into a family that was on the verge of being shattered.

When Li Jian received the news, his eyes flashed with disbelief. He immediately handed over the life-saving money to the hospital, as if he had unloaded a thousand pounds of burden. With the smooth progress of the operation, the life of the eldest daughter was guaranteed, and the family's hanging heart could finally be put down.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

This turmoil not only saved a small life, but also unexpectedly repaired the relationship between Li Jian and Aunt Yang. After this life-or-death ordeal, both realized the importance of communication and understanding.

Aunt Yang began to face up to her prejudices, and her eyes were no longer full of hostility, but instead a trace of guilt and tenderness. Li Jian also learned to empathize, and he began to understand that his mother-in-law's past behavior may have stemmed from her protection of her daughter and misunderstanding of herself.

While the wounds of the past are not fully healed, the family is slowly rebuilding trust and affection. Under the joint care of their father and grandmother, the two daughters felt the warmth of home again.

Their laughter filled the once cold home once again.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

Li Jian began a new chapter in his life, and a spark of hope was rekindled in his eyes. And Aunt Yang gradually let go of her past prejudices and sincerely cared about the growth of her granddaughters.

Her face was a little more kind and a little less guarded.

This once-shattered family is being reunited with love and understanding. While the road ahead may still be bumpy, they have learned how to face difficulties together and meet new challenges together.

This turmoil, which began with money and ended with family affection, has taught everyone a profound life lesson. It reveals the great cost of poor communication, while also demonstrating the power of forgiveness and understanding.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

Looking back on the whole incident, we can't help but think: If Zhou Yan and Li Jian could have communicated more frankly, would they have avoided getting divorced? If Aunt Yang and Li Jian could let go of their prejudices and communicate calmly, maybe this tragedy would not have happened.

This story reminds us that in this complex world, family is always our most valuable asset.

No matter how hectic life is, we should not neglect the emotional communication with our loved ones. Only by listening attentively and communicating sincerely can we avoid the accumulation of misunderstandings and maintain the fragile and precious family bonds.

On the balance of money and family affection, we should know how to weigh it. Because in the end, it is always those closest to us who can give us warmth and support.

In 2019, the mother forcibly took one million compensation for the deceased daughter and bought a house for her son, but did not give her granddaughter life-saving money

This family's experience teaches us that even in the darkest of times, if we are willing to put aside our preconceptions and open our hearts, there is always the possibility of rebuilding trust and affection.

It inspires us to cherish the relatives in front of us, because life is impermanent, and sincere family affection is the most solid backing for us in the face of the storms of life.

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