
How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

author:Xiaobu has something to say

In fact, the chengguan is the group that needs to be protected the most, and the work of the chengguan is to maintain social order and solve the problems of the people's lives, in fact, the work is very hard.

In the process of performing their duties, chengguan often became an outlet for public sentiment, encountering various misunderstandings, resistance, and even violence, and becoming the focus of social contradictions.

How to resolve the contradictions with citizens and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in the face of complex and changeable urban management has become a difficult problem in front of all aspects.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

1. Urban management: the image representative of the city manager

As the window and business card of modern society, the overall image and environmental quality of the city are directly related to the soft power and attractiveness of the city. Urban management is particularly important, and urban management, as an important force in the city manager, undertakes the important responsibility of maintaining the order of the urban environment and ensuring the quality of life of citizens, and its work performance is directly related to the quality of the city's image.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(A) urban management duties

Chengguan is the law enforcement force of the urban management department, mainly responsible for the management of urban environmental sanitation, city appearance, traffic order and other aspects. In their daily work, urban management needs to carry out inspections, persuasion, law enforcement and other work to ensure the overall environmental quality of the city and create a safe, clean and comfortable living environment for citizens.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(2) The image of urban management

Since the work of urban management directly faces the citizens, its image represents the image of urban management, and it is also the direct feeling of citizens on urban management work. A good image and efficient urban management team can effectively enhance the satisfaction and sense of belonging of citizens, and is also conducive to enhancing citizens' awareness of environmental protection, forming a good situation in which the whole society participates in urban management.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

2. Challenges faced by urban management

Although the work of chengguan is of great significance to the sustainable development of the city and the happiness of citizens, in practice, chengguan often faces various challenges and pressures, and has become the focus of social contradictions, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(1) An outlet for public sentiment

In the work of urban management, the urban management needs to dissuade and enforce the law against the violations of the citizens, which requires them to often conflict with the citizens, and the citizens often resist in the face of the law enforcement behavior of the urban management, and regard it as the "punching bag" of the urban management department, which makes the urban management become the outlet of public emotions and suffer from various complaints and accusations.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(2) The work risk is relatively large

In addition to facing the resistance of public sentiment, urban management also needs to face certain work risks and even be subjected to violence in the process of carrying out law enforcement work. In order to evade law enforcement, some lawbreakers will personally attack the chengguan and pose a threat to their personal safety, which brings certain psychological and physical pressure to the work of the chengguan.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(3) Limited working environment and conditions

In the urban management work, the urban management needs to inspect and manage all corners of the city, but due to the large area of the city, limited manpower and material resources, the work of the urban management is difficult, and it is difficult to achieve the management of no dead ends, which brings certain difficulties to the work of the urban management.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

3. How to improve the image of urban management

In the face of various challenges and difficulties in urban management, how to improve the image of urban management and resolve the contradictions with citizens has become a difficult problem in front of all aspects. Fundamentally speaking, it is necessary to start from the improvement of the quality and ability of the urban management itself, and also need the understanding and support of all sectors of society, which can be made from the following aspects.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(1) Strengthen public education

There is often a certain deviation in the public's perception and understanding of urban management, and they look at urban management from their own perspective, while ignoring the interests of the overall environment. Urban management departments need to strengthen public education to enhance citizens' awareness of the legal system and responsibility, so that they can understand and support urban management from the overall situation.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(2) Improve the overall quality of urban management

The work of urban management is not only simple law enforcement work, but also requires them to have certain communication and coordination skills and adaptability, to be able to resolve conflicts in communication with citizens, and to be able to handle emergencies with ease. In the training of urban management teams, in addition to the cultivation of law enforcement skills, it is also necessary to strengthen the training of their mental health and communication skills, and comprehensively improve their overall quality.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(3) Establish law enforcement protection mechanisms

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of urban management in the process of law enforcement, the city management department needs to establish a sound law enforcement protection mechanism, once the urban management is subjected to violence in the process of law enforcement, it can be supported and protected by relevant departments in a timely manner, and at the same time, it is also necessary to severely crack down on the behavior of violent urban management to form a strong protection for urban management.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(4) Advocate citizen participation in urban management

Urban management is not only the responsibility of urban management, but also needs the active participation and supervision of the general public, and only in the good situation of the whole society can urban management work achieve substantial results. It is necessary to advocate the importance of citizens' participation in urban management, and establish a citizen supervision mechanism, so that citizens can play their own role in urban management work, and can also supervise and advise the work of urban management.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent

(5) Guidance by the media and public opinion

The media and public opinion play an important role in guiding the social atmosphere and values, they can let the public understand the work content and difficulty of the chengguan more comprehensively through reporting and publicity, and can also transmit positive energy to the society, advocate understanding and support the voice of the chengguan, so as to form a common concern and support for the chengguan work.

How to protect the chengguan! The dignity and safety of these vulnerable groups is urgent


Urban management is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of all parties in order to achieve substantive results. In urban management, urban management is an indispensable force, their work is directly related to the overall image of the city and the quality of life of citizens, and needs the understanding and support of the whole society to jointly create a harmonious and beautiful urban environment. It is also hoped that in the process of performing their duties, the urban management can pay attention to communication and cooperation with the citizens, enforce the law in accordance with the law and in a civilized manner, resolve the contradictions with the citizens, become the intimate "nanny" of the citizens, and jointly promote the high-quality development of urban management.

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