
A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

author:Starfire Life

Liu Xueer (pseudonym) was born into a wealthy family. Within a few years, the Liu family went bankrupt, and Xue'er's mother Zhong Mei (pseudonym) chose to divorce Liu Ran (pseudonym). After the divorce, Zhong Mei left alone, leaving her young daughter at home.

Liu Ran's temper became more and more irritable because of business, and he attributed all the reasons for bankruptcy to Xue'er. In his eyes, Cher is ominous, and it is precisely because of Cher birth that the company went bankrupt.

For this reason, when he was slightly unhappy, he vented all his anger on Cher.

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

"Look at you, why are you so stupid, let you pour a glass of water for Lao Tzu, how did it take so long, what is in the kitchen, let you go for so long."

"No, Dad, I'm waiting for the water to boil, don't be angry."

"Get up, get up, get out of the way, just like your incompetent mother, I can't do anything, seeing you will affect my mood, stay cool."

"Liu Xue'er, you roll over for me, how old are you, you're still wetting the bed, it's not a shame, take off your clothes, go to the wall and stand there, you are not allowed to eat without my permission."

In Xue'er's eyes, corporal punishment is already a very simple punishment, she only needs to stand there motionless, and she does not need to bear the physical pain.

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

Many times, Liu Ran was unhappy, so he took out his belt and pumped Xue'er hard. There are a lot of bruises on Xue'er's body that have not recovered, and the skin has bloomed in some places. When Liu Ran saw this, not only did he not feel sorry for his daughter, but he would punish her in a different way.

For example, he accidentally sprinkled salt water on Xue'er's wound, and watched Xue'er cry in front of him, and he didn't dare to cry.

"Come on, Xue'er, Dad has poured you foot washing water, you can soak your feet." Cher looked at the steaming hot water and didn't dare to put her foot in because there were still many wounds on her feet that had not grown.

"Why don't you soak it, hurry up and put your feet in, do you need me to help you?"

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

Under Liu Ran's loud curses and intimidation, Xue'er cautiously put her feet into the water, looking at the distorted expression on Xue'er's face, Liu Ran laughed happily next to her.

One day, when Xue'er went out, she met her neighbor's aunt, who was distressed when she saw that the skinny Xue'er was still limping with wounds all over her body.

With the help of the aunt, the staff of the community knew about this incident, and they attached great importance to it, and in order to rescue Xue'er from Liu Ran, the community staff hired a special lawyer.

The lawyer sued Liu Ran for abuse and intentional injury. The court evaluated Xue'er's wounds, because Liu Ran forced Xue'er to soak her feet in hot water, Xue'er's feet were severely burned, and then she was not sent to the hospital in time, resulting in serious infection of her feet, which was identified as a second-degree disability.

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

After the court trial, his father Liu Ran was sentenced to five years in prison for several crimes such as abusing and intentionally harming children, and his father's guardianship was revoked.

After the trial results came out, Liu Ran also appealed on the grounds that he had hurt his own daughter, and the court rejected Liu Ran's appeal and upheld the original verdict.

With the help of the court and community workers, Cher's grandmother was appointed as her guardian. Accompanied by her grandmother and with the help of a psychiatrist, Cher slowly regained her former vitality. I hope she can forget this painful memory and live her own wonderful life in the future.

In recent years, there have been a number of cases of domestic violence against children. Families that were supposed to be a safe haven for their children turned out to be their nightmares.

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

In the name of "education", parents use fists and kicks on their children, turning a blind eye to their cries and begs for mercy. Such an act is not only against human nature, but also a serious violation of the law. Children are not the private property of their parents, and there is a price to be paid for any harm to children.

Some people believe that it is okay for their children to educate themselves, even if they use violence. This notion is extremely wrong and dangerous. Children are not yet fully developed physically and psychologically, and violence only causes them irreparable wounds that can affect them for the rest of their lives.

Instead of making children better, violent education can plunge them into the abyss of fear, low self-esteem, and depression. Any violence in the name of love is a blasphemy against love, and any harm in the name of education is a defilement of education.

The protection of children is not only the responsibility of the family, but also the responsibility of the whole society. Schools, communities, governments, the media and other levels should take action to create a safe, warm and caring environment for growth.

A father forced his daughter to soak her feet in hot water, resulting in her second-degree disability and was sentenced to 5 years

Each and every one of us should be a champion of children's rights. We cannot turn a blind eye or turn a deaf ear when we see the children around us suffering. We should be brave enough to stand up and give them help and support as much as we can.

Here, we call on all of us to treat every child with love and protect every life with the responsibility to protect it. Don't let innocent children suffer pain that shouldn't be theirs, don't let their childhood be overshadowed by violence.

Let's work together to build a society full of love and warmth, so that every child can grow up happily under the sun.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional, and it is purely coincidental if there is any similarity. The illustrations in the article are from Visual China and have been licensed.