
The more people who love to do these 3 things, the more they must keep their distance, which is not ruthless but shrewd

author:Oxygen Apocalypse
The more people who love to do these 3 things, the more they must keep their distance, which is not ruthless but shrewd

Meng Ziyun: "Looking up to the sky is worthy of the sky, and bowing down to people is not ashamed."

To be a kind person requires ability and wisdom, as long as you encounter uneasy and well-meaning people, you must know how to protect yourself.

To be an open person, you need to have a certain skill and vision, so that you can stay away from the people who consume you.

Interpersonal relationships, the more people who love to do these 3 things, the easier it is to be ungrateful, remember to be careful and don't make deep friends.

01: There is no bottom line, extremely greedy

I have seen a question on Zhihu: What is the best standard for judging a person's good or bad?

One of the most accomplished responses was, "The bottom line." ”

People with a bottom line will do things according to their conscience and will not do anything to achieve their goals.

What you can't do, you have a ruler in your heart, such people are worthy of deep friendship, and their character is more reliable.

But for the insatiable person, the conscience has become numb, there is no sense, there is no bottom line.

Whether it is facing family, love, or friendship, they only think about their own feelings and needs.

You must have met such a person in your life who is kind enough to lend money to your friends and help them through difficult times.

But when you take the initiative to ask for the money you lent back, your friends will quarrel with you with a vicious attitude, that is, they will not admit it.

There is a kind of person who lacks the bottom line of being a man, is extremely greedy, and has a particularly thick skin.

People who don't have a sense of morality won't think that they have known each other for a long time and shouldn't do such a despicable thing, just deliberately treating you ruthlessly.

People who are greedy at heart will never feel satisfied, and the kinder you are, the easier it is to be kidnapped.

This kind of person is easily ungrateful, their hearts and plans are all vicious, and smart people will stay away after suffering a loss.

The more people who love to do these 3 things, the more they must keep their distance, which is not ruthless but shrewd

02: Indifferent temperament, only focusing on interests

Some people are naturally very cold and have no feelings for people.

Even if you have known each other for more than ten years, as long as there is a dispute between each other's interests, the other party will be very ruthless and will not talk about any affection.

People who put their interests first are more likely to be ungrateful. The efforts and help you have made are weightless in their eyes, and they are all willing.

Such people are not only selfish, but also lack a sense of morality. There is a complete system to support their behavior, and they never feel that they are at fault.

Even if you have broken the people around you, you will not feel guilty, and you will even feel excited to see others hurt because of this.

A person only has money and interests in his eyes, and his heart is often very vicious and cold-blooded, so there is no need to have deep friendships.

A truly sober and intelligent person will not dig out his heart and lungs against such a person, nor will he clash head-on.

If you can stay away, you can stay away, you really have to touch, just pretend to be polite on the surface, and you must not be heart-to-heart.

The more people who love to do these 3 things, the more they must keep their distance, which is not ruthless but shrewd

03: Lack of a sense of boundaries, and used to inch in

There is a passage in "Walking on the Edge of Life": "In this materialistic world, life is really hard enough." If you want to be a person who has no quarrel with the world, others will take advantage of and bully you. If you have a little talent and moral character, people will envy you and exclude you. If you give in generously, others will infringe and harm you. ”

Life is true, you are so sincere and willing to give, but others have a very bad attitude towards you.

If a person lacks a sense of boundaries and is accustomed to inches, then it is definitely easier to be ungrateful.

Your goodness is not worth much in the eyes of the other party, or even as it should be.

They accept your giving and sacrifice in their entirety, but they are not grateful. The most chilling thing about interpersonal relationships is to use the kindness of others to fulfill one's own wishes and life.

When you encounter someone who lacks a sense of boundaries and always has to make inches, quickly stay away. No matter how good the past relationship was, don't make deep friendships anymore, otherwise your life will be full of troubles.

It has been said, "Right and wrong are like a flamingo with open wings, flying higher and higher, whistling, destroying everything with the power of slander and destruction, until it burns itself to ashes." ”

In the face of people with poor character, the best thing to do is to stay away from all right and wrong.

The higher the level, the less you will be tied up in the wrong interpersonal relationship, but know how to quit in time, not to entangle when you encounter bad people, and not to get entangled when you encounter bad things.

The more high-level people know how to protect themselves and know how to draw a line with ungrateful people.