
When a man with high emotional intelligence flirts with a woman, he will grasp the woman's "weakness" and take the bait as soon as he flirts



Each of us longs to have a unique relationship of our own, but many times, we will find that we always have no chance to meet the person we love, we can know each other, but we can't love each other.

We will all envy those men with high emotional intelligence, feel that they are very attractive, always able to attract the attention of women, they are good at grasping the love they want, and the women around them will also cherish him very much.

It's not that we are not as good as these people, but because in love, what is more important is some "tacit understanding", those with high emotional intelligence can grasp these tacit understandings well, so that it is easy to win the hearts of women, and slowly make women fall in love and make women feel excited.

If we want to have a beautiful and kind girl by our side, we might as well learn some tips for men with high emotional intelligence to flirt with girls. As long as you can keenly grasp the needs and psychology of girls and pay attention to their "weakness", then it will be a matter of time before you win their hearts.

When a man with high emotional intelligence flirts with a woman, he will grasp the woman's "weakness" and take the bait as soon as he flirts

Although my colleague Xiao Fang is not outstanding in appearance and is quite stable at work, he is always comfortable and behaves freely in terms of feelings. He always has a lot of girls around him, and the secret of this is that he knows how to grasp the "weakness" of women and make himself more comfortable in emotional processing.


Meet the psychology of women's hearts to pursue small romances and small surprises

Deep inside every woman lives a little fairy, and no matter how old they are, they want someone to create some little romance and surprise for them. When courting women, if a man can satisfy their desire, it will be very easy to capture their hearts.

Xiao Fang is still a person who will convey the atmosphere of romantic feelings. When he pursues women, he can always create a different feeling, even in the face of a cold woman, he will gradually be attracted to him and become his lover.

When a man with high emotional intelligence flirts with a woman, he will grasp the woman's "weakness" and take the bait as soon as he flirts

Know how to bring a woman enough security

Even the best and most confident women will feel very insecure in a relationship, the more perfect the relationship, the more afraid of losing, and the worse the relationship, the more worried it will get worse.

Those men with high emotional intelligence can bring women a full sense of security, do not make women feel scared because of him, and always make them feel at ease.

They will pay close attention to women and give them a warm feeling, while keeping an appropriate distance from the opposite sex around them, so that women don't have to worry about it. They will keep in touch often, making women feel more at ease.

Such a good man, almost no woman can refuse. As long as you can soothe a woman's heart, she will rely on you deeply.

When a man with high emotional intelligence flirts with a woman, he will grasp the woman's "weakness" and take the bait as soon as he flirts

Listen to her

When men get along with women, men generally naturally think that they should be more proactive and therefore talk more. But this kind of man often has a hard time getting the affection he wants.

Men who understand emotions are usually more quiet and introverted. When interacting with women, they listen more quietly and provide women with space to talk so that they can say what they want to say. Such a man can make a woman feel more loved.

Many times girls want to talk, but they don't have someone to talk to. If a guy can pay attention to this moment, then it will be easier to win her heart.

When a man with high emotional intelligence flirts with a woman, he will grasp the woman's "weakness" and take the bait as soon as he flirts


When we envy attractive men who are always surrounded by different types of women, we might as well think about how we can try to make ourselves better. In fact, compared to those men with high emotional intelligence, we are not far behind. The point is to learn to grasp the "psychological vacancy" of women and slowly create opportunities to attract them.

When you can accurately grasp the sensitive points of women, you will find that it becomes easy to get along with women, and it will be easy to win their hearts.