
The man spent 200 yuan on a blind date, and when he went home, he was distressed and cried: he refused to let me kiss him after eating

author:Five-year love said

In modern society, blind dates have become one of the ways for many single men and women to find their other half. However, the blind date process is often accompanied by various misunderstandings and prejudices, resulting in what could have been a beautiful encounter turning into an awkward farce. Today, we're going to explore the issue of respect in blind dates and how it affects the relationship between two people.

The man spent 200 yuan on a blind date, and when he went home, he was distressed and cried: he refused to let me kiss him after eating

The protagonist of the story is a man from Anhui Province who has been unable to find a suitable partner due to his busy work schedule and limited social circle. On the recommendation of his neighbor, Aunt Wang, he participated in a blind date. The blind date was a lady with good looks and conditions, and the man's first impression of her was very good. In order to get to know each other better, the man decided to invite the woman to dinner.

The man spent 200 yuan on a blind date, and when he went home, he was distressed and cried: he refused to let me kiss him after eating

During dinner, the man may be too anxious or misunderstand the blind date, thinking that since he has invited a guest to dinner, the woman should accept his intimate gesture by default. So, during the meal, he tried to make physical contact with the lady, such as holding hands, hugging and even kissing. However, these actions were very offensive to the woman, who felt that the man's behavior was disrespectful to her personal wishes and feelings.

The man spent 200 yuan on a blind date, and when he went home, he was distressed and cried: he refused to let me kiss him after eating

The woman's refusal left the man frustrated and puzzled. He felt that he had spent a lot of money to invite the lady to dinner, but he could not get even a little intimacy, and he felt very disadvantaged. He even began to wonder if the meaning of this blind date was just his unilateral contribution and did not get the due return.

However, such an idea is actually very wrong. Blind date is not a transaction, nor is it a one-way give-and-take. It should be a process for two people to get to know each other and build a relationship. In this process, it is essential to respect the wishes and feelings of the other person. A man should understand that even if he invites a guest to dinner, it does not take that the lady must accept his intimacy. A lady also has the right to choose her own behavior and attitude, and she should not be constrained by men's expectations.

At the same time, the lady should also remain calm and sensible. While a man's behaviour may make her feel uncomfortable and offended, she should not let that negate the whole blind date process. She can express her feelings and thoughts politely and communicate openly with men. This not only solves problems, but also increases mutual understanding and trust.

This story teaches us that it is crucial to respect the other person's wishes and feelings during the blind date process. Both men and women should be open and respectful, and get to know each other with sincerity and patience. Only in this way can a truly healthy, equal and beautiful relationship be established.

In closing, I would like to say that a blind date is only the beginning of two people getting to know each other, and it does not determine whether you will be able to come together or not. What really matters is whether we can understand, respect and support each other in the process of getting along. Only in this way can your relationship be stronger and longer-lasting.

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