
"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die


Text: Dead leaf butterfly

The mother of Su Gengsheng played by Granny Jinhua in "The Story of Rose" is really hateful, obviously she is also a victim, but she can't be sympathetic from beginning to end, because everything is self-inflicted.

The injuries suffered by Su Gengsheng in her childhood seem to have been brought to her by her inhuman stepfather, but in fact, the real murderer is Su's mother, who "pretended to be blind" behind her back.

Su's mother is a woman who doesn't know how to reflect the whole time, no matter what her stepfather does, she can always find a reason to excuse her.

To put it bluntly, Su Mu is a typical feudal woman's mentality, her thinking probably lives in ancient times, and she feels that women can't do without men.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

Su's mother's logic is really incomprehensible, obviously she has been following her stepfather for so many years, and she has always been sticking to him upside down, but she still feels that the other party is her benefactor.

Obviously, she is often abused by her stepfather, and her daughter is also bullied, but she always feels that the other party is a lifesaver for herself and her daughter.

Su's mother said that she and Su Gengsheng were living on the streets, and when they were desperate, it was their stepfather who took in their mother and daughter, and if they hadn't taken them in, they would have died long ago.

At first, the stepfather did give them a place to live, but Su Gengsheng has been giving money for many years, and he doesn't owe him anything.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

Kindness and hurt cannot be equated, Su Su was only 16 years old at the time, it should have been the best age, if she hadn't been hurt, she wouldn't have been so miserable later.

Before meeting Huang Zhenhua, Su Su didn't dare to imagine that he could accept a man wholeheartedly in his life.

Although she was married, the first marriage was purely a union for their own interests, there was no love between Peng Songtao and Su Su, and the two separated after a short union.

Even about Su Su and his stepfather, he may not have confessed to Peng Songtao, because he didn't love him, so he didn't feel guilty.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

Huang Zhenhua appeared in Su Su's life, and the Huang family was so good that it made Su Su feel inferior.

So even if he knew that Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe were dating in private, Su Su didn't blame him when he found out, but took the initiative to keep him.

The reason why Su Su "bursts big melons" again and again is because she really wants to be with Huang Zhenhua for a lifetime.

She hopes that Huang Zhenhua will understand all Susu, so she would rather say it and not be accepted, but also confess, rather than wait until the future to know and turn her back, it is better to break it before having happiness.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

Because for Su Su, the most fearful thing is not to be abandoned again and again, but to be taken away after having happiness.

In the first half of Su Su's life, it can be said that she has never experienced what happiness is, her stepfather is ridiculous, her mother blindly follows her stepfather, her younger brother is timid, and her ex-husband is utilitarian.

From Huang Zhenhua and the Huang family, Su Su felt what was called home, so she was afraid to say it, because she was afraid of losing, and she mustered up the courage to say it, but also not to lose.

Huang Zhenhua accepted Su Su, the Huang family never asked about Su Su's privacy, and Su Su after marriage was really happy.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

There are few quarrels between husband and wife, and the in-laws are sensible and contribute money and efforts, and the sister-in-law is still the best friend.

This is enough to heal a person who had a childhood injury, but Su Su is unwilling that his stepfather has not yet received retribution.

This is the most unbearable thing in Su Su's heart, she didn't dare to mention it for so many years, she didn't dare to question her mother, for fear of piercing the layer of paper that her mother knew the truth, and she couldn't stand it.

The healing of the Huang family gave Su Su courage, and Su Su made up his mind to make another mistake by his stepfather.

During the mother-daughter showdown, Su Su asked Su's mother why she didn't save herself back then, Su's mother's words were really ridiculous, she said that instead of letting her stepfather go out to find a woman outside, it would be better to ......

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

It turned out that she knew everything, maybe she was not far away, but if she didn't come forward to save Su Su, she used her daughter to keep an unworthy man.

For so many years, she asked Su Su like a vampire, and Su Su didn't complain, this time it was really disgusting to Su Su.

Su Su said: Stepfather is like a demon, she can be eliminated, but Su Mother is a virus that grows in her blood, tormenting her forever.

The only thing Su Su can do is to send the demon to prison with his own hands, and then never see this virus.

But in this sick family, Su Su is not the only victim, there is also Xiaojie who hides in the corner and doesn't dare to speak out.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

A violent father, a controlling mother, a painful sister, he hides secrets, and Xiaojie is also a child who is deeply hurt by his parents.

A home that is always full of violence, parents who quarrel endlessly, and the mother can't control the father, so she puts this desire for control on him.

Xiaojie has never been able to leave that home, he doesn't even dare to talk about love, he doesn't dare to bring his girlfriend back to that hellish home.

It was his father's fault, but it was his mother who was behind it, and she had been cleaning up the mess and wiping his ass.

If it weren't for Su's mother being so habitual, the stepfather wouldn't dare to be so arrogant, let alone turn over again and again, it was the vampire Su's mother who caused such a situation.

"The Story of Rose" "virus" Su Mu never knows how miserable her ending will be if she is desperate to die

So after his stepfather was arrested, Xiaojie resolutely left that home, leaving his mother who disgusted him.

Su Gengsheng said that she would never meet Su's mother again, and she would not go back to that home in the future, and the good of her in-law's family would inevitably make her gradually forget the place that made her disgusting and her mother.

Xiaojie is the same, when he feels free, he will no longer want to be controlled, he will fall in love, get married, and live a new life in a free world.

This pair of brothers and sisters is estimated not to go back in the future, and Su's mother's old age has only two words "miserable".

Even if she is terminally ill, it is estimated that no one will hand out saliva in front of the hospital bed, this is the retribution she deserves, and it is the end that she can't do without a man.

In the end, she still said heartbreakingly that Su Gengsheng was too ruthless and didn't leave her a way to live, Su's mother lived a sad life, and she didn't even know how to get to this point.