
Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

author:Wu so-called
Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often
In order to better tell the content of the article, the plot of the characters is fictional

The human body is an extremely complex structure, and the premise of health is the normal operation of various organs, so there are many factors that affect longevity, and it is not easy to achieve it.

Uncle Sun is 75 years old this year, compared with his peers, his mental state is particularly good, and he rarely gets sick, many people in the community think he is only about 60 years old.

Not only is he full of vitality every day, but after his friends have chronic diseases one after another, Uncle Sun has passed almost every annual physical examination.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

After seeing his performance, many people began to ask Uncle Sun for health scriptures, and he said with a smile that he could live to be 75 years old because he had 4 things he didn't do in life.

It was only after the age of 53 that he began to insist on adjusting his life, which gradually brought his physical indicators back to normal, so what are these four things?

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

1. Do not overeat after the age of 53

There is an old saying in the mainland, that is, the people take food as the sky, so the people on the mainland are more attentive to eating, even now, our food culture is much richer than that of other countries.

There are several major cuisines in the mainland, each region has its own characteristics, and we also find that most of the dishes in the mainland are based on heavy oil and salt, and a variety of seasonings will be added in the process of production.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

My father's generation lived a very difficult life, and due to the limited supplies, they were not very selective in what they ate. Now that the economic conditions have improved, many people will try their best to satisfy their appetites.

In this context, the number of people suffering from the three highs in the mainland is gradually increasing, mainly because many of the foods people eat now are high in fat, sugar and salt, which will bring a huge burden to kidney function.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

At present, there are more and more obese people, and fat is accumulating in the body, which will affect the value of blood lipids and blood pressure, and it is easy to induce cardiovascular diseases.

As the elderly age, their metabolic capacity decreases, so we have been emphasizing that we should adjust our diet more and eat more light food, which helps digestion.

After the age of 50, it is recommended that everyone should eat a light diet, and increase the proportion of vegetables, fruits and whole grains in the three meals, such as soy products, oats, whole grains, etc.

Uncle Sun also listened to a health lecture by chance when he was 53 years old, and experts suggested eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

In the past, he used to hang out with his friends, and the food in the restaurant was indeed very delicious, but in order to improve the taste, they would add a lot of oil to the cooking process, which was not good for health.

Since then, Uncle Sun has been cooking at home, and gradually he found that his body has become a lot easier, and his weight has also declined.

Nowadays, some elderly people also have overeating, which will only increase the burden of gastrointestinal function, and the disorder of gastrointestinal function will only reduce your metabolism and affect the absorption rate of various nutrients.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

As you get older, your body's demand for various nutrients will increase, but it is not that the more you eat, the better, but to match it reasonably and improve the absorption rate of the body.

After the age of 53, it is recommended that everyone have three meals regularly, it is best to eat seven or eight minutes full at a meal, eat more coarse grains and vegetables, which can speed up the metabolism of the human body very well, and can also assist in the absorption and digestion of fat, which is extremely beneficial to health.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

2. Maintain a regular sleep schedule and don't stay up late

Nowadays, there are more and more electronic products, many young people will go to play games all night, and some elderly people have more time after retirement, and they have begun to learn from young people to stay up late to watch videos.

We all know that adequate and regular work and rest time are essential to maintaining good health, and after entering deep sleep, the body's cells will complete new metabolism, and many organs will enter a state of rest.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

From a medical point of view, while sleeping, the body's immune cells will gradually repair and the heart rate will be reduced to a minimum, at which time your brain and heart will be fully rested.

When you wake up on the second day, you will feel energetic, your work and life efficiency will be improved, and your liver will also carry out a full lipid metabolism during sleep.

Many people say that they don't eat much, but they are always fat, and it is quite difficult to lose weight, probably because you often stay up late and destroy the metabolism of the liver.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

If you don't get enough sleep, your multiple organs will be in a state of high load, which is definitely not good for health, especially for the elderly, whose body functions have begun to decline, and then the speed of aging will be faster if you don't rest more.

Previous studies have been done by scientific research institutions, and people who sleep irregularly will have a higher probability of cardiovascular disease, and the risk of coronary artery and atherosclerosis will also be greatly increased.

In addition, without adequate sleep, the body's immune system will be reduced, and at this time, various diseases and bacteria will also find the door, and it is undoubtedly impossible to maintain health at this time.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

The sleep quality of middle-aged and elderly people may be reduced, which requires everyone to pay attention to the usual maintenance and maintenance of the body, after the age of 53, you can adjust the sleep time appropriately.

Don't do strenuous exercise before going to bed, and don't eat too much, exercise will keep your nerves in a state of excitement, it will be difficult to fall asleep, and eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, which will cause indigestion.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

3. Don't be lazy after the age of 53

Some seniors think that they need to rest more when they are older, but this perception is actually inherently wrong, no matter what age you are, if you want to be healthy, you must first get yourself moving.

Some seniors retire and stay at home all day, don't exercise or socialize, and in the long run, it will only accelerate the decline of your physical function.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

Exercise speeds up the body's metabolism and burns off excess body fat in the process, allowing you to make full use of your joints during exercise.

The human body is like a large machine, if you don't use it for a long time, some parts will rust, and then you will have to carry out a major overhaul.

If you exercise regularly, you will find that your legs and feet will become more and more flexible, and in the process of exercising, your cardiopulmonary function can also be improved, which reduces the probability of cardiovascular disease to a certain extent.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

After the age of 50, many people have osteoporosis, and their physical strength is far less than before, so they must be more attentive in the choice of exercise.

For example, a simple walk, tai chi or square dancing may seem simple, but it can actually mobilize all parts of your body, which is a particularly good aerobic exercise.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people must do what they can when exercising, especially at the beginning of exercise, and remember not to set too much intensity for themselves or exercise for too long.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

Excessive exercise will only increase the fatigue of the body, and it will also put a burden on various functions, resulting in overload of the body, which will induce other diseases and increase the risk of injury.

Exercise is a gradual process, we should appropriately enhance the amount of exercise according to their own physical conditions, and for middle-aged and elderly people, do not easily do strength training.

Fourth, do not be emotional, and have a good attitude

We often say that mentality is directly proportional to health, especially after being diagnosed with a disease, maintaining a good mood all the time, and its probability of cure is higher than that of others.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

People who are often angry or emotionally unstable will put a burden on the liver, and in the process of getting angry, the body will produce certain toxins, which is undoubtedly chronic suicide in the long run.

If the mood swings of middle-aged and elderly people are relatively large, it will bring a certain amount of stimulation to his cardiovascular system, and strong contraction and expansion will gradually make the blood vessels lose their elasticity.

After some people retire in their 50s, their living conditions and psychology will change greatly, and they will gradually enter menopause, and the trivial things in real life will increase.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

Under the influence of multiple factors, their emotions will fluctuate greatly, and they will be in a state of anxiety, tension, and irritability almost every day, which requires the company and explanation of their families.

Mentality is particularly important for a person's health, treat everything in life with a cheerful and positive attitude, you will find that many things that you thought were big before are actually very easy to solve, don't affect your quality of life because of mood.

Long-term irritability and depression can damage a person's mental health and reduce your immunity, so we must find a suitable way to soothe our emotions and relax our spirits in life.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

After the age of 50, you can socialize more, have occasional dinners or travel with your peers, which can gradually regain the meaning of life and play a great role in psychological counseling.

You can also develop a hobby at this time, such as talking and painting, calligraphy, or learning some musical instruments, which are all good ways to decompress, and occasionally listening to music can also soothe bad mood.

It is also important to have regular physical examinations, as we age, many organs of the body will have problems one after another, and physical examinations can achieve early detection and early treatment, and strangle the disease in the cradle.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often


The health of the body is directly related to many small details in your life, and the elderly should also be self-disciplined in their lives, and longevity is not difficult to see if you can stick to it.

Uncle Sun is 75 years old, and after the age of 53, he insists on not overeating, ensures sleep every day, usually insists on exercising and is not lazy, and often socializes in life, and faces life positively

Have health.

Most of the people who can live to the age of 75 are after the age of 53 and do not do these four things often

Another point to do is to pay attention to personal hygiene, the so-called old smell, in fact, because the usual hygiene is not in place, often clean the body, bedding should also be changed and dried frequently, which can reduce the breeding of bacteria and create opportunities for diseases to invade the body.

When the body is unwell, you must go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, do not shy away from the disease, many diseases are because of the delay and delay, the current medical environment is so perfect, we must believe that the doctor actively cooperates with the treatment.

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