
NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

author:Casual lobbyist


At 14:07 on June 25, Chang'e-6 successfully returned to China, marking China's historic achievements in lunar exploration, and also moving towards a new stage in the history of space exploration, becoming a lunar exploration mission that successfully recovered lunar surface samples after the "Full Moon Spacecraft" and "Yutu-2".

However, just before Chang'e-6 landed, the authoritative American media "Wall Street Journal" published an article saying that China was already ahead of the United States in the space race, and the results of the competition are not difficult to see.

At this time, the United States is also carrying out the Artemis program, and NASA has prepared a lunar landing program in order to be able to land on the moon in 2024.

A prestigious former director of NASA once said: "When the Chinese landed on the moon, I was more afraid that they would say that we have been Chinese since ancient times."

So why is the U.S. space program "in trouble," why is there such a concern about the former director, and why does the U.S. have so many space programs that have not been completed?

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

The "Artemis Project" is in trouble.

The news of the return of Chang'e-6 immediately aroused the attention of people around the world, and domestic and foreign media also carried a large number of reports on the mainland's lunar exploration mission.

With the successful completion of the Chang'e-6 space mission, major aviation media have also begun to compare and analyze the lunar exploration missions at home and abroad to find out what changes have occurred in the current world space race system, and this Wall Street Journal article is one of them.

In a June 23 Wall Street Journal article, the mainland mentioned the Chang'e-6 mission, as well as China's great progress in the space race, and said that the United States has lagged behind China.

However, since the launch of the lunar exploration mission in 2007, the mainland has made a series of major breakthroughs and achievements, in fact, the mainland has been trying to explore new areas and promote the progress of aviation science and technology.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

Moreover, as a major development prospect in the world today, space exploration technology is an exciting thing for mankind, but the mainland's space exploration technology is also gradually improving.

The success of the mainland's lunar exploration mission is not only the success of one person, but the result of the efforts of thousands of scientific researchers, and it also represents that the mainland's aerospace technology has entered a new peak.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

The United States did start the American "Artemis program", in order to be able to ensure the landing on the moon in 2024, as early as 1969 after the success of the Apollo space program, the United States has already started the later Artemis program.

The U.S. space program is represented by the "Apollo" and "Challenge Programs", in fact, this Apollo program was originally the U.S. President John F. Kennedy in order to engage in international politics and let the president's national security assistant receive space missions from the U.S. Navy, and Gerald Folbos is the founder and director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

At that time, the United States was not only far ahead in science and technology, as we all know, the reason why the United States launched the "Apollo" project and sent people to the moon, on the other hand, also originated from the background of the Cold War in the 60s of the last century, the state power of the United States at that time was very offensive to the outside world, and the government in order to gain military superiority, it will inevitably invest more funds for the military, and this also provides a very good scientific research environment for American scientific researchers.

In that era of guns and guns, the United States had an indisputable technological lead with its economic and military might, and in 1969, the successful landing of Apollo 11 on the moon made the Americans even more ostentatious, which laid the foundation for their Artemis program.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

What the United States is bent on winning more "commercially" and turning its ostentatious mentality into more economic interests, but as a high-tech industry, aerospace is a very expensive industry, which consumes a country's economy very much, and this is prominently manifested in talent and funding.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

Since the end of the Cold War, as the mainland has not only achieved independent research and development of aircraft, but also achieved independent research and development of projects such as aircraft carriers, large aircraft, and manned space flights, the mainland's scientific and technological and R&D capabilities in the aerospace field have aroused the concern of the United States, and it has gradually been recognized as a global "space power," and the return of Chang'e-6 is a powerful proof of this.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

However, the "Artemis Program" of the United States has always had some problems since its inception, and due to many technical problems, many astronauts have problems, and astronaut missions have been postponed.

In addition, there were some problems with spacecraft, such as the "Boeing" "Starliner" that also had some technical failures such as water leakage, and it was also for these reasons that the return of American astronauts was blocked.

The space race should not be politicized.

In fact, space technology in today's scientific and technological field has been able to cover up a huge amount of food, huge damage, space exploration missions should have transcended national borders, not allowing one country to extend a friendly hand to another, and even want to impose its own development methods on it.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

Instead, we should take scientific cooperation as the leading factor, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and make common progress, and at the same time, we can also make greater and greater contributions to the development of science and technology culture for all mankind.

In the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, sharing, and cooperation, the mainland is cooperating with Russia, France, and many other countries in the world in the space field.

NASA: I'm afraid that the Chinese will land on the moon first, and I'm even more afraid that they will say "since ancient times" when they go up

In the field of space science and technology on the mainland, European experts are also actively participating, and Europe also has great advantages and experience in this regard, and in the future, the mainland will also actively cooperate with other countries in the world in space exploration.

The mainland's Chang'e-6 mission has further embodied the mainland's spirit of exploration, leading the national space department to win more respect and authority for the mainland's strength in the high-tech field, so we should be proud of it.

Serious aerospace reporting transmits positive energy.

When we are carrying out space exploration, the mainland's lunar exploration missions have been carefully planned and carried out, and our manned lunar exploration project has thus added another fruitful result, and the prospects for our space development are very clear, and this is a thing that deserves to be fully exciting.

However, we should never be pessimistic; the mainland already has rich experience in the field of aerospace, and in addition, it has a good scientific research environment and good conditions, so we should fully believe that our aerospace development will certainly be able to flourish day by day.

At the same time, as a media worker, we should treat aerospace reports with a serious attitude and show them seriously and objectively, which is an attitude that should be advocated.

Space exploration is a great cause that carries the dreams of mankind and a battlefield without gunpowder, but it gives mankind a greater meaning of life, and the media, as the transmitter of information, should take it more seriously, pass on all information related to aerospace to more people, and show people the greatness of the aerospace industry.

Transmitting positive energy can also make more people realize the importance of space exploration, and at the same time, it can also enrich everyone's knowledge and improve people's scientific literacy.


Although it is undeniable that the mainland has indeed made tremendous progress in some areas for space exploration, we should not only not be complacent, but should also be more modest and cautious, conscientiously sum up the past experience, and move towards a better future, which is what we must keep in mind.

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