
The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

author:Fuk Wan Road
The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

On June 25th, the travel column group of suddenly released a documentary, and the protagonist was this girl named Jiang Ping.

As soon as this documentary came out, it set off a lot of waves on the Internet!

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

Listening to her old neighbors, Jiang Ping has been sensible and calm since she was a child, and she is also very kind and simple.

Moreover, Jiang Ping's academic performance has always been among the best.

However, because of her poor family, in order to relieve a little pressure on her parents, she chose to give up the high school that she could have been admitted to and went to a secondary school instead.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

However, it is such a simple, kind and upright girl, but she is questioned by some people on the Internet.

Among them, there is a guy named Fang Zhouzi, he thinks that Jiang Ping's results in the high school entrance examination and the secondary school monthly examination are not very good, and he made a lot of mistakes when he did the questions on the blackboard.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

Regarding Fang Zhouzi's doubts, Yin Wotao, the head of the Organizing Committee of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, has something to say.

He left a message under Fang Zhouzi's social account to respond to the question, and clarified the so-called "mistakes" for Jiang Ping.

It turns out that the so-called "mistakes" that Jiang Ping wrote on the blackboard are actually just a matter of writing order.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

It's like sometimes we write too fast, and the order of the strokes will be messed up.

Moreover, Yin Wotao also said that it is a common thing for middle school students to use LaTeX software now.

Speaking of Jiang Ping, this girl who came out of a small mountain village is undoubtedly the most dazzling star in recent times.

With her outstanding performance in the field of mathematics, she successfully entered the finals of the National Mathematics Competition.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

At this moment, she is devoting herself to this upcoming mathematical feast and fighting hard for her dream.

In order to ensure that Jiang Ping can have a quiet and attentive environment for exam preparation, the school has given her "special protection" to limit contact with the outside world, so that she can devote herself to the world of mathematics without distraction.

This kind of treatment is not only a recognition of Jiang Ping's ability, but also an expectation for her future.

In the world of math competitions, every competition is a war without gunpowder.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

Players need to show their talent and strength in a limited time.

And in this process, the attention and support of the outside world will undoubtedly bring them more pressure and motivation.

During Jiang Ping's preparations, we saw a different scene.

Although she is about to participate in the finals of the national mathematics competition, both the school and all walks of life have chosen to support her with a more "calm" attitude.

They didn't bother her, so that she could concentrate on preparing; They don't put pressure on her, so she can play easily.

Of course, this kind of "calmness" does not mean ignoring Jiang Ping.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

On the contrary, when Jiang Ping was about to appear on the final stage, people's expectations and attention to her also reached an unprecedented height.

People expect her to play her best and bring glory to her country and hometown.

Jiang Ping's outstanding performance not only made her herself the center of attention, but also made her hometown, that once unknown small mountain village, also receive unprecedented attention.

This attention not only makes the villagers proud and proud, but also gives them hope and opportunities for the future.

Under Jiang Ping's influence, more and more villagers began to realize the importance of knowledge to change their fate.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

They began to encourage the children to study hard, go out of the mountains and pursue a better life.

This change not only injects new vitality into the small mountain village, but also points out the direction for its future development.

The People's Daily once published an article emphasizing: "As long as there is a dream, courage, and persistence, everyone can write their own wonderful life." ”

This sentence is perfectly embodied in Jiang Ping.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

From an ordinary girl from a small mountain village to a leader in the national mathematics competition, Jiang Ping has written one legendary story after another with her sweat and hard work.

Her story tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we must be brave enough to pursue it;

As long as you persevere, you will be able to achieve your goals.

At the same time, Jiang Ping's story also shows us the close connection between personal skills and life.

As long as a person has mastered certain skills, he can not only create better living conditions for himself, but also make greater contributions to society.

This skill is not limited to the field of mathematics but also includes various other fields.

As long as we are willing to work hard and learn, we will be able to master a skill and add more color to our lives.


。 A lot of the time, those so-called "academic gatekeepers" always like to judge others with their own eyes.

In their eyes, only those who meet their standards can be considered "geniuses" and "masters".

And what about those who don't meet their standards? No matter how hard you work and how talented you are, you will be devalued by them.

The latest progress of the Jiang Ping incident! In the face of doubts, Jiang Ping's neighbors told the truth

As the classic saying goes, "Not all swans are white, but every swan deserves to be respected".

Jiang Ping is such a swan who deserves to be respected.

What I'm trying to say is that everyone has their own unique talents and values.

We can't deny others all of them just because they don't meet our standards in some way. Just like Jiang Ping, although her family is poor and she chose a secondary school, she still has her own mathematical talent and dreams.

We should respect everyone's choices and efforts, rather than looking at them through colored glasses.

Having said that, in fact, this incident has also reminded us that we should maintain a rational and objective attitude in the face of online doubts. We can't be easily swayed by other people's remarks, and we can't blindly follow the trend and question others. We should learn to see things with our own eyes and feel the truth with our own hearts.

Only in this way can we avoid being misled and deceived.