
How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

author:Refreshing summer

I really don't understand, can't you give your child some freedom? How old are the people, the children are all children, how can they learn and not let go.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!
How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!
How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Oh my God, I feel sorry for your husband! Either hard bar or hungry before coming back next time.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Hahaha, the next time I see that the outside is not clean, I will cook for you at home every day.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Awesome, you'll be the boss in the future!

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

So why ask? Hope and disappointment? Does it make you think that you have to eat whatever I tell you to eat?

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

This kind of parents basically have no personal achievements, no social status, and have never experienced the taste of power in their lives, and the only identity that can exert authority is "parents", so they experience it in their children like a pervert.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!
How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Powerful, controlling parents have to deal with a tough seed like you.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Maybe it's just looking for some sense of existence!

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!
How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

They think they're good, but we don't want it. If they resist a little, they break their defenses.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Oh my God, who can remember this so clearly [covering face]

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Can criticize you, is it not her dereliction of duty that you are not good?

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Is it a big deal that she's angry? Your husband is not afraid that he will force you to be angry?! It's really funny~!

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

When the time comes, it may be much better to choose a school far away, and it may be much better to stay away.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Therefore, now psychologists are reluctant to treat adolescents with mental illness, because most of them are parents' problems, and only seeing children does not work at all

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

They always think that they are right, that you are her child, and that you have to listen to her.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

I have a deep understanding that if you don't eat, don't call you to get up, you have to shout in the morning, and say that you are lazy and so on.

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Welcome to discuss!

How outrageous can a parent's desire to be controlling? Let's see what everyone has to say!