
How to get an only child in the newspaper


In the mainland, single-child families have accounted for a large proportion, and many only children may have such needs in the process of growing up, the following are the specific operation steps on how to report on the only child:

Clarify the purpose of the report

How to get an only child in the newspaper

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

How to get an only child in the newspaper

Before publishing in the newspaper, first of all, you should first clarify your purpose, is it to find long-lost siblings, or do you want to meet friends with similar upbringing? Once the purpose is clear, you can write the content of the newspaper in a targeted manner.

Prepare relevant materials

1. Personal information: including name, gender, date of birth, home address, contact information, etc.

2. Photos: Provide recent life photos for others to identify.

How to get an only child in the newspaper

3. Family background: briefly introduce the family members and family situation.

4. Growth experience: Describe your own growth process, including learning, work, life and other experiences.

5. Specialties and hobbies: show your own strengths and hobbies in order to find like-minded friends.

Write the content of the newspaper

Based on the materials prepared above, write an introduction about yourself, and the following is a reference example:

I, name: Zhang San, gender: male, date of birth: January 1, 1990, home address: a district of a city in a province, contact information: mobile phone number (11 digits).

I was born in a happy family of only children, my father is an engineer, my mother is a teacher, I was cared for by my family since I was a child, I grew up in a good family atmosphere, I love learning, I have excellent grades, and after graduating from university, I entered a well-known company to work.

I have a cheerful personality and love sports, I like to play basketball, swim and travel in my spare time, and I am also keen on public welfare undertakings, often participating in volunteer activities, hoping to contribute to the society.

Here, I hope to meet more friends with similar growth backgrounds through the newspaper, share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life, and if possible, I also hope to find long-lost brothers and sisters to make up for the regrets of family affection.

Choose the right newspaper and layout

According to the purpose and content of the newspaper, choose a newspaper with wide coverage and great influence, and also choose the appropriate layout to ensure the effect of the newspaper.

Submit an application for registration

Submit the content of the newspaper to the editorial office of the newspaper, along with personal photos and other relevant materials, and keep your mobile phone unblocked, so that the editorial department can contact you if needed.

Pay attention to the feedback

After publicizing the newspaper, pay attention to the feedback from readers, verify the identity of the other person carefully if someone contacts you, avoid being deceived, and be cautious in the process of searching for lost relatives or friends, and do not trust others.

Stay tuned

Finding relatives or friends in the newspaper is a long-term process, and you need to persevere, even if there is no result for the time being, do not be discouraged, and believe that one day you will find your own family and friendship.

Only children to find relatives or friends, need to be fully prepared, maintain patience and confidence, in this process, you may encounter many unexpected challenges, but as long as you persevere, I believe there will be a good harvest, I wish all only children can find their own happiness and belonging.