
[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

author:Brother Tao @ excerpt sharing
Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, focusing on headline excerpts and sharing. Thank you Toutiaojun for letting us meet here, click on the upper right corner to follow [Bixin] [Bixin] [Bixin], share my excerpts and insights every day, learn with you, and share happiness
[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Today is the 38th day of the 100th day of copying. The theme of today's excerpt is "The Greatest Meaning of Work", welcome to enjoy it while leaving a message in the comment area to discuss, grow together, and learn together!

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

First of all, we have to understand that going to work is not a joke.

Although sometimes you will feel tired, annoyed, and even want to just lie down at home.

But to be honest, going to work is an indispensable part of our lives.

Why? Don't worry, listen to me slowly give you an analysis.

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Go to work, for those few red tickets

Life is not only about what is in front of you, but also about poetry and distance!

But when you really reach a certain age, you will understand that poetry and distance also need travel expenses.

Money is not everything, but no money is everything.

We have to eat, we have to pay rent, we have to buy clothes, we have to go to the movies, we have to travel, all of these have to rely on money.

And going to work is our most direct way to make money.

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Go to work, for that little sense of accomplishment

When I went to work, I completed a task independently, successfully solved a problem, and worked hard to get a good review!

This little inner happiness and that sense of satisfaction cannot be described in words.

Through teamwork, we can also harvest a group of like-minded friends.

Working together, fighting together, for the same goal, the same instruction, those days and nights of struggle are more worth remembering.

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Go to work, for that better self

There is a saying: if you can't learn knowledge, you can accumulate experience, and if you can't accumulate experience, you can learn experience!

There is no road in vain in life, every step counts, and all experiences can be turned into growth

At work, we need to continue to learn, think, innovate, and exercise our thinking ability and problem-solving ability.

At work, it can also make us more self-disciplined, understand the society, recognize the society, and not be eliminated by the society.

At work, I am exposed to more people and things, and my understanding of human nature can be more rational to look at problems and challenges.

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Go to work, for a better future

Going to work is to lay a foundation, save experience, make a wide network, and harvest resources!

As we grow older and gain experience, so do our careers.

Through hard work, it is possible to be promoted from an ordinary employee to a department manager, a company executive, or even start your own business as a boss.

All of this requires our continuous efforts and struggles to achieve this. Going to work is the first step in achieving these goals.

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Going to work is also to make life more interesting

Work not only brings us material income, but also brings us spiritual satisfaction;

Under the teaching of words and deeds, in the child's subconscious, at least his parents are motivated and the embodiment of ability

Through regular living, we reap the benefits of health; Through the opportunity to meet people, we have grown and harvested.

Through a stable social circle, steadily rise, and reach the final breakthrough on your own level!

[100 Days of Copying Books on the 38th Day]: Why do people go to work? 5 reasons to tell you!

Work to settle the soul, go to work to feed the body! Do you agree with the above points in front of the screen? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss'
