
Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

author:Sincere Evening Breeze I
Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

In the era of involution, diligence and perseverance are the keys to success.

Peking University professor Yao Yang talks about involution: competition or lying flat? Your choices determine your future

In today's fast-paced, high-pressure society, the word "involution" is like a ubiquitous ghost, hovering in everyone's heart.

But in the face of this seemingly never-ending competition, where do we go from here? Recently, Peking University professor Yao Yang's remarks have aroused widespread discussion on social media like a bombshell.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

The professor said bluntly: involution may be the only way to success

Professor Yao Yang said in an interview that he believes that young people should continue to roll in, rather than choose to lie flat.

He emphasized that in this highly competitive society, not rolling means being marginalized and abandoned by the times.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

Although Professor Yao's words were direct, they did speak to the hearts of many people. In the face of the reality of limited resources and scarce opportunities, involution seems to have become a helpless choice.

But is involution really the only way to success?

In the professor's view, there is a noteworthy detail: he does not deny the pressure and pain caused by involution, but reminds everyone to maintain a calm mind and take care of their lives and families during the process of rolling.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

To a certain extent, this view provides another interpretation of the phenomenon of involution: involution is not an end, but a means; Success is not an end, but a process.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Involution or lying flat, which is more worth pursuing?

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

However, Professor Yao's views were not shared by all netizens. Many people believe that although involution can bring a certain sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, long-term internal friction and physical and mental exhaustion are also problems that cannot be ignored.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

They fear that excessive involution will damage their health and quality of life, and even lead to irreversible consequences.

The choice is yours: compete or lie flat?

In fact, involution and lying flat are not either/or choices.

Everyone has their own values and lifestyle, and can make the most suitable decision based on their actual situation.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

If you like competition, the pursuit of challenges, and a sense of achievement, then involution may be a good choice.

If you're more focused on quality of life, peace of mind and happiness, then it's okay to lie flat.

Conclusion: Whether you roll in or lie flat, you must find your own happiness

Whether you choose to roll up or lie flat, remember: life is your own, and happiness is also your own.

Don't let the pressures and voices of the outside world dictate your choices, and be brave enough to pursue your dreams and happiness.

Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

In this complex and ever-changing world, finding your own way of life and rhythm is the most important thing.

In this era of fierce competition, involution has become a norm, and we can only adapt and try to stand out from it.

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Peking University professor's advice to young people: continue to roll, don't lie flat, only the roll can succeed!

Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only

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