
Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

author:Entertainment narrator
Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

An article by Wang Shuo titled "I Look at Jin Yong" has attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

The author of the article is the famous writer and screenwriter Wang Shuo.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In this article, Wang Shuo mercilessly criticizes the contemporary martial arts novel Taidou Jin Yong, while also attacking Qiong Yao's romance novels.

Wang Shuo's views are sharp and direct, and he scoffs at people who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels as ordinary people who have no taste.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Everyone, let's talk about the "Huashan Discussion on the Sword" in the literary world today, the protagonists are none other than the famous "poisonous tongue" Wang Shuo and the martial arts giant Jin Yong.

The confrontation between these two bigwigs is simply a "Mars collides with the earth" in the cultural world, and the excitement is no less than the current Weibo hot search.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Having said that, Wang Shuo, this buddy, has always been a "straight gut", and he never detours when he speaks, and his remarks that "Jin Yong's works are not worth reading" back then were simply throwing a bomb on the tip of the hearts of martial arts fans.

Jin Yong's fans instantly blew up and said: "You don't know the goods, what do you know about the rivers and lakes of our Jin Daxia?" On the other hand, friends in the literary criticism circle secretly praised it, thinking: "Someone finally said what we wanted." ”

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Actually, Wang Shuo and Jin Yong's Liangzi, it was not a matter of one or two days.

In the 80s, when Jin Yong's martial arts world swept the streets and became the martial arts bible in the hearts of countless teenagers, Wang Shuo was disgusted and bluntly said that Jin Yong's works were like "instant noodles", eating too much is not nutritious.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In Wang Shuo's eyes, Jin Yong's novels are like products on the assembly line, the plot is the same, the text is as plain as water, and you can guess the next sentence after reading it, which is simply a "sea of routines".

But life is always full of reversals.

Wang Shuo also has Jin Yong's die-hard fans around him, blowing the wind in his ears every day: "Oh, Mr. Wang, you have to give Jin Yong another chance, his martial arts world, that's a hole!" ”

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In this way, under the soft grinding and hard bubbles of curiosity and friends, Wang Shuo decided to "brush up" Jin Yong for the second time and give him a chance to re-judge, and muttered in his heart: "If you disappoint me again this time, hum, I will have to 'real-name diss'!" ”

The result? Wang Shuo's reading felt like he had walked into a "large-scale embarrassing scene".

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

He found that Jin Yong's novels still have the same flavor - the plot is still old-fashioned, the text is still "down-to-earth" to make people want to cry, and the plot advancement relies on the "misunderstanding + fighting" mode, which is simply the martial arts version of "The Wolf is Coming", and after watching too much, the audience can become screenwriters.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

What makes Wang Shuo even more "blue thin mushroom" is that the characters in Jin Yong's pen seem to be carved out of a mold, and their personalities are so simple that they seem to be copied and pasted.

He took "Tianlong Babu" as an example, saying that the dialogue of the characters in it is like a modern person who has traveled back in ancient costumes, with a "sense of travel", and this language style is really more than one grade worse than Jia Pingwa and Shi Nai'an, which is simply a "bronze king".

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

However, while we are ridiculing, we also have to say something fair.

Although this turmoil in the literary world seems to be a "mutual hatred" between the two on the surface, in fact, it has inspired people to think deeply about literary diversity and aesthetic standards.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Whether it is Jin Yong's martial arts world or Wang Shuo's realism, they are an indispensable touch of color in the garden of literature.

As the saying goes: "Turnip greens, each has its own love." ”

Respecting different voices and appreciating diverse cultures is not exactly what our society should be tolerant and open?

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Speaking of Wang Shuo, the eldest brother, he not only rolled his eyes at Jin Yong's martial arts world, but also "couldn't afford to love" Aunt Qiong Yao's romance kingdom.

In his opinion, Aunt Qiong Yao's novel is simply the originator of "youth pain literature", full of "Little Luck" and "Glass Heart", and people want to say every minute: "Children's shoes, have you finished your homework?" ”

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo said bluntly: "The fans of Qiong Yao dramas are all like star-chasers, and they are 'Obaoni' at every turn, can we be more mature and discuss some adult topics?" ”

This wave of operations directly blew up fans on both sides.

Jin Yongfan and Qiong Yao fans said in unison: "You can do it, don't BB!" And some literary critics applauded, feeling that although Wang Shuo's words were sharp, they did poke at the weakness of some popular literature, which can be regarded as "conscience complaining".

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo, in the face of controversy, has a posture of "I'll just watch you quarrel quietly", and he may still be thinking in his heart: "Brother is so real, if you don't like it, you don't like it, why do you like it." ”

He adheres to his literary beliefs, believing that literary works have to have a bit of depth, a bit of chewiness, and can't always roll in the shallows of "sweet pets" and "sadomasochism".

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo's criticism of "taking an unusual path" undoubtedly dropped a "depth bomb" on the literary world and set off a great discussion on "popular literature and pure literature".

Some people support Jin Yong and Qiong Yao, saying that although their novels are simple and straightforward, they are better than the stories that are attractive and the emotions are sincere, just like chilled watermelons in summer, quenching thirst and heat; There are also people who stand on Wang Shuo's side, believing that literary works should have deeper thinking and exploration, and not just stay at superficial entertainment.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

But in the final analysis, reading is like eating hot pot, some people love spicy, some people like clear soup, each has its own taste, there is no need to score a high or low.

Although Wang Shuo has a "poisonous tongue", he also leaves room for it: "If you like it, continue to chase it, I won't stop it."

Listening to this, there is a bit of "you can be happy" open-mindedness.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In fact, whether it is the sword and sword shadow in Jin Yong's pen, or the love of children in Qiong Yao's book, they are all bright stars in the literary sky, each with its own light, illuminating the youth of countless people.

As Mr. Lu Xun said, the road is walked by people, and the same is true of the road of literature, every type of work has its reason for existence and value, and the key lies in how we can appreciate, understand, and feel the unique beauty with an inclusive heart.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Perhaps, we should not simply judge a work by "elegant" or "vulgar".

Every writer has his own things he wants to express and his unique artistic pursuits.

We should respect this pluralistic literary landscape, rather than blindly pursuing or belittling a certain category of work.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

As Wang Shuo said, he never deliberately catered to the taste of the public, but always adhered to his own literary philosophy.

This independent and outspoken personality is also the charm of his works.

His characters are all flesh and blood and lifelike, and his criticism and reflection on society can always resonate with readers.

Famous writer Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

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