
Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

author:Benny said the world

The shocking work "Heroes' Children" in the Chinese film industry was released. This film is like a bright pearl, instantly attracting the attention of audiences across the country. In this film, the role of "Wang Fang" played by young actress Liu Shangxian is like a rising star, shining brightly.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Liu Shangxian's acting skills are delicate and nuanced, and she successfully portrays the tenacious and unyielding female image of "Wang Fang", making it lifelike. Her performance not only received enthusiastic applause from the audience, but also won unanimous praise from the jury.

Many believe that Liu Shangxian is the best interpreter of the role of "Wang Fang", and her unique temperament and personal charm make this role difficult to surpass.

However, just as Liu Shangxian was planning for the future with great expectations, fate played a cruel joke on him. When she was full of ambition for the glory of her career, a sudden blow completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Liu Shangxian fell all the way from the peak of her career to the bottom, and the once bustling set is no longer heard anyone calling her name. Confused and desperate, she was notified of "labor reform", which was like a boulder, completely shattering her hope of returning to the entertainment industry.

The once-high-profile rising star is forced to leave the bustling city and embark on a long journey to remote villages. The once high-spirited "Wang Fang" can only look up at the starry sky on the ridge, allowing the dreams and ideals to drift away in the wind.

Faced with the current grim reality, Liu Shangxian had to put aside the glory of the past for the time being. She knows that her priority now is to adapt to this new and unfamiliar environment.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

The great turn of fate forced her to re-examine her life and embark on a new journey.

In Shanghai in the late 1940s, Liu Shangxian was born into a culturally rich family in this bustling city, which made her show a unique temperament from an early age. It seems that she was born with a special vitality and attraction.

Among her peers, Liu Shangxian is always the most striking girl. No matter how she behaves, she shows an otherworldly elegance, which makes people involuntarily think of Tian Hua, a movie star who was all the rage at the time.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Her classmates affectionately called her "Xiao Tianhua", a name that not only perfectly shows her beautiful appearance, but also predicts the glory of her future destiny.

Fate always seems to have a wonderful arrangement. Who would have thought that those words with a sense of joke would become a reality many years later. Liu Shangxian's first screen appearance was as Tian Hua's stuntman.

When she first entered the set, she was like a butterfly that strayed into the garden, both nervous and excited.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Liu Shangxian was deeply attracted by the charm of the film and television world, the dazzling lights on the stage, the ever-changing expressions in front of the camera, and the superb performances of the actors, all of which fascinated her. Deep in her heart, a seed of an actor quietly took root and sprouted.

In order to realize her love and longing for her acting career, Liu Shangxian made a decision that had a significant impact on her life - to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. This means that she will leave the familiar Shanghai and go to Beijing to pursue her dreams.

During her four years at the Beijing Film Academy, Liu Shangxian eagerly learned the skills of acting and the true meaning of art, believing that one day she would be able to show her talent on the screen. However, the long river of fate is always full of unexpected turns, and Liu Shangxian did not know at that time that her life was about to usher in a dramatic turn of ups and downs.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

In this way, the Shanghai girl named "Xiao Tianhua" embarked on her acting journey with enthusiasm and a beautiful vision for the future. Her story is like a wonderful movie, about to unfold slowly on the stage of life.

When Liu Shangxian was at a low point in her life, Shen Guorui's appearance brought the warmth of hope for life, like a bright light in the night, bringing bright guidance to Liu Shangxian's life.

The first time they saw each other, it seemed like yesterday. That was before Liu Shangxian embarked on a journey of rural labor reform, and she worked in a prestigious film studio. In those passionate and challenging days, she met Shen Guorui, a veteran recording engineer who was three years older than herself.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

At first, Shen Guorui and Liu Shangxian were just ordinary colleagues, but Shen Guorui was soon attracted by Liu Shangxian's unique temperament and was unforgettable. However, fate likes to joke, and when their relationship gradually warmed up, Liu Shangxian's life changed dramatically.

When Ms. Liu's father suffered injustice and was unable to continue working at the studio, those who knew her well began to distance themselves from her. But Shen Guorui did not snub her because of this, but treated her with a more friendly and patient attitude.

Every time he sees Liu Shangxian, Shen Guorui will listen to her troubles and help her solve the confusion in her heart.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

As time passed, Liu Shangxian's gratitude to Shen Guorui gradually evolved into a deeper emotion. She decided to express her heart sincerely, which required great courage.

So she bravely confided her feelings to Shen Guorui.

In the face of Liu Shangxian's confession, Shen Guorui was no longer restrained and became brave. He responded openly to his feelings, and their relationship took a big step forward.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

However, Shen Guorui and Liu Shangxian's love road was not all smooth sailing. Due to the huge gap in status and status, Shen Guorui's friends persuaded him to think twice, thinking that it was not wise to be with Liu Shangxian.

However, Shen Guorui's belief in love is very firm. He has always believed that sincere love should be pure and flawless and should not be influenced by the outside world. In his opinion, the essence of love is that two people love each other, and nothing else matters.

Despite the difficulties, Liu Shangxian and Shen Guorui's relationship has become stronger in the face of adversity. Even in the face of the challenge of Liu Shangxian's labor reform, Shen Guorui still did not hesitate. He promised Liu Shangxian that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would wait patiently until she returned to his arms.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

When Liu Shangxian stepped on the train to the countryside, her heart was full of apprehension and uneasiness. As the speed of the train gets faster and faster, she gets farther and farther away from the familiar city life.

The scene in front of me gradually became strange and desolate, and the once noisy and bustling city life is now only the shadow of memories.

After Liu Shangxian arrived at her destination, she began a life of labor reform. Every day, she had to work hard in the fields, and her hands were rough from long contact with the soil. The once delicate skin was burned by the scorching sun, and the delicate facial features were also eroded by the wind and sand.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Such a life is undoubtedly a huge test for the once high-profile movie stars.

However, in this extremely difficult environment, Liu Shangxian gradually realized the true meaning of life. She learned to hold on to hope in the face of adversity and to persevere in the face of life's tribulations.

Whenever night falls, she often sits alone on the ridge, looking up at the starry sky, in this quiet moment, she can't help but recall the glorious moments when she once stood in the spotlight, and those applause and praise seem to have been a thing of a previous life.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

At this moment, Liu Shangxian is just an ordinary laborer, no different from the farmers around her. She began to deeply feel that the true meaning of life is not only fame and status, but more importantly, to maintain dignity and hope in any environment.

Despite the hardships of life, Liu Shangxian did not give up her yearning for a better future. Whenever she feels exhausted, Shen Guorui's gentle smile and firm commitment always appear in her mind and become her motivation to move forward.

This allows her to see the light of hope even in the darkest of moments.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Liu Shangxian is convinced that as long as she persists in her efforts, one day she will stand on the stage she loves again. This belief has made her maintain her inner strength and love for life in the difficult life of labor reform.

The former movie star Liu Shangxian silently endured the tempering of fate in the countryside and fields. This experience gave her a deeper understanding and appreciation of life, and it has also become the most valuable asset in her life.

The long career of labor reform finally came to an end, and when Liu Shangxian boarded the return train, she was both happy and apprehensive. She wanted to see Shen Guorui, who she thought about day and night, but at the same time, she was worried that everything had changed, and he no longer belonged to her imagination.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

However, the moment the train slowly entered the platform, she saw Shen Guorui in the crowd at a glance. His eyes were piercing, and his face was filled with an expectant smile. The two looked at each other, as if they had stepped back in time, back to the day they first met.

They hugged each other and cried, and all the grievances and thoughts turned into tears of joy at this moment. Shen Guorui hugged Liu Shangxian tightly, as if he wanted to make up for all these years of separation.

He proved his promise with his actions and consistently waited for Liu Shangxian's return.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Soon, they entered the palace of marriage and began a new chapter in their lives. However, due to her past experiences, Liu Shangxian did not quickly adapt to life in the city, and her heart was full of anxiety and low self-esteem.

The things that were once familiar were now unfamiliar, and even made her wonder if she could fit into the society again.

However, Shen Guorui used his endless patience and gentleness to heal Liu Shangxian's wounded heart bit by bit. He encouraged Liu Shangxian to regain her love for acting and accompany her through every difficult day and night.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

Whenever Liu Shangxian is confused about the future, Shen Guorui can always rekindle hope for her in his unique way.

With the support and encouragement of Shen Guorui, Liu Shangxian gradually regained her self-confidence and rekindled her enthusiasm for life. She began to actively re-engage with the entertainment industry, and although she was no longer the star she was all about, she found that her love for acting remained undiminished.

This hard-fought marriage touched Liu Shangxian deeply, and true love was extremely precious. She realizes that having a partner who genuinely loves and supports each other is the most valuable asset in life, compared to the fame and praise of the past.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

The years are like a song, and in a blink of an eye, Liu Shangxian and Shen Guorui have entered their old age. Their lives are plain and happy, and the greatest pleasure of every day is to tease their grandchildren and enjoy the joy of family. The sun shines in the courtyard where they live, warm and pleasant, and Liu Shangxian often sits quietly in front of the window, her face full of joy and satisfaction.

Shen Guorui gently hugged his wife's shoulder with his arm, and the two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes revealing deep feelings after the wind and rain.

Most of the time, their lively and adorable grandchildren will ask their grandmother stories with curiosity when she was younger. Liu Shangxian always tells her celebrity past with a smile, and her eyes are flashing with reminiscence.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

She will tell the children that she once played "Wang Fang" in "Children of Heroes", which was the pinnacle of her acting career, but what she cherishes more is the ordinary and warm life now.

Recalling the past, Liu Shangxian was deeply emotional. Her life has had its ups and downs, from high-profile stars to obscure laborers to happy wives and grandmothers. These experiences taught her that the true meaning of life is not about fame and status, but about being able to cherish the people in front of you and live in the moment.

Although Liu Shangxian is now far away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, her life has become particularly wonderful because of this troubled marriage. She and Shen Guorui are close to each other, weaving their own happy old age together, and every ordinary day has witnessed their vow to stay together for a lifetime.

Liu Shangxian: became popular because of her role as Wang Fang in "Heroes' Children", and the tribulation marriage is particularly colorful

In the quiet night, Liu Shangxian often held Shen Guorui's hand, full of gratitude for the arrangement of fate. She understands that it was those difficult experiences in the past that shaped her current happy life.

This hard-won ordinary life has become her most precious treasure.

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