
Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

author:Interesting history

1. Li Yuanhao (1004 - 1048), who was proclaimed emperor in 1038, reigned for 11 years.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Jingzong Li Yuanhao, whose father was Li Deming, the king of Xiping. After inheriting his father's throne, he proclaimed himself emperor in 1038 and established Bactria and was known as Western Xia in history. Li Yuanhao drew on the advanced culture of the Song Dynasty and established a set of political and military systems in accordance with the characteristics of the party and the nation. After that, the four major battles of Sanchuankou, Haoshuichuan, Linfufeng and Dingchuanzhai broke out one after another, and Western Xia annihilated many elites in the northwest of the Song army. In the Battle of Hequ, Li Yuanhao also defeated Liao Xingzong, who was personally conquered by the imperial driver, thus establishing the pattern of Song, Liao, and Western Xia. In 1048 AD, Li Yuanhao was killed by the crown prince at the age of 45. However, the crown prince failed to ascend to the throne of the Western Xia Emperor, and was usurped by the conspirator's foreign relative, Quanchen, who "did not hide the false Pang".

2. Xia Yizong (1047 - 1067), ascended to the throne in 1048 and reigned for 20 years.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

The second emperor of Western Xia was Li Liangzuo of Xia Yizong, the eldest son of Jingzong. He was only 1 year old when he ascended the throne, and his mother controlled the government. And did not hide Pang Nai's brother of the Empress Dowager, and became the regent of Western Xia until Li Liangzuo was 13 years old. When Xia Yizong grew up in power, he did not hide Pang but tried to coup and set up another emperor, and the contradictions between the two sides broke out in the palace. In the end, Xia Yizong, with the support of the general Manba and others, eradicated the Wuzang family. Xia Yizong died at the age of 21, and his son Li Bingchang succeeded to the throne.

3. Xia Huizong (1060 - 1086), who ascended the throne in 1067 and reigned for 20 years.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Huizong Li Bingchang was the eldest son of Yizong, who was 8 years old when he ascended the throne, and due to his young age, he was regent by the Empress Dowager Liang, thus starting the history of the regency of the Liang family's maternal family. When Huizong was 15 years old, due to the reluctance of Empress Dowager Liang to relinquish power, the two sides clashed, and Huizong was imprisoned for two years. After being released, Huizong found that even in the palace, he could not make decisions as an emperor. Huizong died in 1086 at the age of 26.

4. Xia Chongzong (1084 - 1139), who ascended the throne in 1086 and reigned for 54 years.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Chongzong Li Qianshun was the eldest son of Huizong, a promising monarch in the history of Western Xia, who was only 3 years old when he ascended the throne. Xia Chongzong succeeded to the throne at the age of 3, and was presided over by another Empress Dowager Liang. Empress Dowager Liang had a conflict with her maiden brother Liang Yikui, and a conflict broke out over the struggle for power, and finally Empress Dowager Liang won. Later, when the Liao State noticed that Western Xia was gradually leaving him, he poisoned it, and Xia Chongzong came to the fore at the age of 16.

Xia Chongzong's foreign policy remained unchanged after his pro-government, attacking the Great Song Dynasty, claiming vassal status to the Liao State and making peace with it. At the age of 36, Xia Chongzong had the opportunity to expand his territory. The Jin State and the Liao State launched an all-out campaign, and Xia Chongzong seemed to assist the Liao in resisting the Jin people, but in fact sat back and watched the fight. In the end, the Jin people approached the Western Xia to negotiate peace and carve up the Liao State. At that time, the Northern Song Dynasty had died, and Xia Chongzong sent troops to occupy a large area of Shaanxi when the Jin people attacked the Song Dynasty. During the reign of Xia Chongzong, the territory of Western Xia was unprecedentedly vast. Li Qianshun died in 1139.

5. Xia Renzong (1124 - 1193) ascended the throne in 1139 and reigned for 55 years

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Renzong Li Renxiao is the eldest son of Chongzong. Due to the unremitting efforts of Xia Chongzong, Western Xia has a vast territory. By the time of Xia Renzong, the systematic governance of the country was initiated. The imperial examination system of the Great Song Dynasty was introduced, and talents were recruited in addition to the party and nobles. Formulate and improve laws and strengthen centralized power. In terms of foreign policy, it was still dependent on the Jin State, and at the same time maintained ties with the Great Song Dynasty. During this period, the territory of Western Xia expanded to the maximum. It covers the whole of present-day Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, most of Gansu Province, northern Shaanxi Province, southwestern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northeastern Qinghai Province and parts of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Injong died in 1193 at the age of 70.

6. Xia Huanzong (1177 - 1206) ascended the throne in 1193 and reigned for 13 years

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Huanzong Li Chunyou is the eldest son of Renzong. It still took the attached gold and the Song Dynasty as the national policy. During the reign of Xia Huanzong, two major events occurred. One was the rise of the Mongols, which led to border conflicts with the Western Xia. The second is the civil strife of the imperial family, and Li An'an, the son of Li Renyou, the king of Yue, and the empress dowager jointly launched a coup d'état. Xia Huanzong was killed at the age of 30.

7. Xia Xiangzong (1169 - 1211) ascended the throne in 1206 and reigned for 6 years

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Xiangzong Li An'an is the grandson of Chongzong and the nephew of Renzong, and his father is Li Renyou. In 1209 AD, Temujin personally led a Mongol army to conquer Western Xia. All the way to attack Heishui City, Hanbao Luo City, and Guankou Keyi Gate, until they reached Zhongxing Mansion, the capital of Western Xia. Xia Xiangzong asked Jin for help, but was not answered. At that time, Mongolia flooded Zhongxing Province. However, when the dam collapsed and flooded the military camp, the Mongols negotiated peace with the Tangut. After paying a lot of gold and silver, cattle and sheep, and offering the princess, the Mongol army retreated.

Xia Xiangzong was angry that the Jin State could not be saved, tore up the agreement between the two countries, and launched a fierce attack on the Jin State, and finally lost both. In 1211 AD, Li Zunwei, the king of Qi, staged a coup d'état, Xia Xiangzong was deposed, and died in the same year at the age of 43.

8. Xia Shenzong (1162 - 1226) reigned in (1211 - 1223), a total of 13 years

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Shenzong Li Zunwei was the son of Li Yanzong, the king of Qi, who was erudite and knowledgeable, and won the title of high school in Western Xia in 1203, and then led the Western Xia military. In 1211, Xiangzong was abolished and became independent. He became emperor as a champion, which was unprecedented. After that, the wars with the Mongols and the Song Dynasty were repeatedly lost, and the Mongols frequently recruited the Western Xia army to attack the Jin Kingdom. In order to get rid of the fate of being requisitioned, Xia Shenzong sought a coalition with the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin State to resist the Mongols, but the results were not good, and none of the Song and Jin monarchs dared to confront the Mongols. In 1223 AD, the second son of Xia Shen Zongzen, Li Dewang, died in 1226 at the age of 65.

9. Xia Xianzong (1181 - 1226) ascended the throne in 1223 and reigned for four years.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

Li Dewang is the second son of Shenzong. After his accession to the throne, he resolutely resisted the Mongols. Xia Xianzong immediately contacted many tribes in Mobei on the grassland to form a coalition army. In 1225 AD, after capturing Khorezm, Temujin intended to eradicate Western Xia once and for all. The 64-year-old Temujin led the Mongol army, first conquering the city of Heishui and crushing the Mobei coalition army. Then he went south along the Ejina River, seized Shazhou, Suzhou, Ganzhou, Xiliangfu, Lingzhou and other places, and besieged Zhongxingfu. With a series of battle reports, Xia Xianzong was scared to death at the age of 46.

10. Emperor Xia (birth year unknown - 1227) ascended the throne in 1226 and reigned for 1 year.

Decipher the glory and vicissitudes of the ten emperors of Western Xia

At the end of the Xia Dynasty, Emperor Li Xiao (pronounced xiàn) was the nephew of Xianzong. At the end of the summer, the emperor held on to the capital Zhongxingfu for half a year, and finally due to the lack of troops in the city, the shortage of food and grass, and the people suffered from the plague, they had no choice but to surrender out of the city. The Western Xia royal family was taken away by the Mongol army, and on the west bank of the upper reaches of the Krulun River in Mongolia, the late Xia Emperor was brutally killed. The Western Xia, which lasted 189 years, came to an end.

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