
Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

author:Notes from the past and present

Today's incident is full of unreasonableness. The marriage road of the male protagonist Zhang San and the female protagonist Liu Dan is full of unexpected twists and turns.

It all started with a blind date, Zhang San and Liu Dan met under the mediation of relatives. When they first met, Zhang San thought that Liu Dan had a good personality, but later heard that Liu Dan was not interesting to him, so the two did not continue to contact.

However, a few months later, Liu Dan took the initiative to contact Zhang San again, saying that he wanted to give each other another chance. The two began to date frequently, and the relationship seemed to heat up quickly, and a month later, Liu Dan's family proposed an engagement, but there was a premise, Zhang San had to give 200,000 yuan first to help Liu Dan return the bride price to her ex-boyfriend.

Zhang San agreed, the money was given, the matter seemed to be resolved, and the relationship between the two went further, and soon after a second bride price was given, a total of 400,000 yuan, and Liu Dan's family returned 20,000 yuan, and then the two got married and planned the wedding.

Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

However, the days after the wedding were not as sweet as they were imagined. Liu Dan began to frequently mention divorce for various reasons, sometimes because she disliked Zhang San's appearance, sometimes because of Zhang San's temper, she felt that there was no love between the two.

Especially once, because Liu Dan came back late from going out to play at night, the two quarreled, and Liu Dan proposed divorce again, Zhang San accidentally found an "inner monologue" written by Liu Dan, which clearly said that she had never taken a fancy to Zhang San, but only because Zhang San's family conditions were good and his parents were of good character, so she agreed to get married. This made Zhang San feel very uncomfortable.

Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

Immediately afterwards, Zhang San found WeChat messages between her and her ex-girlfriend Li Si on Liu Dan's mobile phone, revealing some details of their past breakups, including financial pressure and family opposition, etc., Li Si also mentioned that Liu Dan failed to understand his family's good intentions.

What made Zhang San even more chilling was that in Liu Dan's chat records with her family, she directly admitted that she had no feelings for Zhang San, and also stated that she had never intended to defraud her property. But she also revealed her plans after the divorce, planning to use legal means to ensure that she can share the property she deserves, use this part of the money to decorate her home, and buy herself a car. She even discussed with her family plans to travel together after the divorce, and seemed to be looking forward to the upcoming free life.

Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

This series of discoveries made Zhang San's mood fall to the bottom, and when Zhang San decided to talk about divorce with Liu Dan and asked for a return of part of the bride price, he found that things were not simple.

The reporter broke the news:

On the evening of June 25, when a reporter contacted Liu Dan for the first time, she was a little surprised and reserved in response to Zhang San's various claims, and said: "How is this possible? Think about it, what girl would take advantage of her youth as he said? I'm not in a good position right now, so I can't say more. ”

Later, according to the prior agreement, the reporter dialed Liu Dan's phone again. This time, Liu Dan made it clear that her divorce from Zhang San followed the legal procedures, and an intermediary intervened to assist in mediation, and finally Zhang San also agreed and signed the property division agreement. However, what bothers her is that even though the divorce procedures have been completed, Zhang San continues to affect her daily life.

Regarding the 400,000 yuan bride price mentioned by Zhang San, Liu Dan responded: "If he was unwilling to give it at that time, he could not give it at all." The reason why I chose to divorce is because our marriage is not happy, and the most fundamental reason is that there are too many contradictions in personality incompatibility, including living habits, temperament, and way of handling things. He's impatient, he loses his temper, and now he's constantly interfering with my life, which makes it hard for me to accept. ”

Liu Dan also stressed that if Zhang San really thinks that he is cheating the bride price, he can take legal measures, such as asking a lawyer to sue, or even calling the police to deal with it. "If I really break the law, the police will naturally come to me and deal with it according to the law, and I am willing to bear the corresponding responsibility."

As for why she married Zhang San quickly after returning Li Si's dowry, and whether she expressed "I don't love Zhang San and regret not being with Li Si" during the marriage, Liu Dan seemed reluctant to talk about it, she said: "These issues have nothing to do with outsiders, and I don't want to think about those things again." As for that sentence, she vehemently denied that it had ever been said.

Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

Liu Dan insisted that the bride price was given before marriage, and according to the law, she was entitled to a share, and Zhang San consulted a lawyer and found that since they had been married for more than a year, it was almost impossible to return the bride price in full, and finally through the mediation of the intermediary, Liu Dan agreed to return 180,000 yuan, but this money was also a big loss for the Zhang family.

In the news comment area, this brother with a similar experience is even more upset:

Outrageous! The man paid 380,000 bride price for flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned to her ex-boyfriend, and she lived in the east and west

I have to say that Ms. Liu Dan handled the divorce matter so "neatly". Not only did I plan the financial distribution after the divorce in advance, but I also planned the divorce trip intimately, which can be described as "financial management" and "healing". This logic is more accurate than the algorithms of large systems.