
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media

author:Little North Star Entertainment

#王思聪的神评论# Jokes are coming! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a chat record of "milk powder money" with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media. I saw Huang Yiming playfully urging: "Mr. Wang, hurry up and transfer the milk powder money!" Otherwise, I'm going to be 'poor' and cry~" However, Wang Sicong replied with a smile: "Ming'er, don't make trouble, you know that I am short of money for the time being, and I have no money." Huang Yiming was not to be outdone after hearing this, and responded half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Mr. Wang, don't let me see you living a luxurious life on the Internet again, my 'poor father' is bitter!" I hate the rich, but I also feel sorry for me, the 'little king'! Wang Sicong smiled helplessly: "Ming'er, just bear with it, when I have a turnover of funds next year, I will definitely make up for this 'milk powder money' for you." "#王思聪神评论# #我爹是王思聪# #聊聊王思聪# #王思聪升级当爹#

#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media
#王思聪的神评论#笑料来袭! Not long ago, Huang Yiming, who revealed that his child was Wang Sicong, recently posted a "milk powder money" chat with Wang Sicong, the "son of the richest man", on social media

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