
What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

author:Delightful lark K
What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

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Contemporary Strange Relatives Illustrated: Those strange things that make people laugh and cry

In life, we will always meet all kinds of relatives, some relatives are kind and kind, and some relatives are avoided, I saw many netizens on the Internet to share the "love and hate" between relatives and strange relatives, these stories are really laughable, but also caused me to think deeply

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

For example, a netizen shared his experience of being asked by relatives to help buy a house, the netizen's cousin is about to get married, but the man's family requires the woman to buy a house in full, otherwise she will not be allowed to get married, and what is even more speechless is that this netizen's aunt actually asked the netizen to help pay for it, the reason is "you are a sister, you should help your younger brother"

Helping a relative buy a house? This generation of young people said: Can't do it!

When I saw this story, I was really stunned by this aunt's "mysterious self-confidence", helping relatives buy a house? This is not a small amount, not to mention that young people nowadays are also under great pressure to live, which does not cost money to buy a house, get married, and raise children? Why pay for the unreasonable demands of your relatives?

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

In the comment area, many netizens shared their experience of being "morally kidnapped" by relatives, some were asked to help find jobs, some were asked to help with children, and even more excessively, some were even asked to mortgage their real estate certificates to relatives for loans

The "Sense of Boundaries" of Kinship: How Should We Say Away?

What should we do in the face of unreasonable demands from relatives? Blindly forbearance will only make the other party gain an inch, bravely saying no is the best way to protect yourself, and refusing to pay attention to ways and means We can try the following ways:

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

1. Clearly express your position, when relatives make unreasonable demands, we should not be afraid to offend people, we should clearly tell each other what we think, and show our bottom line and principles

2. Learn to change the subject, if the other person has been entangled, we can try to change the topic, or find an excuse to leave to avoid confrontation

3. Seek help from family members when necessary, and if you can't handle it yourself, you can ask your parents, spouse and other family members for help so that they can come forward and communicate with relatives

To maintain family affection, we must protect ourselves: look at the relationship rationally

Family affection is a valuable asset, but maintaining family affection is not the same as unconditionally meeting any requirements of relatives, when getting along with relatives, we must not only maintain due courtesy and respect, but also know how to safeguard our own interests and principles

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

Not all relatives are so strange, I believe that most relatives are still reasonable, but we must also understand that no matter how close the relationship is, we must also maintain a certain "sense of boundary", and we can't take it for granted from each other just because they are relatives

From "Chinese-style kinship" to "rational kinship": what do we need to change?

"Chinese-style relatives" has always been a hot topic in society, many contradictions and conflicts are derived from the wrong perception of kinship, in the traditional concept, relatives pay attention to "you respect me a foot, I respect you a zhang", this "humane society" model may work in the past, but in modern society is easy to breed contradictions

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

If we want to change this status quo, we need to start from ourselves and establish a more rational view of family affection, which should be based on mutual respect and understanding, rather than a burden and pressure

Refuse "moral kidnapping" and guard inner boundaries: be the master of your own life

In the face of the unreasonable demands of relatives, we must be brave enough to say no, guard our inner boundaries, don't be afraid of offending people, and don't sacrifice our own interests for the sake of the so-called "family affection".

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

Remember, you are your own master, you have the right to choose the lifestyle you want, and you have the right to reject anyone or anything you don't like

Start from yourself to build a harmonious family relationship: you and I encourage each other

Building a harmonious family relationship requires each of us to work together, not only to know how to be grateful and give back, but also to learn to refuse and say no, I hope everyone can find a balance with relatives, harvest sincere family affection, you and I encourage together

What excessive demands did the relatives make? For the sake of her daughter, I asked my husband to divorce!

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your story with your relatives and your thoughts on "Chinese-style relatives".

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