
"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

author:It's interesting to understand Yuhui chasing dramas

A group of brightly dressed men in black broke into the small shops of ordinary people.

The house must be vacated within seven days!

Seven days later, it will enter the court auction procedure and force the auction!

The proceeds of the auction are to repay the arrears of the loan shark first, and if they are insufficient, they must make up the arrears. If there are other assets hidden, they will be further auctioned and bear relevant legal liabilities.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

As soon as "Executive Judge" starts, there are only a few contradictions and conflicts, and the later scenes are even more exciting.

Is this a bandit or a robber? They don't care about the indiscriminate situation, they don't care about the life or death of the old couple and the loss of business, and strictly follow the rigid written documents to enforce the law, which is ruthless outside the law.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

The old side is even more pitiful!

Unable to repay the huge debt owed by his son. The house in his name will also be forcibly deprived, and even watch his wife be taken away by the executive judge.

She has heart disease, high blood pressure, and may have a cerebral infarction at any time.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

The business couldn't go on, and the customers in the store immediately dispersed when they saw the man in black, no one was willing to reach out to help, and no one would say anything good, so they could only stand by and watch the excitement, waiting for the tragedy to happen.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

Why didn't they notify their nephew Qi Lin (Luo Jin), who is also a judge, as soon as possible, and obstruct it on the spot?

They may know in their hearts that no one can stop it from enforcing it, and it will also discredit his nephew Qi Lin, who finally became a judge, and delay his career.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

They can only bear it in silence and accept the facts.

Where is their son Fang Qiang?

When the mortgage contract was signed, was there no risk prevention and control? Such a son is irresponsible, and when he hides, the couple can only say that they have raised a white eye worm.

Where do they live without a house?

Did the court consider whether they still have the meaning of living without a home?

It is very likely that the old party will take extreme measures to let Judge Chu Yun (played by Yang Zishan), who is ruthless and doesn't care whether the people live or die, drink a pot well.

Looking forward to the old side's angry counterattack, the more intense the conflict, the more exciting the plot will be!

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

Judge Qi Lin has just tried a case of intentional wounding caused by door-to-door collection, and he knows that he must be cautious in carrying out this kind of debt recovery case, and find out the real person behind it.

Unexpectedly, the case will soon fall on his own head, will he enforce the law impartially and consider the interests of the weaker groups?

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

In seven days, the pork knuckle rice can be sold a lot, which can give the poor old couple more pensions.

But no one will consider their interests, and no one will pity them.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

"Executive Judge" has just been broadcast, and there are constant discussions.

Is it necessary for law enforcement to be so rigid?

If their parents, relatives and friends were so framed by the loan shark company, would they still become thugs and accomplices of the loan shark company?

Chu Yun didn't encounter a ruthless stubble.

As the plot develops, maybe she will be threatened by her life, and she may not understand until she dies tragically and dies that before the law, what is the equality of human nature!

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

Aunt, although Qi Lin can't interfere in his uncle's case, he knows one thing very well-

Enforcement must not harm the interests of the victim and all parties, causing secondary harm.

The foreclosure houses are all said to be cheap, who is it good for? In reality, we savor the situation.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin
"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

In the play, Qi Lin will appear as the first rotating executive judge, and he may set an example to let this tough Chu Yun see what is the people's judge?

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

Chu Yun (Yang Zishan) must have just fallen out of love, was emotionally impulsive, or had early menopause, otherwise he would not be so arrogant.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin
"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

I look forward to Qi Lin joining the executive judge as soon as possible and giving a sample to Sister Chu Yun!

I hope there won't be a thrilling romance between them, and there is no sign of Qi Lin and Chu Yun CP pairing.

It's Ouyang Lulu who is a little interesting!

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

If you forcibly implement the pairing of male and female protagonists, just abandon the drama. Ha.

If, after marriage, Chu Yun still has such a character, Qi Lin's good days are over!

Qi Lin, you have to stay away from such a domineering woman.

I don't know how to respect people before marriage, and I am also a mother tiger after marriage.

"Executive Judge" It wasn't until Biao Qiangmei was stabbed and died that Chu Yun found out what was good about Judge Qi Lin

"Executive Judge", is there a top? Chasing dramas together, Luo Jin and Yang Zishan let people see different legal stories.

In the play, powerful actors gathered, as well as Ding Jiali / Zhao Jun / Zhang Xilin / Sarina / Yin Xiaotian / Dong Xuan, and others.


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