
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut

Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut
Who exactly does the money belong to the ATM, the answer catches you off guard, humorous jokes, hilarious debut

"Do you know who the ATM money belongs to?" My friend Xiao Li asked me while nibbling on an apple.

"Do you need to ask? Of course, it belongs to the depositor. I replied as a matter of course.

"Hehe, don't be too sure." Xiao Li smiled mysteriously, "I have experienced an incident recently, but it has completely changed my outlook. ”

"Oh? Let's hear it. I asked curiously.

"That day, I went to the bank to withdraw money and waited in line for half a day before it was my turn. As a result, the ATM suddenly malfunctioned and the words 'Please wait' flashed on the screen. Xiao Li began to tell his story.

"And what do you do?" I asked.

"I waited for a while, saw that the machine was not responding, and was about to go to the bank staff. Suddenly, the machine began to spit out bills, jumping out in a wad of them. Xiao Li said excitedly.

"Really? You're in luck! I laughed.

"I thought so at the time, thinking to myself if this was a windfall." Xiao Li smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line.

"And did you take the money?" I can't wait to ask.

"Of course not!" Xiao Li said seriously, "I immediately went to the bank staff and told them that the machine was faulty and vomited a lot of money." ”

"And what did the bank do?" I asked.

"The staff came and looked at the machine, then at me, and said solemnly: 'This money belongs to the bank and cannot be taken away.'" Then they took the money back. Xiao Li said.

"Looks like you're still an honest man." I laughed and said, "Who does the money belong to?" ”

"You think that's the end of it?" Xiao Li said mysteriously, "As a result, the staff checked again and found that the money was indeed deducted from my account." ”

"Huh? Isn't that still yours? I asked in surprise.

"Yes, but there was a problem with the banking system, and the money was deducted twice. So the staff returned the extra money to me. Xiao Li said, "This time, I picked up a sum of money for nothing." ”

"Haha, this ending is really unexpected." I couldn't stand up with a straight laugh.

"So, it's really hard to say who the money from the ATM belongs to." Xiao Li said with a smile.

"It seems that sometimes luck is also a kind of strength." I quipped.

A few days later, I had a similar situation. I went to the bank to withdraw money, and the machine suddenly broke down and the screen showed "Please wait". I remembered Xiao Li's experience, and my heart tightened, so I hurried to find the staff.

The staff came over to check it and the machine was back to normal. "It's okay, the machine occasionally has a little glitch, which doesn't affect the use." The staff said with a smile.

"It seems that you are really lucky, unlike me, who is busy in vain when this kind of thing happens." I said to Xiao Li with a smile.

"You don't call it bad luck, this calls the technology not getting home." Xiao Li replied with a smile.

Through this experience, I deeply realized that there are always some surprises and surprises in life, and sometimes luck can bring unexpected results. It may not matter who the money belongs to at the ATM, but how we face these accidents and find the fun and wisdom in them.

"Who exactly does the money belong to at the ATM?" I asked myself silently, and then replied with a smile, "Belong to those who know how to find fun in it." ”

Every little episode in life is an opportunity for us to grow and learn. Through these humorous jokes and unexpected experiences, we not only learn how to deal with unexpected situations, but also find the simple and pure joy in life.