
After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

author:Scholars talk about popular science
After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

Among the mountains of Yunnan, there is a place called Dabao Village, where a great son was born - Xu Wenlie. In the autumn of 1909, Xu Wenlie was born in an ordinary peasant family, but his fate was destined to be extraordinary. Bright since childhood, his thirst for knowledge is like hunger and thirst for water, even if his family is poor, it can't stop him from seeking knowledge. In the primary school in his hometown, Xu Wenlie is like a bright star, illuminating the darkness around him.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

In 1926, the god of fate favored this hard-working young man, and Xu Wenlie stepped into the gate of the Yunnan Provincial Qujing Third Normal School with excellent results. It is not only a temple of knowledge, but also a runway for dreams to take off. Here, he made many like-minded friends, came into contact with the light of progressive ideas, and sprouted the seeds of changing the world in his heart.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

In 1928, an important decision changed the fate of Xu Wenlie. On the recommendation of the school, he joined the Communist Party of China and became an honorable party member. From that moment on, he closely linked his personal destiny to the future of his country, and began a revolutionary journey full of challenges and glory.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

The road to revolution has never been easy. In 1933, Xu Wenlie was unfortunately arrested and suffered inhuman torture. But the faith in his heart is like a rock, which still stands despite the wind and rain. Two months later, when the dawn shone on the earth again, Xu Wenlie regained his freedom, but his connection with the organization was cut off. During those difficult days, he returned to his hometown middle school, igniting hope in the hearts of children with the light of knowledge, while silently searching for traces of the organization.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

In 1935, the horn of the Red Army's Long March sounded, and Xu Wenlie resolutely joined this heroic team. On the journey of the Long March, he crossed the meadow of death three times, and each time it was a challenge to the limit of life. But Xu Wenlie never flinched, he used his firm faith and tenacious will to inspire his comrades-in-arms, and jointly wrote one of the most magnificent chapters in human history.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

After the full-scale outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Xu Wenlie transferred to the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army and became the mainstay of the resistance to the invaders. He not only bravely killed the enemy on the front line, but also cultivated groups of heroic soldiers in the rear, making indelible contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China and the outbreak of the Korean War, Xu Wenlie once again went into battle and led the soldiers of the 50th Army to cross the Yalu River and fight to the death with the enemy. In the ice and snow of the DPRK, he used his wisdom and courage to thwart the enemy's conspiracy again and again and to defend the peace and dignity of the motherland.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

In 1955, Xu Wenlie was awarded the rank of major general, which was the highest praise for his life for the country and the people. However, the accolade did not stop him from moving forward. He continued to shine in the field of political work in the army and made unremitting efforts to train a new generation of revolutionary soldiers.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

But fate doesn't always seem fair. In 1966, when the storm of the Cultural Revolution struck, Xu Wenlie was subjected to unwarranted criticism and even wrongfully expelled from the party. The difficulties of his later life and the pain of illness did not make him give up his pursuit of light. With the care of his children and comrades-in-arms, he was finally able to receive treatment in Beijing, but unfortunately, too much has been taken away by time and illness. In 1976, General Xu Wenlie left this world forever with regrets and unfinished dreams.

After being awarded the rank of major general in 55, he was expelled from the party, and was paid 60 yuan per month for living expenses at the age of 67!

General Xu Wenlie's life was a perfect combination of revolutionary ideals and personal struggle. He used his actions to interpret what loyalty is, what is bravery, and what sacrifice is. In the long river of history, Xu Wenlie may be just an insignificant star, but it is countless stars like him that have converged into a bright galaxy that illuminates the way forward for the Chinese nation. Let us remember this period of history, cherish the memory of those heroes who fought for the independence and freedom of the country and the nation, and let their spirit live forever in our hearts.

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