
Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

author:The soul of Momo

In the treasure house of classical literature, the poems describing women are like bright stars, embellishing the night sky of Chinese culture. The following are 12 selected ancient poems, which either depict the beauty and charm of women in a graceful, bold, subtle, or straightforward way:

1, "Song of Long Hatred" (Tang Bai Juyi) "Looking back and smiling, the six palaces have no color." This poem depicts Yang Guifei's peerless demeanor with a smile in her eyes, which dwarfs the beauties of the harem.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

2, "Farewell" (Tang Du Mu) "More than thirteen years of grace, cardamom tips in early February." The poet uses cardamom in early spring as a metaphor for the girl's youth, showing its delicacy and beauty.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

3, "Qingping Tune: Part I" (Tang Li Bai) "The clouds want to dress and the flowers want to look, and the spring breeze blows Revlon." In this poem, Li Bai uses the appearance of clouds and flowers to metaphorize Yang Guifei's clothes and appearance, and she is even more gorgeous in the spring breeze.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

4, "Poppy Beauty, Listening to the Rain" (Song Jiang Jie) "The boy listens to the rain song upstairs, and the red candle is dim. In the prime of life, listening to the rain in the passenger boat, the river is wide and the clouds are low, and the geese are calling the west wind. Now listening to the rain monk's house, the temples have stars. The joys and sorrows are always ruthless, and the pre-step drips until dawn. Although this poem does not directly describe women, it reflects the vicissitudes of life through the changes of listening to the rain, and contains a deep understanding of the emotional world of women.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

5, "Qingyu Case: Yuan Xi" (Song Xin Qiji) "The moth snow willow is golden, and the laughter is full of dark fragrance. The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the lamplight. In this poem, Xin Qiji creates the image of an elegant and refined woman, who is unique and evocative in the lively crowd.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

6, "Butterfly Love Flowers, Courtyard Deep and Deep" (Song Ouyang Xiu) "The courtyard is a little deep, the willows are full of smoke, and the curtain is not repeated. Yule carved saddle tour smelter, the height of the building does not see Zhangtai Road. Through the delicate portrayal of the living environment of the boudoir women, the words indirectly convey their inner loneliness and longing.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

7, "Like a Dream Order" (Song Li Qingzhao) "I often remember the twilight of Xiting, and I am drunk and don't know the way back. Returning to the boat at night, he strayed into the depths of the lotus flower. Fighting, fighting, startling a shoal of gulls and herons. With his unique perspective, Li Qingzhao depicts a drunk and lost woman, and her innocence leaps onto the page.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

8, "Bodhisattva Barbarian: Book Jiangxi Stoma Wall" (Song Xin Qiji) "How many pedestrians are crying in the middle of the Qingjiang River under the Yugu stage? Looking at Chang'an in the northwest, there are countless mountains in pity. The green mountains can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward. Jiang Wan is worried, and the mountains are deep and smell partridges. In this word, Xin Qiji expresses the feelings of worrying about the country and the people, and at the same time, it also implies the praise of the indomitable female spirit.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

9, "Hairpin Phoenix, Thin World" (Southern Song Dynasty, Tang Wan) "The world is thin, people are evil, and the rain sends dusk flowers to fall. The wind is dry, and the tears are left. If you want to write about your heart, you will be oblique in your monologue. Hard, hard, hard! From a woman's perspective, Tang Wan poured out the hot and cold world and personal misfortunes, and expressed deep grief and helplessness.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

10, "Fortune Operator: Yongmei" (Song Lu You) "Outside the broken bridge, lonely and ownerless. It was already dusk and I was alone, and it was even more windy and rainy. has no intention of fighting for spring, and a group of people are jealous. Scattered into mud and dust, only fragrant as before. Lu You uses plum blossoms as a metaphor for himself, although he does not write directly about women, but his tenacious and noble qualities are often used to symbolize the image of strong women.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

11, "Linjiang Immortals, Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water" (Ming Yang Shen) "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water, the waves sweep away the heroes. Success or failure turns empty, the green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times. On the white-haired fisherman river, accustomed to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet, and many things in ancient and modern times are laughing and talking. Although this poem mainly laments historical changes, the sentence "accustomed to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze" can also be associated with the image of a woman with rich experience and indifference to fame and fortune.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs

12, "Huanxi Sha, Who Reads the West Wind and Cools Alone" (Qing Nalan Xingde) "Whoever reads the West Wind is cool alone, Xiao Xiao and Yellow Leaves close the window. Contemplating the past and setting up the remnant sun. was shocked by the wine, and the gambling books were consumed with the fragrance of tea. At that time, it was just ordinary. In this poem, Nalan Xingde misses his deceased wife, and through the details of his past life, he shows the beauty and gentleness of his wife during her lifetime.

Ancient rhyme: the beauty of women in the poems of the Twelve Runs