
"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?



When an actor becomes popular for a certain role, is there a career shackle behind this glory? Luo Yunxi became famous through the role of Runyu in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", which seems to have portrayed a place for him in the costume drama world.

But as time passes, does this "comfort zone" still bring him brilliance, or does it gradually become an obstacle in his development path? In particular, the performance in "Yan Xinji" provides us with a thought-provoking window of observation...


Luo Yunxi's career high point is undoubtedly "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost".

This drama not only made him famous, but also made him closely associated with the label of "beautiful man in ancient costume".

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

At that time, Luo Yunxi, with his handsome appearance and superb acting skills, instantly captured the hearts of countless audiences.

However, under the halo, his acting career has not been smooth sailing.

Recently, Luo Yunxi's new work "Yan Xinji" was released.

However, the response to this work was not as expected, but instead exposed a certain stagnation in his career path, and even made people feel a little regressive.

The audience's expectations for him were originally high, but the performance of "Yan Xinji" did not meet everyone's expectations.

The plot is bland and the character setting lacks novelty, which greatly restricts Luo Yunxi's performance space.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

The audience can't help but wonder if this once popular costume beauty can still achieve great results?

Since the broadcast of "Yan Xinji", the market response has not been satisfactory.

After only 11 days of broadcasting, the popularity quickly dropped to 8555, and the interest of advertisers also dropped significantly, and the number of advertisements plummeted to only one, or even zero.

Such a result surprised many viewers and industry insiders, especially because the show starred popular actor Luo Yunxi.

Jiang Xinbai, played by Luo Yunxi in the play, has the dual identity of the king of the county and the head catcher, and should be a powerful and majestic character.

However, Luo Yunxi's soft temperament and thin figure don't seem to fit well with this image.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

Jiang Xinbai's character portrayal is mediocre, which is in stark contrast to Luo Yunxi's previous roles such as Runyu and Yutai Ash, which makes the audience feel disappointed.

In the play, Jiang Xinbai's background setting has a lot of room to play.

He suffered face blindness as a child and was determined to rid the world of drugs, a setting that could have made the character more three-dimensional and plump.

However, the handling of the plot seems to be understated, and it fails to dig deep into the potential of this setting.

Face blindness is a barrier that is either easily resolved or used only as a tool for emotional communication between characters, apparently failing to resonate with the audience.

Faced with such a situation, many viewers began to reflect on whether the production and screenwriting of this drama were too hasty.

The treatment of some scenes in the play is too superficial and fails to penetrate into the hearts of the characters, which makes it difficult for the audience to have a deep emotional connection with the characters.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

The wonderful plot and profound character creation that the audience was expecting did not come as expected, and instead came a bland plot development.

In addition, Luo Yunxi's performance style has also caused widespread discussion.

Although his portrayal of Runyu in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost" and "White Hair" as Yutai Ember have received a lot of praise, in "Yan Xinji", his performance failed to meet the audience's expectations.

It may be the limitations of the character setting, or the constraints of the plot, in short, he failed to fully show the charm and aura he should have.

The failure of "Yan Xinji" not only disappointed the audience, but also sounded the alarm for the production team.

How to stand out in the fiercely competitive film and television market, how to balance the plot and character building, and how to make the actors' performances more in line with the requirements of the role are all questions that need to be pondered.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

Although the current performance of "Yan Xinji" is not satisfactory, I believe that through continuous summary and improvement, there will be more excellent works presented to the audience in the future.

Luo Yunxi won the audience's love with his delicate eyes and rich expressions in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost".

But when it comes to "Yan Xinji", these former advantages seem to have become a burden for him.

In scenes that require majesty or seriousness, his performance appears a little laborious, even a little pompous.

Such a change in style makes him a little unable to express deep emotions.

Luo Yunxi's body shape problem is also becoming more and more obvious.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

As an idol actor, his figure and height may be outstanding enough in modern dramas, but in costume dramas that need to show force or majesty, he is a little weak.

Although he was advised not to overdo his pursuit of weight loss, his performance in a live stream revealed his tight control over his body type.

This obsession with body shape is exposed under the high-definition lens, making his image not strong enough in costume dramas.

In "Yan Xinji", the audience expects to see a powerful and majestic character.

However, Luo Yunxi's performance was a little disappointing.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

His body shape problem is particularly prominent in this drama, which affects his overall performance effect.

Those scenes that should have been full of power were less convincing in him.

Not only that, Luo Yunxi's line processing also encountered some problems.

In scenes that require majesty or seriousness, his voice sometimes seems too soft and lacks that shocking power.

This lack of voice and momentum makes him lack a sense of authority and oppression when interpreting the role.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

However, despite his unsatisfactory performance in "Yan Xinji", Luo Yunxi is still a potential actor.

His expressions and eyes are still delicate, but he may need to be more cautious and diverse in his choice of roles and interpretations.

The audience has high expectations for him, hoping that he can find a suitable role in his future works and give full play to his strengths...

As an actor, Luo Yunxi needs to constantly challenge himself and break through the inherent performance mode.

Maybe he can try some different types of roles to enrich his acting experience.

Through continuous learning and accumulation, it is entirely possible for him to shine again in his future works.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

Luo Yunxi's hard work and perseverance are obvious to all.

Although he encountered some challenges in "Yan Xinji", it does not mean that his acting career has stopped.

Every actor will encounter bottlenecks and challenges in the process of growing up, and it is important how to deal with and overcome these difficulties.

In the future, Luo Yunxi still has a lot of room for development.

What he needs is more opportunities and challenges, as well as the courage and determination to constantly improve himself.

The audience is looking forward to more surprises and touches from him in his future works.

Through continuous efforts and breakthroughs, he will definitely be able to achieve greater achievements in his acting career.

"Yan Xinji" has been hotly discussed, can the comfort zone of the 36-year-old Luo Yunxi's ancient puppet continue to shine?

Luo Yunxi, as a high-profile young actor, is still moving forward on the road of acting.

I hope that he can show more talent and charm in his future works and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.


Luo Yunxi's career trajectory makes people wonder, when an actor enjoys the glory brought by a certain role, does he also unconsciously set limits for himself? The performance of "Yan Xinji" is not only the inadequacy of a drama, but also reflects on a deeper level that Luo Yunxi's "comfort zone" may have become a constraint on his artistic development.

For Luo Yunxi, how to break through the existing limitations and break through himself is the biggest challenge he needs to face in the future.

This is also the common task of all art practitioners: to find new growth points in the comfort zone, and to continue to explore and improve.

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