
After returning to China, she tried to hide from her neighbor Uncle Xiao, but he had been planning against her for a long time (27)

author:Leisurely little warm warm

"What if I don't?"

Sun Yuhan was not afraid of Zhou Moyao at all, her eyes looked at him stubbornly, she was deliberately provoking him.

Zhou Moyao was also successfully angered by her attitude, he looked at Sun Yuhan who was doing it with his neck stalked, and laughed instead of being angry.


In a low and calm voice, there was a signal of extreme danger.

Sun Yuhan was inexplicably a little scared, and his body retreated unconsciously, "What are you going to do?" ”

"What do you think I'm going to do?"

The next second after Zhou Moyao finished saying this, he forcefully hugged Sun Yuhan's neck and kissed her on the lips.

Sun Yuhan looked at the face that was close at hand, couldn't believe that he actually kissed her again, and struggled to push him away.

The disparity in strength was too great, and she couldn't push it away at all, so she could only let him act recklessly.

Zhou Moyao only planned to scare her, but he didn't expect that the development of the situation was out of his control.

A wave of heat quickly surged from his lower body to his brain, and he gradually lost his mind.

The hand caressed Sun Yuhan's back, moved up her back, and slowly moved forward......

Sun Yuhan felt his movements, ashamed and anxious, and struggled even more, "Hmm~"

She wanted to speak and let Zhou Moyao let go of herself, but she couldn't make a sound because she was kissed.

Zhou Moyao's hand moved downstream, and when she was about to lift the hem of her clothes, something fell on her hand, wet.

He suddenly came back to his senses, let go of Sun Yuhan, and the moment he saw the tears on her face, his intestines were full of regret.

Zhou Moyao was annoyed in his heart, how could he do this to her?

After Zhou Moyao let go of Sun Yuhan, she quickly tidied up her clothes and wiped away the tears on her face.

"Open the door, I'm going to get out." Her voice was cold.

"Yuhan, don't you ......"

Zhou Moyao wanted to apologize to her, but she interrupted the words.

"I'm getting out of the car." Sun Yuhan repeated, but this time with a little anger.

She didn't want to hear his apology, and she didn't want to see him now.

Zhou Moyao looked at her fixedly for a few seconds, and silently unlocked the car door.

As soon as the car door was unlocked, Sun Yuhan immediately opened the door and left.

As soon as she got out of the car, her tears flowed uncontrollably, and she cried as she walked.

Bastard Zhou Moyao! Who is he when she is?

Zhou Moyao in the car looked at Sun Yuhan's back, and when he saw her raise her hand and move in the direction of her face, he immediately regretted it a little more.

He wanted to get out of the car and chase her, but Sun Yuhan took a car and left.

Sun Yuhan returned home, and his mood finally calmed down.

Sitting on the couch, she was in her pajamas, thinking about what had happened today, feeling a little exhausted.

She lost her parents when she was a teenager and was adopted, and in the process of getting along, she was attracted to him, and she went abroad in frustration after being rejected by him.

When she was abroad, she accidentally learned that her parents' car accident was not an accident, so she abandoned all her past and returned to China just to find out the truth about her parents' car accident.

She had carefully avoided him and stopped provoking him, so why did he provoke herself now? Hinder yourself?

Sun Yuhan couldn't figure it out, and in the face of these things, she felt a thousand things.

Zhou Moyao has not been in a good mood these days, and Gu Jingze went to him to talk about the project and saw it.

Gu Jingze was teasing him, "It's rare to see you in a bad mood, what?" Is it going well for the old cow to eat the tender grass? ”

Zhou Moyao is eight years older than Sun Yuhan, isn't it just an old cow eating tender grass?

Zhou Moyao ignored him, and didn't damage him like before, Gu Jingze felt a little strange and changed his sex?

Just when Gu Jingze thought that he couldn't speak and he was about to leave, he asked a question that shocked his jaw.

"Gu Jingze, I did something very excessive to her, she was angry, how to coax her?"

What? Gu Jingze's first reaction was that he had stopped wrong, and Zhou Moyao, who had always been arrogant, couldn't solve the problem?

Gu Jingze laughed out loud directly, laughing so much that the tea in his mouth squirted out.

He bent over and touched his stomach and said, "No, let me laugh for a while." ”

Zhou Moyao couldn't stop laughing when he saw him, and said lightly, "Gu Jingze, if you laugh again, I will transfer Cheng Mengyu to the project in Africa." ”

This trick was really useful, and Gu Jingze immediately stopped laughing.

"Don't, Mo Yao, I'm not smiling, it's not funny at all."

Having said that, he still couldn't help but want to laugh, and when he saw Zhou Moyao's eyes sweeping over, he returned to normal.

"Mo Yao, what did you do to the little girl, tell me about it, I can help you think of a solution."

This question stumped Zhou Moyao, he couldn't tell people Gu Jingze that he was doing something to Sun Yuhan, right? Then Gu Jingze wanted to laugh at him even more.

Zhou Moyao pondered the words, "I just forced her." ”

Gu Jingze was originally fiddling with the flowers and plants in the office, but when he heard that the scissors fell directly to the ground, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Forced?" He couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

He thought about the amount of information contained in Zhou Moyao's words, "Moyao, you ...... Sun Yuhan."

Gu Jingze didn't say the rest of the words, but the meaning was obvious.

Zhou Moyao immediately denied it, "What do you think, I'm not a beast." ”

Gu Jingze complained silently in his heart, what is a thirty-year-old man who is not a beast when he attacks a girl in his twenties?

Zhou Moyao himself thought of what happened that day, and he almost became a beast that day.

"And what did you do to make her angry?"

"It's hard to say, but I made her cry."

When Gu Jingze heard this, he thought crookedly again, and he made people cry and said that he was not a beast.

As soon as Zhou Moyao saw Gu Jingze's expression, he knew that he didn't think of anything good, and his expression was cold, and Gu Jingze immediately took it seriously.

"This question is very simple, apologize and send flowers, send your favorite bags and jewelry, women eat this set, and the little girl must like it too."

Zhou Moyao was a little skeptical of his method, "Does this work?" ”

"Of course it works, haven't you heard a word?"


"A cure-all."


In the next few days, Sun Yuhan received different flowers and bags every day.

"Mr. Zhou ordered it for you, and he asked us to say sorry to you, it was he who was wrong, forgive him."

Sun Yuhan: "......"

In addition to sending flowers to Zhou Moyao in the past few days, of course, other things have not been left behind, including checking the truth about her parents' car accident for Sun Yuhan.

Although she said that he was not qualified to have no status, he would soon be qualified for status.

Chen Ruyun has not been idle in the past few days, and after being angry with Sun Yuhan that day, she has been planning to do something to her.

No, she got the opportunity.

Xu Che asked Sun Yuhan to come out to talk about things, and she filmed this scene.

To be continued......