
Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

author:Dali release
Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →
Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

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Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

The transcript is out! Dali students, to the north of the Qing →

Dangerous! Dangerous! Recently, various rivers and lakes have entered the flood season, and the two men in the South China Sea have been "immersed" in fishing, but they have been trapped due to the sudden rise in the water level of the river

Recently, Mr. Wang (pseudonym), an angler enthusiast, went to the bottom of the three mountains and one bridge in the South China Sea, which he often visits, to fish. Unexpectedly, the weather suddenly changed, and it began to rain heavily in a short time.

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

Mr. Wang and another angler walked through a section of green grass and dry land to a sheltered bridge pier to continue fishing. Just as they were concentrating on waiting for the fish to take the bait, they had no idea that the water level of the river behind them had risen suddenly, flooding the dry road from which they came.

"The water is rising, stop fishing, hurry back to the shore, come back soon!" At about 10 o'clock, the security team members who were patrolling along the embankment of the bridge section found the two anglers and immediately reported the situation to the police, and at the same time loudly reminded the public.

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

When the two heard the call, they turned around sharply and realized that they were trapped on a pier in the middle of the river. Another angler, who was better in the water, rolled up his trouser leg and went into the water to test it, and found that the water level was not too deep, so he immediately picked up the fishing box and waded back to the shore with a shallow foot.

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

Seeing that the angler had landed safely, Mr. Wang also planned to enter the water. But at this time, the torrential rain hit again, and the river had already risen nearly half a meter higher than a few minutes ago, and the stagnant water was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the water flow had become very turbulent, and the slightest carelessness could be washed away, so Mr. Wang did not dare to rush into the water. "I can't get by, what should I do?" Mr. Wong anxiously waved to the security guards for help.

"Don't panic! We'll be right here! At this time, the auxiliary police officers of the Water Police Office of the Pingzhou Police Station and the rescuers of the Nanhai District Fishery Administration Department who received the rescue mission drove a speedboat to the bottom of the bridge in only 6 minutes, and shouted with a loudspeaker to comfort Mr. Wang.

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

Due to the large size of the Marine Police speedboat, it may break down when approaching the embankment, so the two speedboats decided to divide the work together. The Marine Police is responsible for observing the water level and the surrounding situation, and the other speedboat is responsible for approaching the bridge pier for rescue.

5m, 3m, 1m...... The dinghy slowly sailed to the edge of the bridge pier, and the rescuers reached out to hold Mr. Wang's hand at the right time, and pulled Mr. Wang safely onto the speedboat and brought him to a safe place on the shore. "It's so thrilling, thank you." After being rescued, Mr. Wang kept bowing to the rescuers to thank him.

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →


On the morning of June 20

An amateur angler is the same

Came to the bottom of a bridge in the South China Sea to fish

Heavy rain

The rising water level flooded the way from which it came

Eventually trapped in the river

Fortunately, he was rescued in time

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

Police remind

Since the beginning of the flood this year, the precipitation is too much, and the water level rises very rapidly, so please pay attention to the weather and tide changes in time, and do not go to the bridge piers or low-lying dangerous areas to fish and play.

While fishing

These safety precautions need to be taken care of

Come and learn


Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

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As the weather gets hotter, temperatures soar

Drowning accidents have also entered a dangerous and prone period!

The South China Sea recently announced 20+ black spots for wild swimming

Among them, there are 3 in Dali


Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

Since 2020, the site of drowning accidents in Nanhai District.

According to statistics, every summer (July-September) there is a high incidence of drowning accidents in wild swimming, and every time a drowning incident occurs, it is distressing. Some of the wild swimming spots are very deep, some are calm and turbulent, and some are unfathomable with potholes and rocks at the bottom, so it is easy to have an accident if you go swimming rashly. Police stations, communities and other organizations in the South China Sea have set up warning signs at black spots for wild swimming to remind the public not to ignore the dangers of wild swimming.

Summer vacation is approaching, parents must strengthen care, for their children to teach a good holiday safety first lesson. At the same time, the public should also raise their awareness of safety precautions, and do not play at the water's edge such as rivers, lakes and ponds, hydrophilic platforms, and puddles at construction sites; Do not pick up items that fall into rivers and other waters, do not wash things by rivers, lakes and ponds, catch fish and shrimp, catch frogs, fish and weeds, etc.; Do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters; When you find someone drowning, you should immediately call for help, or call 110 or 120, or use tree trunks, ropes, floating objects, etc. to rescue, and do not blindly enter the water.

Flood season is coming! Residents must pay attention to the weather conditions and do not linger or play near the water! Forward it to remind your friends~

Dangerous! Don't go to these places in Dali →

2023 Nanhai District Mass Literary and Artistic Works (Music Category) Gold Award Dali City Theme Song "Hello Dali"