
When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

author:Miss Yu's outfit notes

Accessories are also the finishing touch in the look, but they are the most overlooked detail, especially for older women, choosing a suitable jewelry has a good effect on their own temperament.

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

However, you can't blindly follow the trend, and choose the type that is not suitable for you, today I will share with you some accessories that are worth starting, which look high-end and extravagant and relaxed, and enhance the temperament!

[Choose the most suitable accessories, and the temperament will be more divided]

>> women are old, they must stay away from these three accessories!

The first is an accessory that is too cheap in texture

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

When choosing surgery, be careful to stay away from models that are too cheap, such as acrylic or too plastic. It will lower the grade caused by it, and at the same time, it will also produce a sense of cheapness in the visual perception, which is earthy and tacky for older women.

The second type is gold accessories

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

As many women get older, they love gold jewelry more and more, but they don't know that gold jewelry is very provocative. For women with dull skin or yellow and black skin, the gold upper body effect will set off, and the skin will be darker and darker.

The third type is jade and jadeite jewelry

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

In addition, jade and jadeite jewelry also need to be avoided as much as possible. Although jade and jadeite can add gorgeous and luxurious attributes, it is not suitable for all people, if the color of the choice is not good, it will not only look cheap but also lower the grade of the shape.

[When wearing jewelry, pay more attention to these details]

>> think more about the harmony between clothing and accessories

Don't choose too much jewelry to stack on top of each other

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

Everyone should pay more attention to details before choosing specific jewelry, such as the overall variety of accessories. Like the picture above makes a good comparison for us, although the excessive number of jewelry stacked together can add a sense of luxury, it will appear varied, making people lose the point, and it looks like a nouveau riche immediate.

In contrast, accessories with a light sense of volume and a small number are added to the shape, which looks more exquisite and luxurious.

Part two.首饰的质感要高级、有光泽度

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

And when choosing jewelry, everyone should also pay more attention to the texture. For older girls, try more metallic colors with a lustrous luster or jewelry such as pearl white. Not only can it brighten the skin tone and create a whitening effect, but it can also add a sense of luxury.

Part three.多加注意配饰的设计感

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

The design sense of accessories is also a key detail, if the choice of accessories design is too exaggerated, it will not only form a sense of discord with its own temperament, but also have a feeling of cheap plastic. Therefore, it is recommended that older women try more small and delicate accessories, which will look more noble and not too out-of-the-box.

Part four.Choose the right accessories according to the neckline design of the top

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

In addition, you can also choose the right type of necklace according to the neckline style of the top. If you're choosing a top with a high neckline, try a long chain necklace. But if you're choosing a top with a low neckline that exposes your collarbones, try a choker necklace to flatter your neckline.

Part five.根据脸型来选择合适的耳饰

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

In addition, you can also consider the needs of the face shape, if you belong to the women with a narrow jaw and a long chin, then you can try to design earrings with a bit of exaggerated effect, which can better set off the advantages of the face shape and add a sense of sophistication.

But if you are a woman with a cheeky face, then try more simple and sophisticated, smaller earrings can add a sense of sophistication.

Part six.首饰的风格要与自身的气质协调

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

Finally, everyone should also consider the coordination of their own temperament and accessories. If you want to make your temperament clearer, you can try a simple pearl jewelry and a loose hair combination, leaving some of the broken hair in reserve. But if you want to deduce a more intellectual and capable shape, you can try to use a pearl necklace with a three-dimensional hat, and the temperament will be more divided.

When women are older, they try to wear 3 kinds of "accessories" as little as possible, cheap and tacky, who wears who is dirty

This is the end of the sharing content of this issue, elderly women, hurry up and try the above types of accessories, skills to improve the sense of refinement, and you can create high-end and luxurious attributes!


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