
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

author:Yanqi County Rong Media Center
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

On June 27, the 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Work of Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were held.

The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

Tian Deji, secretary of the CPPCC party group and chairman of Yanqi County, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. The leaders in charge of the county party committee, members of the leading group of the county CPPCC, members of the Standing Committee of the county CPPCC, members of the research group of the county CPPCC to promote the inter-embedded social structure and community environment, responsible comrades of the United Front Work Department of the county party committee and other units, directors and deputy directors of the county CPPCC office and various special committees, and fourth-level researchers attended the meeting.

The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

In order to hold this special meeting of the Standing Committee, the Ethnic and Religious Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of the county CPPCC organized some CPPCC members and responsible persons of relevant departments to go deep into townships, villages (communities), residential communities, etc., and conducted research on the promotion of the inter-embedded social structure and community environment by listening to reports, holding symposiums, on-site inspections, and visiting households.

The meeting focused on the theme of promoting the work of inter-embedded social structure and community environment, and listened to various opinions and suggestions. The relevant person in charge of the Ethnic and Religious Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of the County CPPCC made a keynote speech on promoting the work of inter-embedded social structure and community environment; The responsible comrades of Yanqi Town, Qixing Town, County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, County and Municipal Supervision Bureau, Yongxing Community of Yongning Town, No. 4 Qu Village, No. 5 Qu Township and 3 CPPCC members made exchange speeches on the theme of promoting the inter-embedded social structure and community environment work. The leaders in charge of the county party committee responded to and explained the speeches and suggestions.

The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

The meeting pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on building an embedded social structure and community environment. The Central Ethnic Work Conference emphasized that "fully consider the actual conditions of different ethnic groups and different regions, coordinate the layout planning of urban and rural construction and the allocation of public service resources, improve policy measures, create an environmental atmosphere, and gradually realize the all-round embedding of various ethnic groups in space, economy, society, culture, psychology and other aspects". It is necessary to adhere to classified guidance and precise drip irrigation, and strive to build a multi-integrated education mechanism for cadre education, social education, school education and theme practice to forge an education mechanism for the sense of community of the Chinese nation, so as to lay a solid ideological foundation for the inter-embedded development of all ethnic groups. Guide the majority of party members and cadres to fully and accurately grasp the profound connotation of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, continuously enhance the "five identities", firmly establish the community concept of sharing weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny, and promote the concept of the community of the Chinese nation in a subtle and silent way. CPPCC members should base themselves on their job responsibilities, give full play to the advantages of their sectors, do a good job in connecting and serving the masses in the sector, open up channels for absorbing information on social conditions and public opinions, build consensus extensively, actively make suggestions and suggestions, and contribute wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of an inter-embedded social structure and community environment.

The meeting demanded that the construction of inter-embedded demonstration communities should be accelerated, and each township should build and select at least 2 inter-embedded demonstration villages (communities) with distinct themes, distinctive characteristics and good feedback from the masses every year. The county housing and urban-rural development department should study and formulate specific measures to encourage and support the proportional construction of affordable housing in ordinary commercial housing, increase the repurchase of existing stock commercial housing, guide the housing security objects of different ethnic groups to live in the same building and unit in the same community, and promote the embedded living of communities, building groups, buildings and units, and form an inter-embedded community life and living model of "you have me, I have you".

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to carry out the activities of "national unity and family relations" and national unity and friendship on a regular basis, further promote the creation of national unity and progress, publicize the story of national unity and progress, and guide all ethnic groups to correctly understand that the Chinese nation is a big family, and the relationship between the Chinese nation and all ethnic groups is the relationship between a big family and family members, so that the people of all ethnic groups can make close friends, be good neighbors, and form a happy marriage. In promoting psychological embeddedness, committee members should give full play to their own advantages, and on the basis of deep understanding and correct understanding, carry out propaganda and education on the sense of community of the Chinese nation with down-to-earth language and practical actions, and continue to vigorously promote the exchanges, exchanges and integration of the masses of all ethnic groups. (Buy Lan Yanmu Intern Xu Haiyan )

The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed

Source: Yanqi County Rong Media Center

Review: Liu Yu

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yan

Editor: Guo Qinqin

The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed
The 13th Standing Committee of the 16th Yanqi County CPPCC and the Standing Committee on Promoting the Embedded Social Structure and Community Environment were discussed