
The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data

author:National Business Daily

Every reporter: Sun Lei, Duan Siyao, Li Xing, every editor: Pu Fuqiang, Yi Qijiang

The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data

The torrential rain and flood in the south are menacing, and the precipitation in Changsha in 1 hour is about equal to 54 West Lakes, and the video of "M9 when the boat drives in the Changsha rainstorm" is also spreading on major video platforms and major WeChat groups.

The streets have become big rivers and the urban areas have become oceans, and some new energy vehicle owners in the flooded areas of the south have raised questions: Is the online video hype? If my new energy vehicle also drives like this, will it leak electricity, and is there any danger to my life? Many new energy vehicle product manuals and official websites do not announce the relevant wading parameters such as the wading depth of the vehicle, how to save yourself in the rainstorm and flood, who should I ask?

Regarding dozens of mainstream new energy vehicles on the market, the reporter of "Daily Economic News" (hereinafter referred to as "every reporter") launched a survey on the wading capacity and asked car manufacturers one by one.

Should I abandon my car or take the risk of wading in the water due to heavy rain?

Some southern car owners who continue to pay attention to heavy rain and flooding have checked the vehicle product manual and the official website of the car dealer, and found that they have not disclosed relevant parameters such as the depth of wading that can be waded, and they still do not know how much their vehicle is flooded and is at risk and cannot be driven.

A car owner said that although he would not take the initiative to take the initiative to wade into the water, in case of a sudden rainstorm and flood while driving, there is standing water in front and floods rushing in the rear.

According to people in the automotive industry, there are no mandatory regulations on whether to mark the wading parameters of the car on the product manual, but because it is related to the safety of the life and property of vehicle users, it is expected that the relevant regulations can be improved in the future.

Many southern new energy vehicle owners said that in the summer of the heavy rain constantly "nostalgic" to the earth, I don't know where to learn about the wading parameters of new energy vehicles, and I don't know which situations can get insurance compensation after electric new energy vehicles are soaked in water, and which cases belong to the driver's responsibility and cannot be claimed.

Compared with fuel vehicles, the wading ability of new energy vehicles can be compared by wading depth and wading time. Before understanding the wading capabilities of each model, let's first understand an important wading parameter: IP.

IP是Ingress Protection Rating的缩写

(1) IP refers to the dustproof and waterproof standard, and the minimum waterproof level of general new energy vehicles is IP65.

(2) Among them, the second number after IP represents the protection level for liquids, which is often said to be waterproof, the range is 0-8, the larger the number, the higher the waterproof level, and "7" means that it can be soaked in water for a short time without damage.

New energy vehicles wading ability competition

The reporter of "Daily Economic News" conducted an investigation on the wading ability of mainstream new energy models on the market, and exclusively presented you with a treasure book of wading, let's take a look at how they "cross the sea with eight immortals"——

● BYD's Yangwang U8 has a maximum wading depth of 1 meter, which can automatically trigger emergency floating

Yangwang U8 is a million-yuan new energy off-road vehicle under BYD, which has attracted much attention from the market. According to the information on the official website, the maximum wading depth of the U8 is 1000mm.

Yangwang Automobile told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that when the vehicle detects the wading depth of more than 1000mm, the vehicle will monitor and judge the wading depth, body attitude, wheel slip status, etc. through a variety of sensors, and automatically trigger the emergency floating water if it meets the floating conditions. Looking up at the U8, the waterproof of the whole vehicle meets the IP67 level, and the waterproof of the core components meets the IP68 level.

● Equation Leopard Leopard 5, the wading depth can reach 70~79 cm under certain conditions

Formula Leopard is a new energy off-road vehicle brand owned by BYD. Equation Leopard told reporters that the approach angle of the Leopard 5 Yun Yuan version is 39 °, the departure angle is 35 °, the longitudinal passing angle is 27 °, and the wading depth can reach 790mm. The standard version has an approach angle of 35°, a departure angle of 32°, a longitudinal passing angle of 20°, and a wading depth of 700mm.

● Ideal L9, wading depth up to 50 cm

The minimum ground clearance of the ideal L9 standard attitude is 176mm, due to the use of intelligent air springs, in the road conditions of climbing, wading and bad roads, the chassis of the ideal L9 can be raised by 40mm to increase the passability, and the wading depth is up to 500mm.

● Ideal L6, wading depth of 50 cm, can exceed the wheel center LOGO

For this year's most eye-catching model under the Ideal Group, the Ideal L6 model has a minimum ground clearance of 180mm, which is 4mm higher than the 2024 Ideal L9/L8/L7 with standard air suspension. "The wading depth of the ideal L6 is 500mm, which is more than the wheel center LOGO." Li Auto told reporters.

● Great Wall Tank 700, the maximum wading depth can reach 97 cm

As a heavyweight hard-core off-road vehicle launched by the Great Wall Truck tank brand this year, the Tank 700 is equipped with a wading induction system as standard, and the air suspension will be at the highest height in wading mode, and the maximum wading depth can be 970mm.

● ARCFOX S5 has previously successfully passed the 80 cm depth wading test

The ground clearance of the ARCFOX S5 is close to 170mm with no load. In terms of wading ability, the ARCFOX S5 has previously successfully passed the wading test at a depth of 800mm. JiHu told reporters that the aurora battery equipped with Jihu car is based on a highly hydrophobic silicon-based material, with a hydrophobic rate of 97%, and it can not drip under the conditions of 2 meters of water depth and 48 hours of submersion.

● Deep blue G318, the four-wheel drive version is equipped with wading radar, which can automatically enter the wading mode

Different versions of Changan Automobile's Navy G318 have different ground clearances of 210mm and 240mm, respectively, and the maximum wading depth is 600mm and 620mm.

In addition, the dark blue G318 four-wheel drive version of the model is equipped with wading radar, which can actively identify the wading depth and automatically enter the wading mode, which can meet the needs of driving in wading roads or shallow water areas. At the same time, the vehicle is also equipped with ultrasonic radar to monitor the wading depth in real time, and display it in real time on the operation interface of the vehicle machine to provide accurate wading information for the driver.

● BYD Song PLUS DMI, wading depth 15 cm

BYD said that the wading depth of the Song PLUS DMI is 150mm.

● Can NIO ES6 float on water like a boat? Official response: After all, it is not designed as a "ship", so don't challenge it lightly

ES6 and ET5 are the two star models of NIO, according to the official data released by NIO, in the case of 5km/h, the maximum wading depth of NIO SUV models ES8, EC7, ES6, EC6, and ES7 is 450mm, and the maximum wading depth of the sedan ET7, ET5T, and ET5 is 300mm.

A few days ago, some netizens posted a video saying that NIO ES6 accidentally fell into the water after reversing and floated in the water. In this regard, Shen Feng, executive vice president and chairman of the quality management committee of Weilai, explained in an interview with reporters that compared with fuel vehicles, electric vehicles have a relatively good advantage of wading through the water, and the design of the bottom plate of the vehicle is relatively better. ”

However, Li Bin, chairman of NIO, also reminded that after all, the vehicle is not designed as a "boat", and when encountering wading roads, special attention should be paid to driving safety, "unless it is a last resort, do not try and challenge".

● Xpeng G6, the battery can be soaked underwater for 48 hours

Xiaopeng Motors told reporters that the safe wading depth of all models of Xiaopeng Motors is 300mm, and in the case of (5+3) km/h, it can move forward and backward by 500m~550m. "An SUV model like the G6 has a maximum wading depth of 450mm, and can travel 500m~550m in the case of (5±1) km/h." Xpeng Motors said.

The battery pack of the Xpeng G6 has IP68 waterproof and dustproof standards, which means that the battery can be immersed in water for 48 hours without water ingress, providing all-round safety protection for the battery.

● Xiaomi SU7, wading depth up to the height of the wheel center

"The Xiaomi SU7 is in the half-load state (150kg for the crew + 30kg for the luggage), and the maximum wading depth of the vehicle is 350mm. 350mm is equivalent to the height of the wheel center, when the vehicle passes through the stationary water surface, the speed is recommended to be controlled at 5km/h~7km/h, and when passing through the flowing water, you need to be more careful. Xiaomi Auto said.

● ZEEKR 001, the wading depth far exceeds the requirements of the national standard, reaching 45 cm

The wading depth of ZEEKR 001 far exceeds the requirements of the national standard to reach 450mm, and the protection level of the battery system of ZEEKR 001 is IP67.

● M9 with a maximum wading depth of 54 cm

As the flagship model of the Wenjie brand, the M9 is equipped with a Tuling chassis with a standard ground clearance of 175mm, and supports 5-speed adjustment of the air suspension, ± the 40mm adjustable range, it can be adjusted within the range of 80mm, and the maximum wading depth can reach 540mm.

The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data

● Data for 7 models is missing

For other more popular new energy models, each reporter asked the relevant departments of the automobile manufacturer to verify the wading depth information, after nearly two days of waiting, as of press time, there are still many models that have not been disclosed, and even some car dealers said that there is no wading depth data——

BYD did not reply to the wading depth information of the Qin, Han and Yuan series models.

Cialis said that it did not have the wading data of the M7.

FAW-Volkswagen also said it did not have wading depth data for the ID.4.

Tesla did not respond to the data on the Model 3 and Model Y.

New energy vehicles wading in the water, the top ten problems that car owners are concerned about

1. Are new energy vehicles afraid of flooding?

At present, many electric vehicles use IP67, which is the international protection class (IP) standard, which has a high level of safety when wading in the water during heavy rains.

2. Is it safe to charge in rainy days?

Charging in rainy days is safe, but there are some operating specifications and safety measures to be aware of. For example, check whether there is water or foreign matter in the connector interface on the pile side and the car side; If you encounter a charging pile that has been flooded, you should stay away; When the ground is heavily waterlogged or rainy, avoid charging in the open air.

3. Is the "motor and electronic control" of new energy vehicles absolutely waterproof?

Motor, electronic control and other modules are enclosed by centralized internal water cooling design, which further eliminates the penetration of external liquids, but it is not absolutely waterproof, and should not be soaked in water for a long time.

4. Is the passenger compartment of a new energy vehicle waterproof?

The passenger compartment of a new energy vehicle is basically not waterproof. Many new energy vehicles are covered with sensors, cables, and various parts under the interior floor, and once the passenger compartment is flooded, it will cause a short circuit in these parts.

5. Is the wading ability of plug-in hybrid and extended-range new energy vehicles the same as that of pure electric vehicles?

In addition, plug-in hybrid and extended-range hybrid vehicles have engines and transmissions, so if the wading height exceeds the air intake, the engine may absorb water, causing it to stall or fail to start again.

6. How to drive safely when new energy vehicles are wading in water?

The first thing to know is the maximum safe wading depth of the vehicle, which is usually recommended not to exceed the center point of the hub and not to exceed 2/3 of the hub. Avoid intersecting with oncoming vehicles to avoid sudden increases in water level. Check the underwater road conditions before wading to make sure there are no obstacles or deep pits. After wading through water, check the vehicle's electrical system and mechanical parts to ensure that no water enters the vehicle or battery compartment, and avoid charging it immediately to prevent short circuits.

7. How to deal with new energy vehicles after wading and breaking down?

After breaking down, the first priority is to ensure personal safety, quickly leave the vehicle and move to safety. Avoid attempting a second start, as this may cause an internal short circuit or fire. The insurance company or professional rescue team should then be contacted. After the vehicle is towed to a safe location, it needs to be thoroughly inspected by professional maintenance personnel, especially the battery, motor and electronic control system.

8. What should I do if the underground garage is flooded?

You need to contact professional rescue and insurance companies immediately and follow their instructions for follow-up. Once the water has receded, a full inspection is carried out by a professional maintenance personnel, especially the battery and electrical system, and to ensure that the vehicle is thoroughly dry.

9. What conditions can a new energy vehicle be re-ignited after being soaked in water for a long time?

Before re-ignition, ensure that it has been thoroughly inspected and dried by a professional service person, especially for batteries and electrical systems. Insulation tests are performed to confirm that the resistance value meets safety standards, and the battery tightness is checked to ensure that no water has penetrated. At the same time, the high-voltage system and other components need to be confirmed to be free of direct damage. In the absence of the risk of leakage and other safety hazards, follow the manufacturer's guidance and the insurance claims process.

10. If the car is blistered, will the insurance pay for it? What special circumstances are not covered?

Liao Jianxun, a senior partner of Guangdong Guoding Law Firm and a well-known public interest lawyer, told reporters: "After the comprehensive reform of car insurance in September 2020, wading insurance has been classified as car damage insurance. ”

On June 26, a relevant staff member of Ping An of China said in an interview with reporters: "After the vehicle is soaked in water, it is recommended to report the case as soon as possible within 48 hours." As long as the insured vehicle has purchased car damage insurance, according to the terms of the insurance contract, the vehicle can go through the insurance claim in the event of natural disasters and accidents. ”

Regarding "whether the insurance company will refuse to pay compensation if the vehicle is turned off and started a second time due to water accumulation, lawyer Liao Jianxun said: "If the vehicle is unable to drive normally due to water accumulation during driving, it is recommended that the owner do not start the second time to prevent secondary damage to the engine and insurance disputes, and it is difficult to prove that it is 'unintentional'." ”

Reporter|Sun Lei, Duan Siyao, Li Xing

Editor|Pu Fuqiang, Yi Qijiang

Co-ordination|Fan Wenqing

Vision|Liu Qingyan

Typesetting|Yi Qijiang

The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data
The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data
The wading depth of the 20 trams varies greatly: from 15 cm to 1 m! Many car dealers are secretive, and some even claim that they do not have such data

Reporter's Notes | For the sake of passenger safety, car dealers should not be silent

Under the ravages of heavy rain in the south, new energy vehicle owners will be confused about how to wade in the water when they encounter floods, which highlights a problem that cannot be ignored: due to the unclear wading performance of some vehicles, car owners do not know who to ask to survive in the rainstorm.

Trams are completely different from fuel vehicles, and the judgment of fuel vehicles is based on the height of the exhaust pipe.

Although some models, such as the Yangwang U8 and Li L9, have shown commendable wading ability, there are still many brands that are silent about their wading performance, avoiding a key safety issue.

In the face of extreme weather, the car is not only a means of transportation, but also a solid barrier to protect life. The lack of vital safety information such as wading depth in the vehicle is not only related to the safety of property, but also directly related to the life safety of the people in the vehicle. At the critical juncture of surviving in a rainstorm, car owners urgently need clear and reliable guidance, rather than blindly moving forward in the unknown risks.

National Business Daily