
Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

In 1869, Verne's science fiction masterpiece "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was published, and the protagonist Captain Nemo's car "Nautilus" was a fantasy product far beyond the level of science and technology at that time.

In 1952, the American General Electric Boat Company began construction of the first nuclear submarine and named it the Nautilus. The landing of human beings on the moon, long-range artillery, telephone, television and movies have now become a reality.

Science fiction works are based on the basic theories of modern science, and make bold conjectures about the future, which can not only popularize scientific thinking, but also inspire thinking about the vast unknown.

However, most of the science fiction works that children can watch on the market are above the middle and upper grades of primary school, and it is rare to see them suitable for young children. The set of best-selling science fiction illustrated books introduced today for 10 years is a rare science fiction introductory classic suitable for 5-8 year old children!

5-8 years old "Who Dare to Touch My Earth" (all 9 volumes)

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Seeing the domineering title of "Who Dares to Touch My Earth", a sense of responsibility and heroism will arise spontaneously, and perhaps you guessed it, this is a story of defending the earth!

In "The Three-Body Problem", the earth has only encountered the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization, and mankind has been in chaos, imagine: what if the earth is remembered by eight extraterrestrial civilizations in a row?

That's right, this set of books tells the story of the Earth team fighting against the 8 major alien forces and defending the human homeland!

It flies out of the earth with children, so that children know the vastness of the universe, so that they have awe and exploration of the unknown; It blends sci-fi factors such as wormholes, mechas, and bionics into cool imagination, arousing children's strong curiosity about science and technology; It also teaches children to face crises head-on, as well as to collaborate and friendship, so that children can not only be heroes once, but also understand what responsibility is.

Children experience the charm of science fiction

The first set of books to establish a grand cosmology

Before the story begins, let's introduce our protagonist.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Ricky, a small mouse who is always bullied because of his skinny size, is desperate to have a real friend.

In a cave not far from Squeaky Town, where Ricky lives, Dr. Stinky Mouse, a bad rat who wants to control the Earth, has created his superweapon for destruction, a powerful robot.

Luckily, this robot has an incredibly soft heart – as soft as it is destructive.

He was brutally punished for refusing to obey Dr. Stinky Mouse's evil orders to destroy everything.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Ricky witnessed the scene. He knew that he had real friends. So he rushed up and saved the robot.

Perhaps every child has had a desire for absolute power: infinite power, invincible, and fighting against all evil.

Like Ricky, after owning a mighty robot, he is the prettiest little mouse in the whole school, the whole town, and even the whole earth!

It's impossible to be late, and the Vermeer robot will take you flying.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Being bullied...... Don't talk about bullying you, thieves have to walk around your house when they pass by.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Homework, there are the best tutors! Pencil with a built-in pencil sharpener for you to sharpen!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

"My Baby" shows class and wins effortlessly!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Invite your classmates to play and go to the sky to play!

As soon as our Earth team was formed, the villains of the eight planets appeared one by one. Mosquitoes, vultures, rabbits...... The species of invaders are diverse.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

As for the reasons for their invasion of the earth, there are also various ones.

For example, Mr. Mosquito has really hard days on Mercury: the days are long and hot, with temperatures reaching up to 430 degrees Celsius. Walking on the road, the shoes will melt away! Think you'll be more comfortable at night? As a result, the temperature dropped to minus 170 degrees. Mr. Mosquito can't even brush his teeth because the toothpaste is frozen hard!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Mr. Mosquito has had enough and can't wait to leave Mercury. And a beautiful and livable earth has become his goal.

Each book of planetary knowledge, children are easily familiar with the basic appearance of the eight planets of the solar system + the dwarf planet Pluto, and also understand how precious our earth is compared with these planets.

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Rich in bizarre sci-fi elements

Ignite your child's interest in technology

In addition to the bloody setting of defeating alien civilizations and defending the earth, this set of books also introduces elements full of mystery in the sci-fi field such as wormholes, cloning, and mechas, which are cleverly blended into the story to attract children to explore more in curiosity and amazement!

For example, the wormhole that Einstein predicted that can travel through time and space, the evil earthworm scientists have not only successfully created it, but it is also a self-inflatable version! With the help of wormholes, the earthworm army moved from Neptune to Earth in an instant!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

For example, in cloning technology, General Hare already has a mature cloning machine that can clone three weird creatures at once!

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

In the face of these high-tech evil forces, how can our Earth Warriors face them?

Gain the courage to face crises head-on and the wisdom of collaboration

Despite the contrast, Ricky and the robot are close companions. They get into trouble together, fight together, and experience the meaning of "responsibility" together. At the moment when the planet was in crisis, they did not hesitate to throw themselves into the fight.

As they soar through the air, the children can feel the wind of freedom running through their bodies; As they fought fiercely with the invaders, the children seemed to be fighting heartily.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

They have their own division of labor in the battle, and they are full of tacit understanding, and Ricky's intelligence + robot power make them always able to conquer everything in the end.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

It is precisely because of such a powerful Earth team that the bad guys who came to attack were finally all collected. Squeaky Town Prison, full.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Master authors and painters work together to create

"Who Dares to Touch My Earth" was published ten years ago and has been selling for a long time, becoming a classic of science fiction enlightenment. This set of books has a whopping 4.9 rating on Amazon. The praise of parents from all over the world proves that it has conquered the hearts of children all over the world.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

The author of this set of books is Dave Pilch. You may not know his name, but you must know his "Detective Doggy" and "Panty Superman"!

Pierci's works are very popular among children, and his stories are hilarious on the surface, but children can always get something out of their laughter, for example, Ricky's uncle repeatedly protests every time he sees him, but his uncle and aunt ignore it.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

So the mighty robot shook his uncle's hand with the same "enthusiasm", and the uncle screamed in pain.

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

Seeing this, I really feel sorry for Ricky! Children, if adults do something that you hate by being an adult, you have to be brave enough to resist!

Dan Sontart, the author of this series of books, like Pilch, is both a master of storytelling and illustration; Like Pilch, he won the Caldecott Gold Medal, the highest honor in children's books. This time, he created an exclusive sci-fi style for "Who Dares to Touch My Earth" - mecha wars, full of mechanical power:

Younger children can read cool science fiction!

The story setting of this set of books is not complicated, but it can give children who are new to science fiction a lot to think about:

What kind of existence does the earth exist in the universe? If aliens invade, how do we deal with it? Alien civilizations wantonly destroy the ecology of the planet, resulting in the inability to continue to survive, what are we doing on the earth?

Perhaps children will not think of the answer in their little brains for the time being, but such thinking and imagination will plant a small seed for them to understand themselves, the world and the future. On the way to growth, they will often look up at the starry sky, marvel at the brilliant galaxy, and stay curious and exploratory!


The main direction of the book:

Lay the foundation of scientific and technological cognition

Develop an interest in reading

Feel the friendship and responsibility

Which babies are suitable for reading: 5-8 years old

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