
Gu Junye is going back to South Korea again, netizens: He really doesn't want to stay by Big S's side for a moment!

author:Entertainment looks forward

Recently, Gu Junye has been very busy, Southeast Asia DJ show has performed a circle, although the popularity and income are not high, but people who don't know still think how popular he is, there has been no free time, these days I finally returned to Taiwan's nightclub performance, he can't help but run back to South Korea.

Gu Junye is going back to South Korea again, netizens: He really doesn't want to stay by Big S's side for a moment!

It is reported that Gu Junye posted his latest news on his personal social platform, and he will hold an exhibition of his personal works in South Korea from July 3rd to September 22nd. Good guy, what a big show this has to be, it has to be on display for more than two months, is he so popular in South Korea?

Interestingly, unlike the high popularity when he just got married, a few days after Gu Junye's content was released, the number of likes was less than 600, this popularity is really a bit stretched, and he dares to open an exhibition for two months with such popularity, does he have too good feelings about his popularity?

In this regard, some netizens analyzed that Gu Junye made an exhibition for more than two months, in fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to return to his hometown in South Korea more conveniently in the future. After all, he is really unpopular in Taiwan now, and he is still scolded as a "soft rice man", no one is invited to variety shows, the price of nightclub performances has dropped again and again, and he has to wait for a wife who can't go out all day long, and no one can stand it.

Gu Junye is going back to South Korea again, netizens: He really doesn't want to stay by Big S's side for a moment!

So it's not so much about opening an exhibition, it's better to take the opportunity to escape from Big S, just like 20 years ago, the relationship with Big S in front of interests is worthless, if it weren't for the fact that no one wanted it at an age, and wanted to rely on Big S to become popular, Gu Junye was unwilling to reunite with Big S.

Of course, these speculations of netizens are somewhat outrageous, but Gu Junye has rarely accompanied Big S recently, and his personal account no longer shows affection, every time he talks about Big S, it is a business that needs to rub a wave of heat, it can be said that the current Big S and Gu Junye are really a little confusing.

Speaking of Gu Junye's exhibition, I don't know if it is to highlight the pattern or to gain favor, Gu Junye said that part of his exhibition income will be donated to Greenpeace, and he did not say how much.

And what's even more embarrassing is that Gu Junye is obviously holding an exhibition in South Korea, but he told fans in Chinese that he obviously hopes that Chinese fans will go to the show, but with his current popularity, Korean fans will not go to see it, and Chinese fans' love for him is not strong enough to fly to South Korea to hold the show, so ah, this exhibition may end up tragically.

Gu Junye is going back to South Korea again, netizens: He really doesn't want to stay by Big S's side for a moment!

It's ironic to think about it, when the two of them got married, they were so high-profile, everyone thought that Gu Junye could soar with this marriage, but they didn't expect to be beaten back to their original form after only two years of marriage, I don't know how long Da S can support him according to such a plot?

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