
Guangdong-Jiangxi inter-provincial highway +1! Longxun Expressway was opened to traffic on June 30

author:Golden Sheep Net

On June 28, Guangdong Communications Group announced that this Sunday, Guangdong Heyuan will add a new Guangdong-Jiangxi interprovincial expressway connecting Jiangxi - Longxun Expressway will be completed and opened to traffic on June 30. This is also the second Guangdong-Jiangxi interprovincial expressway opened in June after the opening of Xiongxin Expressway on June 15.

Guangdong-Jiangxi inter-provincial highway +1! Longxun Expressway was opened to traffic on June 30

Longxun Expressway is a key construction project in Guangdong Province, with a length of about 9.4 kilometers, connecting Longchuan in Guangdong and Xunwu in Jiangxi, and connecting Longzi Expressway in Guangdong and Xunlong Expressway in Jiangxi.

Longxun Expressway is located in the ecological and beautiful mountainous area of northeast Guangdong, like a dragon crossing the mountains and mountains, lying across the green and beautiful Guangdong. After the project is put into operation, the driving distance from Ruijin City, Xunwu County and other places in Jiangxi Province to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be shortened by about 30 kilometers, which can save nearly 20 minutes.

Guangdong-Jiangxi inter-provincial highway +1! Longxun Expressway was opened to traffic on June 30

The new passage out of the province will provide new impetus for the high-quality development of the regional economy along the route, and the exchanges and cooperation between the former Central Soviet Region and the surrounding areas will be more convenient.

At the same time, the new expressway will also realize the connection of the two longitudinal traffic arteries of Jiguang and Guanglong, and the further smooth improvement of the road network will implement the "Millions and Thousands Project" for Guangdong, and promote the rural revitalization of Guangdong and Jiangxi to smooth the bloodline, empower and improve the quality.

Guangdong-Jiangxi inter-provincial highway +1! Longxun Expressway was opened to traffic on June 30

It is also worth looking forward to the fact that the auspicious service area of Longxun Expressway will be opened this Sunday. The fair-faced concrete component "umbrella" with a strong sense of design is combined to form the main building of the service area.

Guangdong-Jiangxi inter-provincial highway +1! Longxun Expressway was opened to traffic on June 30

From a bird's-eye view of the service area, you can see the city image business card of Heyuan City, which is full of flowers, bringing a new experience of the travel service area to passengers.

Text, Picture | Reporter Wang Danyang Correspondent Yue Jiaoji Xuan Song Sisi

Editor: Fan Meiling

Source: Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng faction