
[Leting County Law Popularization] Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs! The head of the clinic was sentenced to three years in prison

author:Leting Pufa

Drugs & Drugs

There's only a thin line of separation

The healer is benevolent

Medicines can save lives

What if the healer "poisons" the heart?

Medicines become drugs


The person in charge of a clinic in Guizhou

for drug trafficking

Sentenced to three years in prison!

November 4, 2022

Police of Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau, Guizhou Province

found a woman in the jurisdiction, Zhang Moumou

Abnormal mental status

He was then brought back for investigation

Urine test

The urine sample contains diazepam

[Leting County Law Popularization] Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs! The head of the clinic was sentenced to three years in prison

After interrogation

The police made it clear that Zhang Moumou

There is the practice of buying diazepam for use

An investigation into the source of diazepam was immediately launched

Diazepam injection used by Zhang Moumou was found

It comes from a local clinic in Kaiyang

The police immediately investigated the clinic involved

After the person in charge of the clinic, Wang Moumou, arrived at the case

Illegally trafficking diazepam injection to themselves

Confessed to the facts of the crime

[Leting County Law Popularization] Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs! The head of the clinic was sentenced to three years in prison

After investigation

Mid-July to late October 2022

Wang Moumou sought illegal benefits

It is known that diazepam is a state-controlled narcotic drug

And no

In the case of prescription drug qualification such as diazepam

Violation of state regulations

By not prescribing, not registering

Many times at the price of 20 yuan/piece

To drug addict Zhang Moumou

33 boxes of diazepam injection were sold

Illegal profit of 3,960 yuan

[Leting County Law Popularization] Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs! The head of the clinic was sentenced to three years in prison

May 7th

Kaiyang County People's Court judgment

Wang Moumou committed the crime of drug trafficking

He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment

and a fine of 5,000 yuan

What is diazepam

  Diazepam, one of the benzodiazepines, is listed as the second class of psychotropic drugs, with anti-anxiety, anti-epilepsy, sedation, relaxation of skeletal muscles and elimination of memory, often used to treat anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasms and some epilepsy.

  Diazepam, as a second-class psychotropic drug that can make people addicted to it, has the dual nature of clinical drugs and drugs, and some drug addicts use it as substitutes and auxiliary drugs, and if it is out of control and enters the market, it will cause serious social harm.

Hazards of diazepam abuse

  Diazepam preparations have strong physical dependence, and long-term continuous use can lead to drug resistance and addiction, and rebound and withdrawal symptoms will occur when the drug is stopped, manifested by agitation or depression. Diazepam can cause psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, hallucinations, nightmares, sleep disturbances, etc., in some cases.

Legal consequences of illegal use of diazepam

  Whoever illegally provides narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances that are controlled by the state and can cause addiction to persons who consume or inject drugs is to be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment or short-term detention and shall also be fined; where the circumstances are serious, a sentence of between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given.

  Anyone who illegally supplies narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances that can cause addiction under the control of the state to criminals who smuggle or sell narcotic drugs or to those who consume or inject narcotics for the purpose of making a profit will be suspected of the crime of smuggling, selling, transporting, or manufacturing narcotics.

  I would like to remind everyone that there is a substantial difference between narcotic drugs and ordinary drugs, and in the process of treatment, we must strictly follow the doctor's instructions to use drugs, and must not abuse them privately, so as to avoid dependence and drug harm. In the process of using anesthetic drugs, if you find that you have excitement, insomnia, anxiety, strong psychological cravings and compulsive drug-seeking behaviors, or even unbearable physical and mental drug dependence symptoms after stopping the drug, please seek medical attention in time. If someone entrusts you to help buy narcotic drugs, please identify and refuse to avoid being used by illegal elements.

The value of hemp essence drugs

It's about helping people relieve their pain

However, if the doctor's advice is violated

Use unmoderately

will cause devastating damage

Abuse of narcotic drugs is drug abuse!!

Illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs is drug trafficking!!