
88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

author:April says history

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88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth
88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Text: April talks about history

Edit|April Says History

The old drama bones are scorched: the life of tobacco and alcohol behind the stage

Jiao Huang, who doesn't know this "emperor professional" back then? was once a brilliant stage celebrity, but now he is an ordinary old man suffering from geriatric diseases. His artistic career was once in full swing, but the ups and downs of fate made him go through vicissitudes, from the peak to the trough, and regain his glory.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Today, at the age of 87, he is still passionate about art, and although he lives a modest life, he is accompanied by his wife. His story is a legend of perseverance and dreams, and a deep affection for life and love.

Want to know the truth about the life of this old artist? How does his story deduce the ups and downs and struggles of life? Click to read the full article and unveil the true veil of Jiao Huang's old artist!

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Jiao Huang's later years: leisure accompanied by tobacco and alcohol

When the former screen emperor and today's white-haired old man Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, people couldn't help but sigh. The once infinite scenery has become a thing of the past in the blink of an eye, and his life seems to be no different from ordinary people, even a little simple.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

At the age of 88, he has gray hair, but he never leaves his hands to smoke and drink, as if he is fighting the erosion of time in this way. Chen Xiaoli, a 30-year-old wife next to her, has a particularly bright red hair, she has become a bright color in Jiao Huang's life, and the two depend on each other and enjoy the tranquility of their old age.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Netizens have mixed emotions about Jiao Huang

Netizens have different reactions to Jiao Huang's current situation. Some people lamented that this former art superstar lived such an ordinary life in his later years, and the glory on the screen seemed to have been forgotten by the years.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

At the same time, some people expressed envy, believing that Jiao Huang, despite his advanced age, still maintained his own way of life without interference from the outside world, which is a rare freedom.

Jiao Huang: Drama Road, since the age of eight

Jiao Huang, born in 1936 in a scholarly family in Beijing, developed a strong interest in theater during the war-torn era.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

During his childhood in Beijing, Chongqing and Shanghai, he gradually cultivated a love for stage art. When he was 8 years old, when he was in primary school in Chongqing, he already had his initial enlightenment for drama.

Jiao Huang, who was an adolescent, was recommended by his teacher to join the school drama group with his standard Mandarin with a Beijing accent and Beijing rhyme. There, he not only studied theater acting in depth, but also tried his hand at directing and acting in two plays. This experience undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for his later artistic career.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

In 1955, Jiao Huang was admitted to the Performance Department of the Shanghai Theater Academy and received a pure "Stanley" system education. There he met Ms. Lepkovskaya from the Leningrad Academy of Dramatic Performance, a stern teacher who had a profound influence on him.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Under her guidance, Jiao Huang not only learned how to shape the characters, but more importantly, learned how to feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of each character with his heart.

After graduating, Jiao Huang joined the Shanghai Youth Repertory Theatre and began his professional acting career. His stage career, from "Li Shimin, King of Qin" to "Antony and Cleopatra",

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Each character is a work of art that he has forged with his hard work and sweat. In the 80s, he was known as the "Prince of Shakespeare" for starring in many Shakespeare plays.

The road to art is never easy. During the Cultural Revolution, Jiao Huang also experienced a low point in his life. It was a period of artistic silence, Jiao Huang was forced to leave the stage, and even had the idea of suicide for a while.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

But it was during this darkest period that his mother became a source of strength for him, accompanying him through those difficult years.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, Jiao Huang returned to the stage, and his artistic life was rekindled. He played the Kangxi Emperor in "Yongzheng Dynasty", which made him famous in one fell swoop and won many awards. This role is not only the highlight of Jiao Huang's acting career, but also a classic image in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

This is Jiao Huang, a dramatist who has always adhered to his artistic pursuit in the context of different eras. His artistic path is one full of challenges and glory.

Jiao Huang's story allows us to see an artist's dedication to dreams, love of life, and infinite loyalty to the stage. Let's praise Jiao Huang and applaud his artistic path!

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Jiao Huang's acting glory and ups and downs

Looking back at Jiao Huang's acting career, it can be described as a legend. Born into a family of intellectuals, he was full of love for art from an early age, and began to dabble in drama at the age of eight.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Despite the opposition of his family, he resolutely admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy, sought art from a Russian teacher, and laid a solid foundation for drama. On the stage and screen, Jiao Huang won countless applause for his superb acting skills, especially the Yongzheng Emperor played in "Yongzheng Dynasty", which has become a classic.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

The road to art has not been easy. In the turbulent era, Jiao Huang experienced the low ebb of his career and the failure of his marriage, and once fell into despair.

Fortunately, he didn't give up, and with the support of his mother and wife, Chen Xiaoli, he regained his courage and restarted his artistic journey. His story, like the characters he portrays on stage, is full of ups and downs and drama.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Netizens' sarcasm of Jiao Huang's life

Although Jiao Huang's artistic achievements are admirable, his lifestyle in his later years has attracted some sarcasm and criticism. Some netizens ridiculed that the former drama emperor,

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Now he is indulging in cigarettes and alcohol, which seems to be using this way to prove that he is still an "out-and-out play". They believe that Mr. Jiao Huang should pay more attention to health rather than indulging in appetite.

Jiao Huang's warm life with his wife

Jiao Huang's wife, Chen Xiaoli, who is 30 years younger than him, has become an important partner in his later life. Her rare appearance has always caused heated discussions among netizens, and people have talked a lot about her red hair and youthful state.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Despite the age gap, the relationship between the two seems to be very strong, and Chen Xiaoli is not only a caregiver in Jiao Huang's life, but also a staunch supporter of his artistic path.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Netizens' evaluations of Jiao Huang's wife are mixed and varied, with some praising her for her virtue and patience, believing that she has brought color and vitality to Jiao Huang's life. However, some people questioned her motives and role out of jealousy or dissatisfaction, and some even ridiculed her on the Internet.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Jiao Huang's optimistic outlook on life

In the face of various evaluations from the outside world, Mr. Jiao Huang has always maintained an optimistic and open-minded attitude. Despite his advanced age and poor health, he still faces life positively and his love for art remains undiminished.

88-year-old Jiao Huang made a rare appearance, with white hair and pale cigarettes and alcohol, and his 30-year-old wife dyed red hair to show her youth

Teacher Jiao Huang used his own life to tell us that no matter how the years change, as long as we maintain a positive attitude, life can still be full of color.

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