
If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

author:Cai Weiyi Zen rhyme guqin

You don't have to be a guqin player just because you like guqin. Looking at the 3,000-year-old history of the guqin, you should know that there are very few real self-proclaimed guqin artists.

You don't have to stop without practicing to become a master, martial arts novels are full of practitioners, but there are always so many masters. How many divisions are there in history?

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

You don't have to compare every piece of music, let alone involve poetry and songs, as long as you like any piece of music, you can spend a lifetime learning. You must know that Shi Kuang has never played the spring breeze, and Su Dongpo has never played the Three Gorges Boat Song.

You don't have to worry about whether you can enter the piano club, whether you enter or not, only separated by the distance of interpersonal relationships, but the real level is not necessarily only known when you join the club and participate in activities. Why not learn the piano easily?

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

You don't have to hold a concert, as long as you play well, people who are familiar with it know that if you don't play well, no one will watch the concert every day, and even if someone supports it, most of them are laymen in Vanity Fair. You don't have to make friends all over the world, just have a few like-minded friends.

You don't have to post on Moments every day, you don't have to show off when you see people, and even, you don't have to practice the piano every day, Ji Kang is the same, the guqin is not the whole of life. Su Dongpo played the piano and was busy as an official.

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

You don't have to worship a famous teacher, you don't have to think too highly of some famous artists, you don't have to meet and have to take a group photo, after many years, they may be as unknown as you.

You don't have to play a big tune, you don't have to twist your body when you play, and whether you play well or not has nothing to do with the size of your body.

You don't have to wear Tang costumes and Hanfu every day, you don't have to have long hair and beards, people who know the guqin will only listen to your qin and won't care about your packaging. You don't have to spend money on gunman reviews, and you don't have to be cheeky enough to ask for good words from famous people, excessive hype will only backfire.

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

You don't have to ask yourself to know all the four books and five classics, you don't have to learn any rhythm and poetry to fill in the lyrics, you like to play the piano, there are not so many additional conditions, just play happily and meditately.

You don't have to compare yourself with your peers and be content with your handling of the sound

Every sound of the piano is an extension of life, and if you play the piano everywhere, you will lose the meaning of stroking the qin.

You don't have to be obsessed with any sect, liking the guqin is just a person's practice,

Green Lantern Ancient Buddha, you look for it in the sound of the piano, talk to the ancients, and communicate with the heart.

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

You don't have to be a selfish piano idiot and spend more time with your family. Practicing the guqin is just a garden of the soul to be alone, the oil bottle is poured up, the rice is gone, and the rice is gone, and people who don't love life can't play the piano well.

You don't have to mix the guqin with too much fame and fortune, you don't have to compete too much with yourself, the sound of the guqin is what you like, it's so pure and sincere.

If you like guqin, why become a guqin player

Remember! Guqin practice has nothing to do with the level of position or wealth. The significance of the guqin has nothing to do with whether it wins an award or not. The success of the piano technique has nothing to do with the size of the fame.

Be a clear stream and nourish your heart. Don't go with the flow, forget the original intention. If you like the guqin, you really feel it with your heart. Therefore, you don't have to be a so-called guqin player because you like guqin.

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