
Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

author:Health Hangzhou
Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

Screenshot of stills

Recently, this sentence was written by her ex-husband's brother Fang Xiewen

It's clearly arranged

All kinds of silky transitions can't be seen

However, when surfing passionately all over the web

Many parents are worried about one thing -

The growth and development of their own baby


"Doctor, my son is only 12 years old, and he has recently started to grow a small beard on his lips, is it precocious puberty?"

"Doctor, my daughter's breasts began to grow half a year ago, and she developed early, will it affect her height in the future?"


When it comes to summer vacation

Hospital Growth and Development Clinic

There will always be a wave of spikes in medical treatment

Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!


What is precocious puberty?

Precocious puberty refers to the onset of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 7 and a half years for girls and 9 years of age for boys.

Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

Image from "Too Handsome Gallery"

Precocious puberty accelerates bone maturation, promotes premature epiphyseal fusion, premature closure of bone age, short stature in adulthood, and even psychological problems, unable to integrate into society.

From this point of view, the anxiety of parents can also be understood~

Precocious puberty can be true and false

Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!



True precocious puberty (also known as central precocious puberty)

If the gonadal axis is activated early, precocious puberty caused by the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone is true precocious puberty. Due to early sexual development, the bones mature rapidly, resulting in early healing of the epiphysis, and the growth will not be high.

The etiology is complex, some of which are idiopathic precocious puberty, the cause of which is not clear, and some of which may be related to intracranial masses, infection, trauma, chemoradiotherapy, hypothyroidism, etc.


Pseudoprecocious puberty (also known as peripheral precocious puberty)

Premature development caused by excessive external intake of sex hormones is not "authorized and approved" by the brain center, but sex hormones "hand" create secondary sex characteristics, but cannot produce sperm or eggs, so they are infertile.

Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

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The cause may be related to tumors, adrenal gland diseases, etc., and the use of some hormone-containing drugs, foods, cosmetics, etc., may also lead to precocious puberty.


Partial precocious puberty

It can be manifested as simple premature breast development, simple premature pubic hair, simple premature menarche, etc.

Key points: To determine "true or false" precocious puberty, it is necessary to conduct relevant hormone examinations in the hospital, and at the same time, it is necessary to combine the results of the child's sexual development, sexual characteristics, changes in height and bone age, and B-ultrasound, etc., and the doctor will conduct a comprehensive analysis and judgment.

Stop these "ripening" behaviors!

Precocious puberty is not just "eaten", but also has a role in both genetic and environmental factors.

In addition, adverse environmental factors can also easily induce precocious puberty in children. Do you have any of the following "ripening" behaviors?

Excessive eating leads to obesity

Obesity is one of the most common factors contributing to precocious puberty in children. Obesity causes endocrine disorders and promotes the development of gonads in advance.

Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

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Parents should pay close attention to the height and weight of their children, eat less oil and less sugar in their daily diet, and intervene in time to lose weight if there is excess weight.

Long-term exposure to plasticizers

Plasticizers are found in beverage bottles, take-out boxes, cosmetic additives, etc., and if children are exposed to such environmental hormones for a long time, they can cause abnormal development of reproductive organs and bones.

Blind tonic

Some parents feel that their children are too thin and do not like to eat, so they blindly give them health products and tonics.

However, it contains hormones and tonic ingredients, and long-term use can lead to an increase in hormone levels in the body, which in turn can cause precocious puberty.

Parents should guide their children to live a healthy life

Establish the right values

Timely intervention and treatment

Don't be careless and negligent in the moment

Missed the child's life

  • Guidance in this issue: Xu Lufang, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Hangzhou Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
  • Contributed by: Hangzhou Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!

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Stop these "ripening" behaviors of yours!!