
Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Crab roe casserole

Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Ingredients & Distribution:

1000 grams of June yellow, 50 grams of shallots, 50 grams of garlic, 50 grams of ginger, 20 grams of green onions, 40 grams of lard, 30 grams of Maggi soy sauce, 20 grams of chicken juice


  1. After cleaning the soft-shell crab, remove the gills, chop it into pieces, absorb the water, and pat it with cornstarch.
  2. Heat the oil, the oil temperature is 5-6 to hot, add the crab pieces after the powder and fry until golden brown, remove the oil and set aside.
  3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the lard and burn until melted, stir-fry the chives, ginger and garlic and other ingredients, put in the fried crab, add Maggi fresh and chicken juice to taste.
  4. Preheat the casserole, transfer the ingredients into the casserole, put the bamboo grate on the pad, put the crab on the plate, pour the garlic after placing it, and then place it on the stove to heat.
Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Hot and sour lamb's trotter fish maw soup

Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Ingredients & Distribution:

Lamb's trotters, fish maw tubes, soaked black fungus, ham, cherry tomatoes, tomato soup, water, bay leaves, angelica, green onions, ginger slices, onions, parsley, sugar, salt, chili peppers, butter, tomato paste


  1. After the sheep's trotters are cleaned, the water is flew, and then the foam is cleaned, put into the pot, add water, angelica, bay leaves, green onions, ginger, and press for 10 minutes after steaming.
  2. After taking it out, remove the skin and hoof tendons for later use, soak the fish maw in pure water for one night, cook in the pot until transparent, and remove it after cooling with ice water.
  3. Boil the butter until melted, add tomatoes, onions, and parsley and stir-fry until fragrant, add tomato paste and fry until red, put in water and simmer for 10 minutes, filter residue for later use.
  4. Shredded sheep's hoof skin, fish maw tube, black fungus, ham shredded, cherry tomato peeled and chilled for later use.
  5. Add sugar and salt to the boiled tomato soup to taste, add chili seeds, add the main ingredients and auxiliary ingredients and boil for three minutes, remove from the pot and put on the plate, and garnish with chilled cherry tomatoes.
Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

A bite of crispy tofu with black truffle

Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

Ingredients & Distribution:

Lactone tofu, corn starch, flour, crispy fried powder, baking powder, sticky rice powder, chicken powder, flavored powder, seven-flavor powder, flavored pepper salt, black truffle powder, bamboo charcoal powder


  1. Mix all the above seasonings and powders, stir well, and sieve twice; Lactone tofu cut into finger-sized pieces.
  2. Put the cut tofu into the fried flour and coat it, fry it in 6 hot oil for one minute, remove the oil and put it on a plate.
  3. Mix the sweet and spicy chicken sauce and the hot and sour sauce 1:1 and stir well, and serve on the plate.
Crab roe casserole, sour and spicy lamb's trotter fish maw soup, black truffle crispy tofu

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