
If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

author:Uncle Zhihe
If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

Saying goes:

"I hope that my son will become a dragon, and I hope that my daughter will become a phoenix."

For every parent, they hope that their children can be productive and productive, and it is best not to repeat their own old paths, or to be able to surpass themselves.

As a result, some people will regard their children's grades as a criterion for judging excellence, thinking that as long as the child studies well, it represents a bright future, and it can also become a manifestation of the light on their face.

In fact, academic performance is of course very important for a child, but it is never the only condition for a child's future success.

A person's ability to go further and further on the road of life is often caused by many factors, such as dealing with others, dealing with others, etc., and it is definitely not only good or bad academic performance.

The cultivation of all these excellent qualities is often inseparable from the comprehensive characteristics of children's emotional management, independence and self-upbringing.

Specifically, when a child has these 3 signs, it means that you have raised the child well, congratulations!

If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

1 Children know how to care for others

There is such a passage:

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give love to others, to increase the ability to give love, and in the love for others, we will gain the value of life."

When a child begins to know how to care about his family or the people around him, many people call it "sensible", which is actually the beginning of self-growth.

I've seen a very moving video.

On the bus, a mother began to doze off unconsciously because she was tired, and the son sitting next to her supported his mother's head with his arm to prevent him from bumping into the armrest.

Such a child knows how to truly care about others and knows how to help others with the ability to love, which is a real ability to get along with others, which is very helpful for his growth.

In this case, as a parent, don't see your child want to help do something, and refuse it for fear that they won't do it well, which is invisibly depriving your child of the opportunity to give love, which is not beneficial to your own growth.

If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

2 Children do not hide their emotions in front of their parents

There is a saying:

"Everyone has emotions, and emotions are exactly what they really are."

For a child, this is even more so.

When they don't hide their emotions in front of their parents, crying when they want to cry and laugh when they want to, it's not a bad thing, it's their greatest trust in their parents.

Because children will only show their truest appearance when they are most secure.

Therefore, when the child has an emotional performance in front of himself, he must first feel happy, because this is a manifestation of the child's trust in himself; The second is not to easily suppress the child's emotions, but to guide them more reasonably.

If the child's emotions spread because of frustration, failure, and dissatisfaction, and the parents always scold them harshly, then the child will not show it easily in the future, but will make himself very depressed, looking at the faces of adults everywhere, seemingly sensible, but in fact, the relationship between them is estranged.

The right way to do this is to actively guide your children's emotions, make them feel that you can be with them, and then talk about things and help them solve problems positively, so that children will trust you more.

This kind of education is also very helpful for his growth, and when he grows up, he will understand that having emotions is not a mistake, and it is wise to actively solve the problems behind the mistakes, and only in this way will they know how to treat themselves better.

If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

3 Children begin to learn to take care of themselves

Children's growth often begins with quitting dependence on their parents and learning to take care of themselves.

This is the most desirable scene for forward-thinking parents, because they understand that they and their children will not be with them forever, and that before they leave them, they can have the ability to control their lives, which is the best blessing.

Therefore, when the child slowly begins to be able to do some small things within his ability, such as doing housework, tidying up the house, helping the family cook, etc., it means that the child is slowly growing up, and it is also the result of his own education.

Only if children can take care of themselves as soon as possible, that is, they have the ability to be independent, then they will benefit their whole life, even if they face problems alone, they have the ability to solve them, and they have the ability to take care of themselves.

If you want your child to have the ability to be independent as soon as possible, as a parent, you must know how to let go in time, don't do everything for your child, but let them practice and try more, only if you really have the ability to take care of yourself, then he will be able to become an independent person in the future, so that you can really achieve something.

If you have these 3 signs in your child, it means that you are raising your child well

4 Uncle Zhihe said

There is a saying:

"The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now."

So for children's education, it is never about waiting, but from now on to cultivate their various abilities to excel, then it means that the child's future is promising.

Academic performance is only a representative of a child's excellence, and it is never the whole or the only one.

If the child begins to know how to care for others, the child does not hide his emotions in front of his parents, and the child begins to learn to take care of himself, then it means that you have raised the child well, so that they are gradually getting better and better, and the parent-child relationship is becoming closer and closer.

Children's growth is never achieved overnight, but needs to be cultivated step by step, and they must be allowed to try and experience it, so that they can go as far as they can in the future!


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