
Trump fights Biden again, the 90-minute confrontation is over, the US president may be replaced, and the British media has locked up the loser

author:Wu Xuelan

Biden Trump's first televised debate is over, how will it be won or lost? The British media have concluded that Biden and Trump are running, and there is only one loser!

On the morning of the 28th, the first candidate debate of the U.S. presidential election was held in Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, which was also the first head-to-head confrontation between U.S. president, Democratic presidential candidate Biden and former president and Republican presidential candidate Trump after four years, lasting 90 minutes.

Trump fights Biden again, the 90-minute confrontation is over, the US president may be replaced, and the British media has locked up the loser

Although it is the first confrontation in four years, since the dust settled in the last election, the verbal exchange between the two has not stopped, especially since Trump has repeatedly criticized Biden in political rallies. In contrast, as an establishment politician, Biden focuses on maintaining a public image of gentleman and wisdom, and he does not talk much but there is, and at the end of 2022, in order to ensure victory in the midterm elections, Biden made a speech to the people of the United States fiercely criticizing the Republican Party, focusing on criticizing Trump and his supporters "MAGA".

Based on previous grievances, Trump's rematch against Biden this time must be full of gunpowder, and Trump, who has always liked to occupy the initiative, launched an onslaught as soon as possible, criticizing Biden's economic, immigration and other policies, and calling the United States under Biden's leadership like a "third world country".

Biden criticized Trump's poor performance during the pandemic, tax reform policies, and unemployment rates, and claimed that Trump had "plunged the United States into chaos", emphasizing that he had been "successfully" rebuilding the U.S. economy.

Trump fights Biden again, the 90-minute confrontation is over, the US president may be replaced, and the British media has locked up the loser

Debates like this are objectively not very favorable to Biden. First of all, because he is still in Biden's term, if Biden's political achievements are more dazzling, it is not a problem. However, now that the United States is in a mess, the public certainly remembers Biden's poor performance more deeply, even if many current problems such as Sino-US relations and economic difficulties actually appeared as early as the Trump era, Trump still has the opportunity to shift the blame to Biden.

Moreover, Biden is 82 years old this year, Biden was already the oldest presidential candidate in the history of the United States in the last election, and he broke a personal record this year, and Biden's personal health problems have been controversial. It was still difficult for him to have a face-to-face 90-minute high-intensity debate. In fact, this is indeed the case, some US media commented that Biden's speech was hoarse, incoherent, and disorganized, but the Democratic Party had long been prepared for this, and after the debate began, a large number of US media claimed that Biden had a "cold" that day.

Trump fights Biden again, the 90-minute confrontation is over, the US president may be replaced, and the British media has locked up the loser

Of course, despite the poor personal performance, the gap between Biden's election results is not very large, according to the poll data disclosed by the relevant website, although Trump's approval rating has an advantage over Biden, it is very weak. Overall, the president of the United States may be replaced, but the probability is only half and half likely.

From the perspective of a bystander, rational voters in the United States may be pessimistic about what is likely to be the most controversial election in the history of the United States, because neither of them is the leader that the United States really needs, nor in terms of governing performance or polling data, and whoever comes to power will only make the United States worse.

Moreover, judging from the focus of the confrontation between the two, the struggle between the two parties in the United States has become white-hot, and the propositions are completely opposite to each other, and it is difficult to achieve an intersection in major policies, indicating that it is inevitable that the United States will move towards division, and it is no wonder that for this year's general election, the British media have locked up the losers in advance, and concluded that no matter who wins in the end, the United States will be the biggest loser.