
Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

author:Old research by old stockholders

A shares:

(1) Hot news broadcast: analysis at the end of the market, judging the market outlook.

The old stock is reminded at the end of Friday, and the market will be personal on Thursday tomorrow

Shanghai Composite Index: The blue-chip weights led by the cyclical category took the lead in stabilizing upward, and the Shanghai Composite Index continued to repair upwards next week, and the Shanghai Composite Index continued to rise next week before reaching below 3025.

GEM: The GEM is at 1700 points this week, the historical bottom of the past five years, and I personally believe that the opportunities outweigh the risks.

Position situation: The recent position is 1.59 million, and the total position this year is 3 million.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

(3) Personal Position Strategy:

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

Today's Position Increase:

(1) $ CEIBS CSI Robot Index C$ (020256) (add 5000 yuan!) )

Personal Plan:

(1) The CSI Robot Index is the main hot track of science and technology, and it is one of the main directions this year.

(2) In mid-March, the robot index saw the stage high of the market for half a year, I threw the bag at a high level, and now the robot index has returned to the bottom of the low level after more than 3 months of callback, and the future development prospects of the robot index are considerable from a medium and long-term perspective, with the characteristics of high growth in the industry.

(3) I plan to increase my position today and increase my position by 5,000 yuan! I plan to enter the market at the bottom of the adjustment of the CSI robot, spread out the average price of the position, and patiently wait for the robot industry to rebound for the second time in the second half of the year.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

(2)$Huatai Pinebridge NASDAQ 100 ETF Connection (QDII)C$(019525) (Add 1000 yuan)

(The rate is low, T+2 redemption is the fastest, last week's high point fell into the bag, and other types of Nasdaq have not yet been settled, but Huatai Berry's Nasdaq can quickly fall into the bag at a high point, and then enter the market at a low level this week, and has been profitable for three days.) Redemption is the fastest time the market can step on the swing of each U.S. stock)

Personal plan: The NASDAQ-100 index is one of the three broad indices of U.S. stocks, and is a major collection of broad indices in the technology category of U.S. stocks in the external market. At present, the Fed's policy expectation of the first interest rate cut in September this year is only 60%, so the current medium-term trend of US stocks continues to strengthen unilaterally to the upside. This year, it is expected that before the announcement of the first interest rate cut, the trend direction of the U.S. stock technology sector will rise steadily. I personally plan to continue to increase my position in the market allocation at the time node after the correction of U.S. stocks, and hold the new upward trend in the market until September.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

(3) $ Tianhong CSI 300 ETF connects to C$ (005918) (add 3000 yuan!) )

(Track the trend of the CSI 300 Index accurately, the comprehensive fee is lower, and there is no redemption fee for holding for 7 days)

Personal plan: The CSI 300 Index is the main broad index of A-shares, and it is an important indicator to measure the trend of A-shares, the strength of ups and downs. Tianhong CSI 300 ETF is suitable for long-term regular investment, with more than 600,000 holders, 2.7 million self-selected and 100,000 views, ranking first in the passive tracking index of CSI 300. At present, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen from 3174 points to the 2900 point area. From the perspective of the historical yearline, the callback of the CSI 300 index corresponding to the 2900-point area is basically in place, and the stage bottoming has stabilized. I plan to increase my position today and continue to increase my position by 3,000 yuan! The CSI 300 wide index has been correcting for nearly 2 months, and it has fallen to the low range, and the over-falling rebound is coming!

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

Daily Regular Investing Section:

(1) $ Xinyuan Value Select Flexible Allocation Mixed C$ (005494) (Add 1000 Yuan)

Personal plan: Xinyuan Value Select Flexible Allocation is the power sector in the tracking cycle category, which is the strongest main line track direction this year, and is in an upward trend. At present, the defensive retracement effect of the power sector is very strong, anti-fall and anti-risk, and it is less affected by the decline and retracement of A-shares. And now entering the peak period of electricity consumption in summer, the power sector has the support of good fundamental performance. I personally plan to continue to increase my position in the power sector today, and continue to increase my position to increase my allocation. Patiently hold on to the main rise of the power sector this year.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

(2) $10,000 dual-engine flexible configuration hybrid C$ (020199) (additional position 1000 yuan)

Personal plan: Wanjia Twin Engine tracks commodity price fluctuations, mainly tracking the price trend of mainstream mainline cyclical metals such as gold, silver, and some non-ferrous metals. Recently, since the correction in commodity prices in May, gold prices have begun to return to the bottom low level and gradually stabilized, and the price has begun to turn upward. Before September this year, before the news of the Fed's interest rate cut landed, the representative gold price will stabilize and rise again. I personally plan to continue to increase my position at the bottom of the stage to increase the position allocation, spread out the average price of the position, and wait for the second rebound of the gold price to the upward market.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

(3) $ChinaAMC CSI Artificial Intelligence Theme ETF connects C$ (008586) (adds 1,000 yuan)

Individual plan: CSI Artificial Intelligence Theme Direction is the main popular direction of science and technology, and it is a direct industry for AI development. At present, this year's artificial intelligence sector has rebounded upward after bottoming out in February, and even the recent pullback has not fallen below the lower support line of the box. From the perspective of the future development of artificial intelligence technology, the medium and long-term has the policy advantage of rebounding from the bottom to the top, as well as the support of fundamental performance, and there is a lot of room for the development of artificial intelligence. I personally plan to continue to enter the market today to configure the artificial intelligence sector, and wait patiently for the low level to pick up and pick up.

Something is wrong, something is wrong! Copy the bottom or run with a bucket, don't blame me for not reminding!

Today's position reduction part: none

List of current positions: At present, the real market has been opened, you can click to view it by yourself. Thank you for your long-term likes, comments and support.

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