
The pension increase is determined to be 3%, is it the same for different pensions? Let's take a look

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The pension increase is determined to be 3%, is it the same for different pensions? Let's take a look

Recently, the mainland finally set the pension adjustment range for 2024, which is determined to be 3%. Objectively speaking, this pension adjustment is indeed not high, and it is lower than the previous prediction. However, for the elderly, since the rise is confirmed, the most concerned thing at the moment is how much the pension can rise?

For a long time, many retirees have misunderstandings in pension adjustment. It is believed that after the pension increase is determined, the amount of the pension will be multiplied by the increase with their existing pension level. For example, the current pension is 3,000 yuan, an increase of 3%, then the rising pension is 90 yuan.

But in fact, pension rise is a complex process. First of all, the pension adjustment scheme is different in each of our regions. Different regions have different priorities for adjustment. For example, some regions pay more attention to the adjustment of the quota of the general increase, but some areas pay more attention to encouraging the linkage adjustment of "paying more and getting more for a long time". In other words, even if the pension level is the same, the amount that can be increased in different regions is different. The increase, naturally, is also different.

The pension increase is determined to be 3%, is it the same for different pensions? Let's take a look

In addition, in the mainland's pension adjustment, it is the basic pension that participates in the increase. As we all know, many elderly people in the mainland have additional pensions. For example, enterprise annuity, occupational annuity, transitional pension and so on. However, these, as a supplementary treatment of pension insurance, do not participate in the increase. Only the part of the basic pension can participate in the adjustment. Because of this, the amount of participation in the adjustment is not the amount of the pension that the elderly get every month. Many old people also have misunderstandings about this.

Next, let's talk about the different basic pension levels, the range of increases for the elderly, is it different? On this point, we can give an example. At present, the pension adjustment plan in most regions has not yet been released. We assume that the pension adjustment plan in a certain area: the amount of fixed adjustment is 25 yuan, and the proportion of linked adjustment is 1.7% linked to the basic pension level, and the adjustment plan linked to the length of service is 1.2 yuan for every 1 year of service. The adjustment for the elderly is an increase of 10 yuan for those over 70 years old and 15 yuan for those over 80 years old.

Let's assume that this scheme brings in different pension amounts to calculate the increase. In this way, the difference in growth is clear at a glance.

The pension increase is determined to be 3%, is it the same for different pensions? Let's take a look

Let's first calculate the increase in the basic pension level of 1,500 yuan for the elderly. Generally speaking, the elderly with a low pension level have a short working experience; The elderly with a higher pension level will have a longer working experience. So, let's assume that this old man has 20 years of service and has just turned 70 this year. The quota adjustment is the same, both are 25 yuan. In the linked adjustment, the adjustment amount linked to the basic pension level is 1500×1.7% = 25.5 yuan. The adjustment amount linked to the length of service is: 20×1.2=24 yuan. Tilt adjustment can rise by 10 yuan. Together, the old man with a basic pension level of 1,500 yuan can rise by 25 + 25.5 + 24 + 10 = 84.5 yuan, an increase of 5.6%. This increase is still relatively high.

In the same way, let's calculate the elderly with a pension level of 3,000 yuan. The rest of the conditions remain the same, let's change the length of service, assuming that the old man has 27 years of service. According to the same method, then the amount that can rise is 25 + 51 + 32.4 + 10 = 118.4 yuan. That's a 3.9% increase.

The pension increase is determined to be 3%, is it the same for different pensions? Let's take a look

The calculation method of the basic pension level of 6,000 yuan for the elderly is the same. Let's assume that he has a higher length of service, at 35 years. So calculated, the amount he can rise is: 25 + 102 + 42 + 10 = 179 yuan. That's a 2.9% increase.

From this calculation result, we can see that the increase in different pension levels is not the same. The higher the level of pension, the lower the increase, which is due to the different bases.

There are many factors that affect pensions, so don't just increase but be sure. Wait until the plan for your area is released, you can really determine how much money you will rise and how much it will increase.