
Today (June 28, 2024)

author:Xuecheng Fusions
Today (June 28, 2024)

June 28, 2024

Today (June 28, 2024)

Rumor that the Xinjiang Nalati checkpoint has collapsed?

Today (June 28, 2024)

Truth: Recently, some netizens posted news on online platforms that "the Nalati checkpoint collapsed", which attracted attention. In this regard, the Nalati checkpoint in Xinyuan County, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang, officially responded: There has been no collapse, and the relevant video footage is the duty tower being demolished. It is reported that in order to better cope with the emergencies during the peak summer tourism season and help the high-quality development of tourism in Yili Prefecture, the Nalati checkpoint will be demolished from June 21, 2024. (Source: Xinjiang Internet Rumors)

Today (June 28, 2024)

International Epilepsy Awareness Day: Epilepsy can be disguised and difficult to identify

Details: June 28 is International Epilepsy Awareness Day. Most people have the impression that during a seizure, the patient will experience symptoms such as stiffness of the limbs, convulsions of the whole body, foaming at the mouth, and loss of consciousness. In fact, there are some insidious symptoms of epilepsy. For example, daze, absence, and distraction are common in children, adolescents, and adults with temporal lobe epilepsy; The seizure type is common in children's laughter symptoms, which are mainly manifested by inappropriate sneering or laughing; There is also a type of epilepsy with abdominal pain as the main symptom, clinically called abdominal epilepsy, which is more common in children, and the child presents with sudden onset abdominal pain. This type of epilepsy is easily misdiagnosed as a gastrointestinal disorder because of the obvious digestive symptoms. In addition, common insidious symptoms of epilepsy include lip smacking, swallowing, blinking, repeated hand rubbing, falling, and spinning in circles.

Seizures must have three characteristics: episodic, repetitive, and paroxysmal. If you have these characteristics and suspect epilepsy, it is recommended to go to the epilepsy center of a regular hospital and undergo a comprehensive evaluation examination such as electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging to finally diagnose and determine the type of epilepsy. If you are diagnosed with epilepsy, don't be afraid, epilepsy is not an "incurable disease". As long as they receive standardized treatment in time, about 80% of epilepsy patients have good treatment results, and they can work, live, get married and have children normally. (Source: "Healthy China" WeChat public account)

Today (June 28, 2024)

Reminder @考生和家长, 2024 college entrance examination voluntary filling skills

Details: At present, the voluntary filling of the college entrance examination in many places has begun. The "Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform" of the Ministry of Education has launched a special topic of volunteer guidelines to provide reference for candidates and parents.

Parallel volunteering

Parallel volunteering refers to a number of volunteers with a relatively parallel relationship in the same category and the same pitch section of the college entrance examination, and the principle of pitching is "score priority, follow the volunteer, and one round of submission". The provincial recruitment office will sort the online candidates from high to low according to their scores, and the students with high scores will submit their files first. After retrieving the candidate's score in line with the voluntary college, it will be submitted to the institution, and once the file is cast, the student's other preferences will not be retrieved. Candidates can adopt the strategy of "rushing", "stabilizing" and "guaranteeing" to open an appropriate gradient between various voluntary colleges.

Sequential volunteering

Sequential volunteering refers to the order of multiple colleges and universities set up in the same admission batch, such as the first choice, the second choice, etc., each volunteer only includes one college, and the principle of submission is "volunteer priority, from high score to low score". After the first choice is admitted, if the college enrollment plan is not completed, the second choice will be admitted. Therefore, when choosing this type of voluntary filling strategy, the candidate's first choice is crucial.

Institutional Professional Group

"College professional group" refers to the combination of majors that a university requires candidates to choose the same subjects, and an institution can set up one or more college professional groups, and each college professional group can contain a different number of majors. For the same enrollment institution, the majors with the same subject requirements can be set up in the professional group of the same institution, or they can be set up in the professional group of different colleges and universities. When the candidate's selected subjects are consistent with the subject requirements of the professional group of the institution to be applied for, they will have the qualification to fill in the professional group of the institution. It can be said that the voluntary filling method of the professional group of colleges and universities has improved the volunteer satisfaction of candidates.

"Major (class) + school"

Professional (professional) parallel volunteering refers to a number of professional (professional) volunteers with relatively parallel relationships in the same category and the same batch, with one major (professional) of a college as the volunteer unit, and the application is carried out in accordance with the "score priority, follow the volunteer, and one round of submission". Among them, "majors (classes)" can apply for different majors (classes) in the same university, the same major (class) in different universities, or different majors (classes) in different universities. Under the new model, the change in the number of volunteer units has brought about a change in the number of volunteers, and in general the number of volunteers is higher.

Candidates must make good use of the professional submission lines of each university when filling in the volunteers, and carefully check the requirements for the selection of subjects for college admissions, which must not only meet the requirements of the first choice of subjects, but also meet the requirements of the re-selected subjects. (Source: "Weiyan Education" WeChat public account)

Today (June 28, 2024)